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Mossy's ALF#3,ICU#2, Bud Wider & Bad Betty + Blue Streak under 930W CFL



High :tiphat:

Some info:

Cab is running 930W CFL mixed spectrum, using 3x 12cm exhaust fans + 2x to hit on leaves.

the cab can hold 15x 2gal square pots, so I started 30 beans, 10 out of each strain, I'm going organic this time instead of hydro, may there be resin!

Some pics:



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Just poppin in to get an early comfortable chair.. I will definitely be watching cos i know the gear is killa..:D Good vibes on a successful grow.. bbl peace n pufs..



Nice Hisser! Always love your crazy bulbs! And running Mossy's beans - Sweet! I'm going to run his in the Spring outdoors. My indoor room is now strictly 12/12 and I'm not sure if his beans will reach their full potential that way.

Man, I miss Mossy around here!


Thanks for the support brothers :D I hope we'll all enjoy the ride! I surely miss mossy too and the other warriors :( hopefully one day it will become a comfy place for them once again :)

Cheers & respect!


Active member
Wow, impressive setup, 930w cfl! altho im wondering why you havent switched to hps yet:)

I did a small scale grow myself with these genetics, the smoke was grrreat,

looking forward to see more of this, gl!


Sandnut good to see you here brotha :tiphat:
The CFL's are much cheaper than HPS here, plus controlling heat with them is easier, with the current lights the temp is between 28c and 30c.
I'm targeting for 50g dry per plant, and I'll be using 15 pots, so if all goes well I might end up with around 750g dry out of 930w CFL, this ratio aint so bad compared to HID's.


Active member
You have set the bar pretty high man but it should be doable, im not sure how much they yield in perfect conditions but we will know soon.

..Im wondering where you got those flower looking cfl's, they look crazy:biglaugh:


The average I got out of the same pots in coco+perlite was about 50g with bluestreak, this time I'm using an organic soil with teas, it might yield the same or less/more? plus the first time I did some mistakes which might have lowered the yield. Time will tell us.

Got the CFL's locally they are all over the place. most of them are made in taiwan, they cost between $15-20


Active member
Lucky you man, with prices like that, no doubt i would pack a cab full of CFL's ...

Man that Bluestreak in your previous grow was awesome, it turned out like a bush of buds. did you put some LST work on to that one, If you did, fking amazing job!

Id rather choose coco over organic soil tbh,yield wise, but that's just me, I've seen some good work with the organic too, so it works good no doubt.


I did a scrog for a week or two on the previous bluestreaks then I removed the screens and applied normal LST, so the screens helped shape the plant and the LST took care of making the canopy even.

My soil mix contains coco+perlite+peatmoss+potting soil+fish guano+poultry manure+biochar. It should give good yield, I'm not so sure yet if hydroponics can outperform soil or vice versa... depends on so many things, but in the end all I care about is quality not quantity ;)

some beans popped, waiting for others, one ALF#3 is already showing purple, so cute! I'll take pics soon.

killerweed31 good to see you here! :tiphat:


You will not be forgotten
looking forward to watching your finish this one out hisser!

(mossy if your out there message me!) :joint:


Thx & welcome Krull & DB :joint:

got a pic of the ones that germed till now:

Since it's been 5 days since i sowed the seeds I got a little bit paranoid and I started digging looking for how the seeds were doing, got 7 ALF's that didn't germ, so I soaked them in a towel for about 6 hours then returned them to soil, sadly I cut the root of one of the ICU's while digging :cry:, that's when I stopped. I replaced it with one Blue Streak (really missed it!). Also covered the bags with a semi closed transparent sheet on top & gonna spray them 2 times at least per day till they germ instead of 1 time only. humidity is between 50-55%.

Here's the final arrangement of the lamps:



Hope you get some of the big bushy ALF #3. The oldest ALF I have growing at the moment looks exactly like a miniature Afghani from the branching to the look of the leaves its unmistakable. I grew a Bad Betty that got so big she ended up getting a whole 150 watt HPS to herself... Good luck and awesome setup!