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Soil Question


New member
Sup all, just realised I posted in the wrong forum

anyway Ive been lurking and finally decided to start being a member ( would say contributor, but that wont be till my fictional scenario has at least a few grows under its belt :p )

Anway, im creating a fictional scenario and in this scenario I will be growing 9-10 plants, using the sog technique 12/12 straight from seed till harvest. I am planning on using one big tray as how is mentioned in the 12/12 Thread used by atmosphere. Firstly, how big will the container need to be for 9-10 plants?

And ive read that 50 % Canna/ 50% Biomixx would be a good combination. I will be growing Northern Lights and Bubbleicous in this scenario seeing as good yields have been had from these strains. Do you all agree with these joint decisions?

The dimensions are 50 cm width x 1m length x 1.6m Height

If you do agree, what nutes would you also reccommend? If no one really has an idea I will probably use the nutes mentioned in the 12/12 thread for these strains in this particular fictional scenario.

I know the nutes doesnt really come into this forum but its easier to just post here I guess. If you dont agree with the strain choices, please feel free to mention what you think would be good :)



P.S. I know some might be reluctant to give me advice since im a new lurker, but dont take that to heart :p


ICMag Donor
Hi :wave: a 50/50 coco/soil mix will work fine. Northern Lights grows small and compact and flower fast,, so they dont really need supplementary feeding. The fictional bubbelious grows bigger and might require some food. use a basic feed like bio biz grow and bloom :D

Hope this helps

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