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Military spraying "Chaff" Over NorCal


Active member
What about all those patents. im sure those never get used, right?
Whats your view on those?

NO point. I was just reading wiki and posted it.

This thread wasn't about chemtrails at first, but everyone thinks to seem "chaff" are chemtrails. There are to many patents on aerosol spraying and atmosphere/weather modification for me to just say aerosol/spraying from plans could be refutable. YOu say thay hardly use them, how do you know this?

A lot of those patents were for thought up methods, theory. Doesn't mean anyone ever attempted to build a prototype, let alone got it to work in real world. And there are quite a few genuinely innocent uses of aerosol systems on aircraft.

Some patents are submitted purely to claim a stake in an idea; an idea someone in the future might have the brains to develop.

Yeah, the thread did get side tracked. But as far as I know, chaff is primarily aluminum. Well, aluminum combustion products after its use I suppose. I'm sure it has an effect on the soil chemistry but to what extent? Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the crust, but that is in a different form then metallic aluminum so I'm not quite sure of the effects.

If other plants are growing seemingly normal, then it must be a rather benign event.
I been seeing persistent contrails for damn near 40 years.
chemtrails are a myth.

That's funny because I looked at contrails a lot as a kid. I noticed how they looked like lines of disappearing marker ink behind the planes. The skies were never filled with the white lines that stay in the sky and spread out sideways in plumes that are seen on most days here.


The Voice of Reason
That's funny because I looked at contrails a lot as a kid. I noticed how they looked like lines of disappearing marker ink behind the planes. The skies were never filled with the white lines that stay in the sky and spread out sideways in plumes that are seen on most days here.

well, I must've paid better attention than you because they behave no differently now than they did 40 years ago. There are more now, since there is much much more air traffic... but other than that... water vapor behaves like water vapor... sometimes it dissipates quickly other times it persists... just like clouds or fog which are made of the exact same thing... it depends on temperature humidity altitude and pressure.


The Voice of Reason

well... it is just that you are so incorrect...
You can mockingly pretend otherwise with emoticons if you like, but chemtrails are still a myth for the weak minded.

It would be sooooo easy to simply capture some of the 'chem' and have it analyzed to provide proof positive to all the naysayers... if only chemtrails were real... :whee:


well... it is just that you are so incorrect...
You can mockingly pretend otherwise with emoticons if you like, but chemtrails are still a myth for the weak minded.

It would be sooooo easy to simply capture some of the 'chem' and have it analyzed to provide proof positive to all the naysayers... if only chemtrails were real... :whee:

Prove they aren't. YA CANT! So your statement is an opinion, not a fact. Don't state things as facts if you cannot prove they are.



If the military wanted to poison you, there would be more efficient and stealthy ways to do it.



If the military wanted to poison you, there would be more efficient and stealthy ways to do it.

chemtrails arent necessarily the military 'poisoning' the american people...there are other theories with evidence...

but second...they CAN be efficient and stealthy, but they rarely are.


Active member
I'm sorry you got flamed. Where I live in the Midwest chemtrails are an every day occurrence. It seems like 99% of people don't notice and don't care.

I understand the starter of this thread isn't trying to talk about chemtrails , but this chaff, still seems like the same thing. This thread is total dejavu to my thread. I'm seeing a patteren in the 2 threads. Similar build up and ending. Same people with their closed minds rushing in to teach the "facts." I personally see them filling my empty sky. Whatever you want to call it , it seems criminal. I see grids , x's and all this turn into what looks like clouds. How can anyone explain that this exhaust that does not leave all day , is also accompanied by planes with no visible exhaust and planes with partial exhaust. All of this is in plain sight and similar altitudes. Explain this, "voice of babylon ?"


The Voice of Reason
Prove they aren't. YA CANT! So your statement is an opinion, not a fact. Don't state things as facts if you cannot prove they are.

Prove it ISN't unicorn farts...


It is very easy to prove what it IS... it is water vapor.
To prove it isn't water vapor... just prove what it is... If it is something that actually exist, proving so should be easy peasy. That it is contrails made of water vapor is very well documented.

why are kids these days so shy of critical thinking skills? a bit of education goes a long long way towards preventing oneself from falling for urban mythology... Do they not teach science in school anymore?


Head, beware of the Glenn Beck tactics. "You can't disprove me so it must be real." False logic.

What makes a great scientific argument is two viable theories that are contrary, both with actual facts to support their claims. This is not a great scientific argument. It is very feeble. A little sad too.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Prove they aren't. YA CANT! So your statement is an opinion, not a fact. Don't state things as facts if you cannot prove they are.

You're the one making EXTRAORDINARY claims, the burden of evidence FALLS ON YOU.


That's how it works in any sort of context, scientific, or otherwise. When you make claims that change or challenge the accepted explanations, you must provide verifiable evidence, something which will strengthen your position immeasurably.

Until that time, quit calling people close minded, and don't complain if we dismiss your claims.


The Voice of Reason
Head, beware of the Glenn Beck tactics. "You can't disprove me so it must be real." False logic.

