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New Pot Law Blamed As Violence Escalates


Well-known member
The fuck did they think would happen? "Ok, you can have an ounce, but you can't buy it... and nobody can sell it."


Sad but true... proof that decrim is absolutely not the answer to Cannabis laws. Legalization and regulation is the only thing that will ever really work. all decrim does is inspire MORE black market sales and violence. Of course, that tiny bit of truth was buried under 1000 pinners and a huge pile of bullshit, but still.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
The fuck did they think would happen? "Ok, you can have an ounce, but you can't buy it... and nobody can sell it."

THANK YOU. i was getting so fucking angry with all these anti-19 people saying they want decrim over legalization

how in the fuck can you have a legal substance that is illegal to produce, purchase or distribute?

makes ZERO sense....:thank you::thank you::thank you:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
THANK YOU. i was getting so fucking angry with all these anti-19 people saying they want decrim over legalization

how in the fuck can you have a legal substance that is illegal to produce, purchase or distribute?

makes ZERO sense....:thank you::thank you::thank you:

Anything you don't agree with seems to make zero sense to you.

I'd understand it before I disagree with a point...

Even Amsterdam coffeeshops aren't "allowed" to buy their cannabis... yet it happens. To the tune of millions of pounds and dollars in taxes and tourism.

I don't know how things "work" in your head, but out there in the field decriminalization is the only thing nonmedical users have going for them that they can identify with.

Makes sense to me. :dunno:


THANK YOU. i was getting so fucking angry with all these anti-19 people saying they want decrim over legalization

how in the fuck can you have a legal substance that is illegal to produce, purchase or distribute?

makes ZERO sense....:thank you::thank you::thank you:

Unless you're moving weight the average pot smoker can enjoy their weed without fear of arrest or taxes. People will buy it like they always have, and it becomes harder for :angrymod: to find the source because the guy that gets caught with a Z or less gets let go with a ticket and the weed gets thrown away. And with a civil infraction unless your caught driving in a car you could just say you dont have an ID, give a fake name and throw the ticket away.

The idea behind decrim is that after a while the pigs give up and go back to doing real police work like busting crack dealers and child molesters. Marijuana users just make easy targets thats why :angrymod: gets such a hard on for them, they're an easy take down the average weed smoker isnt holding a gun where as a heroin dealer might.

prop 19 has been dead for weeks now, lets let this shit go and just make a better plan for 2012, you cali peeps have it so good you dont even realize you live in a fantasy land out there, go be a pot head in nebraska or oaklahoma, then maybe you'd have a reason to bitch about pot laws.

Somehow prop 19 makes it in to every thread in this forum :puke:


Well-known member
They decriminalized cannabis, but they didn't allow for a growing/selling venue. Growing and selling is still a criminal offense. There's a lot of money to be made.

Does anyone see a certain degree of stupidity here?

oh, there's plenty of stupidity, but there's also some progress, not as much as we would like though
this is pretty similar to NY laws, a few oz possession is decriminalized, but grows are still crimes
but adjustments have occurred over time, some growers still go to jail, but it's getting to be less and less
NY finally got fed up with jailing every drug case, created a drug court system with fewer prison sentences

Ben Tokin

oh, there's plenty of stupidity, but there's also some progress, not as much as we would like though
this is pretty similar to NY laws, a few oz possession is decriminalized, but grows are still crimes
but adjustments have occurred over time, some growers still go to jail, but it's getting to be less and less
NY finally got fed up with jailing every drug case, created a drug court system with fewer prison sentences

I agree that some progress is being made, but, think about it for a minute. Everyone knows that you cannot have everyone just stop using cannabis. It's a good high, it's fun, it's not really harmful and it makes an excellent medicine.

Cannabis can be grown anyfuckingwhere! We all know that! You can grow it outdoors, indoors, with soil, without soil. Then you simply dry it! Anyone can do it and it ain't goin' away!

So the legal system gets overwhelmed with pot smokers. The word is out that the control freaks were lying to everyone. So, what do they do? They decriminilize it. That way they don't have to admit they fucked up so bad.

And, the leo's, the lawyers, the pharma thugs, the alcohol czars, the logging industry, the petro-chemical industry, the paid off gov't assholes and the drug cartels can still make a big buck.

