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Can anyone tell what might be the problem?


White Goodman

Hello, i have a picture of this plant that seems to have bleached leaves. I didn't think it was nitrogen deficiency, as the leaves go whitish rather than yellow. Could it be that it is too close to the light, or too much heat?
Thanks for any help.

:thank you:



From what I can see that plant is hungry for something, I say get some plant food or check your soil/mediums PH as some nute could not be assessable to the plants root zone.

Also I would suggest a foliar feed regime and a flush to even things out.
So get some Kelp or any foliar plant food to feed it during the flush and help those leaves out and then, Flush,let the soil dry out a fair amount then feed feed feed and watch your dealer move further and further out your life. ha ha

I hope I was of some assistance.

Namaste :joint:

White Goodman

ok, thanks i will try that............ flush soil clean, and then give a regular feed. :)


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Nailed by U.G.U.

Nailed by U.G.U.

Hello, i have a picture of this plant that seems to have bleached leaves. I didn't think it was nitrogen deficiency, as the leaves go whitish rather than yellow. Could it be that it is too close to the light, or too much heat?
Thanks for any help.

:thank you:

That's neither light nor heat damage.
And I doubt a deficiency from the transport pattern.

That leaves outgassing, or virus.

If it's viral, oh well!
But, pthalates, (outgassing), you can fix.

Listen to U.G.U.
As him what you can do.
It's good to know what to ask.
But even better, who.:)

Have a thankful day.


White Goodman

It is only a small box, but i have had other plants before with no problem. Maybe this one is just sensitive? Or has a virus, like you say. I'll just wait and see. :)


its just iron deficiency, dont know why people get so complicated.
Iron is an important component of the plants enzyme and is also important for the transportation of electrons while photosynthesis is happening...

Iron reacts with many of the components of nutrient solutions, which will cause a nutrient lockup to occur, If you add to much Iron without adding enough Phosphorus, you can contribute to a phosphorus deficiency , so watch out how much iron and phosphorus your nutrients have. The Leaves on the plant can turn a pale yellow along the growing shoots, while the veins remain dark green. When you have pH imbalance, it can make iron insoluble. The tissue between the veins becomes pale or white, kind of mimics the magnesium deficiency, but not yellow, iron has the white where the yellow would be on the magnesium deficiency. The deficiency starts with the lower and middle leaves, while the new leaves become completely lacking in chlorophyll, but with little or no necrotic spots. The chlorotic mottling on new leaves starts first near the bases of the leaflets, so the middle of the leaf appears to have a yellow mark. Iron is difficult for plants to absorb and moves really slowly in the plant.
Harder for outdoor plants to absorb when in hot weather. Parts affected by the Iron Deficiency are: Young leaves and Petioles.goto this link and check out the picks in the iron section


"easy growing type"
Hi all,
I think I have to go with Danny-boy777 on this one. It really seems as if the leaves are bleaching out because it does not have the the necessary food to keep up.

I have no experience with off-gassing, though a few years back I had the same off-gassing symptoms with my tent when all the buzz about it was going around. I'm still using that tent and I have since had successful grows.

To the OP, before anything you should at the very least post your EC from the runoff and the pH. Also let us know your cab dimensions and the wattage light you use. I also noticed you have no fan on that plant or maybe you do but just in case you don't get one because you need airflow.

White Goodman

thanks everyone, as for EC readings etc, i have no clue i just use yates.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
its a defeciency not off gasing whatever that is???

Solution to fixing a Iron deficiency
Any Chemical/Organic nutrients that have potassium in them will fix a Iron deficiency. (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients, or it will cause nutrient burn!) Foliar feed with chemical fertilizer containing Fe or rusty water can work well. Other supplements that have Iron in them are: Iron chelates, Ferric oxide, Ferrous oxide, Ferrous sulfate, all of these are fast absorption. Greensand, Cottonseed Meal is slow absorption, Garden Manure, which is medium absorption. Manure is most common organic iron source to use.

Now if you added to much chemical nutrients and or organics,( which is hard to burn your plants when using organics) You need to Flush the soil with plain water. You need to use 2 times as much water as the size of the pot, for example: If you have a 5 gallon pot and need to flush it, you need to use 10 gallons of water to rinse out the soil good enough to get rid of excessive nutrients.
you look if you don't believe me. lol


Active member
Can anyone tell what might be the problem?

Hello, i have a picture of this plant that seems to have bleached leaves. I didn't think it was nitrogen deficiency, as the leaves go whitish rather than yellow. Could it be that it is too close to the light, or too much heat?
Thanks for any help.

:thank you:

heyy white goodman !! what the hell did you do to them is the question ?!?! dont worry, bet theyll be fine...ive done much much worse than that and they always finished well enough !!

White Goodman

The crispy tips are on a different plant, the leaves touched the light. :)