What makes a great scientific argument is two viable theories that are contrary, both with actual facts to support their claims. This is not a great scientific argument. It is very feeble. A little sad too.
I'm not asking anyone to disprove anything... I'm asking for proof of something that would be very very easy to prove. I don't need proof of what it is not... I already know what it is.
One reason chemtrails are not only water vapor is the chembow. You can see them in chemtrails between you and the sun. Normally to see a prismatic rainbow you have to be looking away from the sun, correct? My friend did a write up on it. I'll see if I can find it.

The spate of "chaff explanations" (which sounded similar to me in wording) could certainly have been planted by military/CIA/whatever. I don't watch the news or any tv so correct me if I'm wrong, but they don't really talk about contrails much, do they? Even when they spread out and cover the sky for hours it's only called cloud cover and not persistent contrails.

Okay here is my friend's article. http://chemtrails.cc/tags/chembows/

Diffraction is a quantum interaction between photons of light and edges of atoms. When metallic surfaces have features smaller than a wavelength of visible light (nanometer scale), different wavelengths will be reflected at different angles. When features are ordered in a linear pattern (such as on a DVD optical disc), a rainbow will appear.

In the rain, or other atmospheric conditions where water droplets are large enough, rainbows appear due to refraction. Atmospheric refraction (such as from a rainbow in a rainstorm) is a similar phenomenon to chemtrail diffraction. Its important to note, however, that rainbows can be seen in light reflected off chemtrails, not only refracted from behind, which may occur under other atmospheric conditions, such as the presence of large ice crystals or droplets.
Refraction thru a prism (or water droplet of sufficient size). Refraction occurs when light passes thru a surface into a material with different index of refraction

sac beh

One reason chemtrails are not only water vapor is the chembow. You can see them in chemtrails between you and the sun. Normally to see a prismatic rainbow you have to be looking away from the sun, correct? My friend did a write up on it. I'll see if I can find it.

The spate of "chaff explanations" (which sounded similar to me in wording) could certainly have been planted by military/CIA/whatever. I don't watch the news or any tv so correct me if I'm wrong, but they don't really talk about contrails much, do they? Even when they spread out and cover the sky for hours it's only called cloud cover and not persistent contrails.

Okay here is my friend's article. http://chemtrails.cc/tags/chembows/

A lot of conjecture without evidence in your friend's articles.

It’s actually an aerodynamic contrail. It’s formed by the reduction of pressure in the air as it moves over the wing. When the pressure of a gas falls, then its temperature also falls (the same principle as is used by your refrigerator). The reduced temperature cause small drops of water to condense, which then may freeze. The (frozen) drops get larger as more water condenses on them. The different sized drops (or ice crystals) have different optical properties, which affect different wavelengths of light, which accounts for the “rainbow” effect.

A rather more scientific explanation (also explaining the exact colors) can be found here:


The interesting thing about this type of contrail is that they are actually more common in warm weather. They need a lot of moisture, and cold air is generally dry, so they are more common in the summer months, and in warmer climes. See:

As aerodynamic contrails are independent of the formation conditions of jet contrails, they form an additional class of contrails which might be complementary because they form in predominantly in layers that are too warm for jet contrail formation.

There is actually surprisingly little work being done on the formation of aerodynamic contrails. A lot of the time they only show up as wingtip contrails (which you can see are very dense in the above photo). Conditions need to be just right for the full wing to generate a contrail, and it typically does not last very long at all.

In this shot, you can see the jet seems to be underneath a layer of clouds, suggesting it’s at a low altitude, where exhaust contrails would not normally form. Although with this image, it’s little hard to see what is in front of what. I suspect that the shadow you see near the tail is actually the shadow of the plane on the clouds, meaning the plane is just above them, or in them – in a region of high humidity, either way.

From the same set, we can see that the two types of contrail are not mutually exclusive. You can have both at the same time:

Note you have the thick white contrails coming from the engine, and the aerodynamic contrails coming from the wings.

(side note here: most of the photos in jpro747′s set were taken FROM THE GROUND with a Canon 350D ($400) attached to a 1200mm 6-inch Dobsonian telescope ($300-$1000, depending on quality). In most of the shots, you can clearly see the type of plane, and usually the airline markings. Now, why has NOBODY in the supposed 2 Million “chemtrail” community managed to take a closeup photo of a jet spraying chemicals. Considering you can do it with $700 worth of equipment, it seems rather odd).

Here’s a similar phenomenon. This is taken at a lower altitude, with the the sun just right. This is a bit different as it’s not really a trail – or rather it’s a very short non persistent trail that only exists because of the extreme changes in air pressure from the F-22′s high power maneuvering.

A lot of conjecture without evidence in your friend's articles.

Whether you are correct or not my observations tally.

If you’ve been paying attention to chemtrails, you may have observed rainbow smearing (diffraction) of light reflected off them. Dark sunglasses can bring the subtle rainbows into the dynamic range of the human eye. Chembows are often visible when the sunlight reflects at approximately 45• angle to the chemtrail.

I first noticed this in 1998 when (I later learned) people everywhere began to notice chemtrails. My shades made rainbow-like colors appear in some "contrails" that seemed to be spreading out in the Western sky in a way I had never noticed before.