But they allow the violent crime to grow even more by not allowing a safe and regulated market, and then they say, "See what pot can do to ya?".

You see, what remains is the legal trap and the fear they instill in you. In reality, nothing has really changed. It's simply a psychological ploy to make you shut the fuck up and be happy with the morsel of shit they toss to you.

Think it through and you'll figure it out.


The sheer stupidity is so rampant, pervasive, blatant. They say this shit, but then Arnold signs a decriminalization law just a couple weeks before voting day. Oh, I guess he wants an INCREASE in large scale drug trafficking then? Totally fucked up. The shit slingers sure shout their shit loudly. Guess what, FEAR works!,...on retards!

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Even the Dutch system makes more sense than decriminalization alone. I guess the politicians just think it comes from nowhere. What did they think was going to happen, violent drug dealers were going to become less violent?


Well-known member
I agree that some progress is being made, but, think about it for a minute. Everyone knows that you cannot have everyone just stop using cannabis. It's a good high, it's fun, it's not really harmful and it makes an excellent medicine.

Cannabis can be grown anyfuckingwhere! We all know that! You can grow it outdoors, indoors, with soil, without soil. Then you simply dry it! Anyone can do it and it ain't goin' away!

So the legal system gets overwhelmed with pot smokers. The word is out that the control freaks were lying to everyone. So, what do they do? They decriminilize it. That way they don't have to admit they fucked up so bad.

And, the leo's, the lawyers, the pharma thugs, the alcohol czars, the logging industry, the petro-chemical industry, the paid off gov't assholes and the drug cartels can still make a big buck.

But they allow the violent crime to grow even more by not allowing a safe and regulated market, and then they say, "See what pot can do to ya?".

You see, what remains is the legal trap and the fear they instill in you. In reality, nothing has really changed. It's simply a psychological ploy to make you shut the fuck up and be happy with the morsel of shit they toss to you.

Think it through and you'll figure it out.

it is pretty fucked up, but what it is, is war
war doesn't end up benefiting too many, not when a careful analysis is done of the costs and benefits
one casualty in war is reason, doesn't matter what makes sense anymore, it's all about not admitting to a mistake
which is MJ prohibition is, one of the bigger historical mistakes

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Anything you don't agree with seems to make zero sense to you.

I'd understand it before I disagree with a point...

Even Amsterdam coffeeshops aren't "allowed" to buy their cannabis... yet it happens. To the tune of millions of pounds and dollars in taxes and tourism.

I don't know how things "work" in your head, but out there in the field decriminalization is the only thing nonmedical users have going for them that they can identify with.

Makes sense to me. :dunno:

...and thats the reason amsterdam has such shitty overpriced weed. It has to be grown or imported by people who are classified as criminals. Decriminalization is a fucking moronic idea and I stand by that statement. Why should a substance be legal to possess, but illegal to produce or distribute? It is either legal or its not legal.

Is decriminalization better than absolute illegality? Of course. But all these people who are willing to fight legalization in favor of decriminalization are fucking idiots or selfish amateur dealers and growers who want to be able to keep selling overpriced marijuana because they are too incompetant to operate in a legal market.

It's also quite comical and ironic how these people will point the finger at these "evil, greedy corporations" but then again employ the same or even more diabolical tactics in order to continue their operations.
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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Somehow prop 19 makes it in to every thread in this forum

Probably because it could have been the single biggest stride marijuana legalization has made in the exsitance of prohibition. I also don't understand why we should be happy with what we have, when we can make things much better.

Yeah alot less people go to jail because of our more leniant pot laws. But the reality is NOBODY should ever see a jail cell because of marijuana, rather it be cultivation, posession, sales, manufacturing, or purchasing.

Sure 19 wouldnt have stopped every injustice that 70+ years of prohibition has caused, but it would have started a wave of acceptance that marijuana is no longer some insane, demonic, mind-altering substance that should never be legalized.

