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Stuff for signature

hey dudes, I want ot fancy up my signature for Christmas. Probably a lot of people will find this thread useful. I'm useless at finding stuff online, so I was hoping some here would know where to go online to find Christmas sig pics, banners, countdowns etc.


A foot without a sock...
There is a ton of stuff out there, google is actually a great place to start.


I just typed in:

Animated Christmas gifs

And got like 4 million hits :D


Active member
On behalf of everyone on ICMag who enjoys their browsing experience, please cease and desist from putting those obnoxious fucking things in your signature. Otherwise I have a feeling that I'm going to be using the "ignore" feature here pretty soon. :tiphat:

For the record, it's not just that they're incredibly annoying to look at, but for those of us out in the sticks who are not fortunate enough to have high speed internet that is actually high speed, large gifs slow my browser to a halt, even more so than huge photos do. I'm all for holiday cheer, but please reconsider.
all I want is a non animated christmas themed banner for the bottom of my sig. No different than putting a regular pic in but I want Christmas. I've found some but the code doesn't work here.


Active member


~Resident Puck Bunny~
You can't because of the information below your avatar and the way vB formats individual post boxes. If the admin here is technically proficient enough he could probably make it work for ya, but it would take some finagling.

Ahhh, that explains it. I always wondered why I couldn't make it smaller. I'm not so good at this stuff either. Can I upload two pics for my sig? It isn't letting me. I'm in the same boat as the OP, when I use code it doesn't. Which code should we be looking for?


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
On behalf of everyone on ICMag who enjoys their browsing experience, please cease and desist from putting those obnoxious fucking things in your signature. Otherwise I have a feeling that I'm going to be using the "ignore" feature here pretty soon. :tiphat:

For the record, it's not just that they're incredibly annoying to look at, but for those of us out in the sticks who are not fortunate enough to have high speed internet that is actually high speed, large gifs slow my browser to a halt, even more so than huge photos do. I'm all for holiday cheer, but please reconsider.

Do you know that you can turn them off so that you won't have to see them or wait for them to load?
Go to My IC --> Edit Options --> Thread Display Options --> Visible Post Elements --> uncheck the Show Signatures box