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got raided today!

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
i dont know what i done,i obviously fucked up somewhere along the line though.. i have always said that if your gonna grow weed expect to get busted at one point or another,theres always some little rat lurkin.. the police were realy anoyed that they had to do it as i only had one bush flowering and 4 cuts in an incubatoronly two were actualy rooted and they mostly found some dry leaf and stem id pruned from the lower part of the plant before flipping it into flower and maybe an oz of keef in a bag. they told me theyd been allocated six hours to condust the raid on my place and that they expected to find a commercial set up.
to bad you don't know how they caught you?
In your PARTICULARS or the Court File will have how they got you? the police will have to release this info, even if it was annonomously tipped off???????

Sorry to hear it happened bro


Not you bro, but I've been smelling an Aussie Narc here for quite a while.

Have you exchanged any personal info with other Aussie growers?

Perhaps sending or receiving seeds?

For all I know I'm just a paranoid old fart so please ignore me if you think I have no basis.

DO NOT TRUST ANY ONE when it comes to Cannabis growing... NONE!

Wish my friend all the luck.

yeah your quite right rojo i have smealt one too,especialy since i posted like 12moths ago if anyone had seen the marijuana erradication helicopter around and then after theyd done their raids and the newspaper printed the storey and at the end it said that growers and conniseirs alike were using sites like "international cannagraphic" to try and stay one step ahead of police. so obviously there is a copper on here and they are from the far north coast of nsw.


Only thing I can say ese is not to go around telling untrusted peeps about your grow for all you know it takes that one person or someone who over heard you talking about your grow who's relative is related to leo.

I hope all works out for ya and try and spend a few monies for duck tape for your mouth so your security is not breached.

Also if this keeps up you might do some time and come out with a loose asshole so pucker up and learn from this bad day time bust of your one plant.
roach i dont tell anyone bout my grow,and i now know how i got done! all i can say is the law is fucked in aus and if your a female in this country you can get people fucked up without even trying!


the story goes like this, i hadnt seen my son for over six months. i started court proceedings with his mother because i have had a court order since he was two and he is now 8 and a half,in the time iv had the court order iv seen my boy only when it suits his mother. she has never seen me with a marijuana plant or known me to have an indoor grow though she has known me to smoke mj when i was like 15 some 10+ years ago. so when i started court proceedings she has no material filed with the court stating why i cant see my boy,she then starts saying im a marijuana user and the court says still no reason for him not to care for his boy,mj is part of australia and is in almost 2/3rds of homes. so her and her solicitor learn that if a person reports that a child has been "exposed" to a mj grow that they have automatic grounds for a warrant to search the house. so my childs loving mother sks him to draw her a picture of "christmas trees under a light" which is exacytly what he drew her and is exactly what she took to the police. they then got a warrant the next day and raided my house two hours later.following this the family court ordered that a child specialist speak with my son and his half sister,and it was revealed that my son had never seen anything at my house as he had not been there in over 6months and also that his mum had simply asked him to draw this picture for her. considering that my grow was in a tent locked in a downstairs bathroom in a laundry and that my son had not been their in so long,charges were downgraded to cultivation and possession,rather than exposing a child to a grow. this is the work of a bitch whom iv had nothing to do with besisdes collect and return my son to for nearly seven years,and a dodgy solicitor whos own social club took out a restraining order on because of his behaviour.


Dude my heart goes out to you.

The word we use on this side of the ocean for a woman of that stature is: ****. Or in her case fuckin' ****.

Hopefully you can get around this. Take a picture of a lock on the door to your grow to show he would have never been able to get in there. I hope its not a moot point. Get a good lawyer.


im in australia by the way people,no such thing as a licence to grow over here! im not stressin just pissed that it even happened and pissed that iv lost all my equipment seed and cuts,fucked if im gonna buy pot .
Right on .Damn bro I am sorry. Best wishes to you.


Damn pinkskunk, fuck some women really suck. Not in the good way too. Hope in can get back at her some how, like fuck her over some way they can't trace back to you!:plant grow:


Feeling good is good enough.
That's why I stick to my guns and my dogs... and Tomahawk.

Not much else worth trusting.

Except you, my sweet Blessed Mother.

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