But hey, what can I say? Theres alot of selfish greedy pricks out there who can easily put money over morality and profits over people and not think twice of it. At least we know who that scum is and it disgusts me of how many people that I saw come out from the shadows of our community to oppose such a ground breaking change in the prohibition of marijuana.
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Probably because it could have been the single biggest stride marijuana legalization has made in the exsitance of prohibition. I also don't understand why we should be happy with what we have, when we can make things much better.

Yeah alot less people go to jail because of our more leniant pot laws. But the reality is NOBODY should ever see a jail cell because of marijuana, rather it be cultivation, posession, sales, manufacturing, or purchasing.

Sure 19 wouldnt have stopped every injustice that 70+ years of prohibition has caused, but it would have started a wave of acceptance that marijuana is no longer some insane, demonic, mind-altering substance that should never be legalized.

But hey, what can I say? Theres alot of selfish greedy pricks out there who can easily put money over morality and profits over people and not think twice of it. At least we know who that scum is and it disgusts me of how many people that I saw come out from the shadows of our community to oppose such a ground breaking change in the prohibition of marijuana.
I agree totally, I couldn't put it as well you did! The only part is I don't live where I could vote for it!! Live in a total police state right now! Some day, right now I try to live under the radar! :plant grow:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
...and thats the reason amsterdam has such shitty overpriced weed. It has to be grown or imported by people who are classified as criminals. Decriminalization is a fucking moronic idea and I stand by that statement. Why should a substance be legal to possess, but illegal to produce or distribute? It is either legal or its not legal.

Is decriminalization better than absolute illegality? Of course. But all these people who are willing to fight legalization in favor of decriminalization are fucking idiots or selfish amateur dealers and growers who want to be able to keep selling overpriced marijuana because they are too incompetant to operate in a legal market.

It's also quite comical and ironic how these people will point the finger at these "evil, greedy corporations" but then again employ the same or even more diabolical tactics in order to continue their operations.

Decriminalization in the sense that penalties are simply dropped isn't moronic at all.

Decriminalization as it is in many states presently is moronic... I'll agree with that.

I'm not a fucking idiot, nor am I a selfish amateur dealer/grower.

I'm not fighting legalization in favor of decriminalization.

I'm simply stating that decriminalization makes sense too.

As for it not working in Amsterdam... I don't see much difference in California... there's overpriced shitty weed in both locations.

There's also considerable profit being made in both locations as we speak.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Decriminalization in the sense that penalties are simply dropped isn't moronic at all.

Decriminalization as it is in many states presently is moronic... I'll agree with that.

I'm not a fucking idiot, nor am I a selfish amateur dealer/grower.

I'm not fighting legalization in favor of decriminalization.

I'm simply stating that decriminalization makes sense too.

As for it not working in Amsterdam... I don't see much difference in California... there's overpriced shitty weed in both locations.

There's also considerable profit being made in both locations as we speak.


Yeah because its still illegal to produce in both locations, thus making people criminals, thus resulting in the age old "risk/reward" scenario.

Answer me how it makes sense to have a commodity that is legal to consume, but illegal to produce or manufacture...
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Decriminalization is legalization.

If it isn't illegal... it must be legal.

Decriminalize production.

Production is legal.

Still making zero sense?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Decriminalization is legalization.

If it isn't illegal... it must be legal.

Decriminalize production.

Production is legal.

Still making zero sense?

Except nobody will ever decriminalize production. Find me ONE example of this where you can produce on a production level. Decrim has always been a quasi-legal-not-legal area that IMO makes zero fucking sense. If it isnt a crime to consume or possess it doesnt make sense that it should be a crime to produce or distribute (which it is in EVERY decrim scenario) and if your waiting for a decrim that is going to allow people to grow and produce as much MJ as they want with zero regulation, liscensing or taxes, you are truly dreaming pie in the sky dreams....

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
You seem to know what is impossible.

I don't support your rationale... or lack thereof.

Well I can SUPPORT my statements with proof and real world scenarios, yet you cant back any of your claims. Would I like to see a decrim happend where you can produce, sell and possess unlimited amounts and not need to pay taxes, or deal with regulations, or obtain a liscense? HELL YA.

But unfortunatly I live in reality where this would NEVER happend. Everything in a legal market has taxes, regulations and liscenses. How could anyone possibly be so naive to think something like marijuana would somehow be excused from this process?

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