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No more 4 loko....


plant pimp
My job is giving away PALLETS of this stuff to us. We have to have our warehouse cleared by Thursday
Im not much for drinkin but I think its rediculous that our government wont stop trying to save us from our selfes. Couple kids get sick then suddenly its BLOWN UP in the media and on every news channel u turn on. History shows that the more u try to keep something from people the more they will seek it out and find some way to get it. People have been mixing redbull and jager for years. JagerBombs. Jus need to know when enough is enough. Too much of anything can be a bad thing.


Active member
I hate these drinks and don't really drink unless its high end whiskey, but its just one more thing they try to regulate and ban which is complete bullshit. My body, my decisions as to what I want to do with it.
Okay... but i can still mix Red bull and Vodka? I can still drink an Irish Coffee? Rum and fucking Coke?

What a crock of shit. They didn't pay the right people.


Active member
Yeah don't think anyone is gonna be getting the blue one anymore since they are discontinuing the brand as it now stands. This is much ado about nothing as usual. Couple "suburban" college students got sick and now it's banned across several states and completely reformulated in the others. It's pathetic to me and just more of this reactionary let's regulate everything on Earth mentality we have in our culture nowadays.

Amen dude. It's absolutely ridiculous.


Active member
stuff is so nasty, i go on some of the big group bike rides in los angeles, critical mass and such, it's a huge hit with the youngsters on their fixed gear bikes

i gave it a try, as well as joose, and sparks, and a few others, stuff's frickin' nasty, 4 loko was definitely the worst though, i just couldn't finish the thing, threw up a bit in my mouth even just trying to drink some

at the end of the day i opt out and grab a newcastle, follow that with a redbull if i want some chemical energy haha, good mix actually imho


Get two birds stoned at once
I went on a car ride with a dude all pissed it was banned, hilarity.


New member
Why am I still seeing this stuff around new York then? Saw it when I was up in mariaville for bisco and now im seeing it around nyc?
My hottest sex experience ever came from 4 loko. Unlubed , unplanned anal in my buddies dorm. 19 year old sophomore, legit 9.5/10. No feces involved.

I'm still proud of that bang.

RIP 4 Loko. You're forever in my heart. And penis. True story.

That shit is utterly revolting by the way..

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