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Time Magazine Cover



Does Time even sell the mags they produce? Just another bullshit news outlet that is destined to go out of business. I think the only people that will find their way to that article are the very stoners it ridicules.

Good job Time. Way to make yourselves even more irrelevant. Also, my friend has a Time mag with the cover "Is America going to Pot?" from a few years back. It seems that back then it did have some medical value, but apparently not anymore.

Another Fox News copy cat imo.


Active member
Does Time even sell the mags they produce? Just another bullshit news outlet that is destined to go out of business. I think the only people that will find their way to that article are the very stoners it ridicules.

Good job Time. Way to make yourselves even more irrelevant. Also, my friend has a Time mag with the cover "Is America going to Pot?" from a few years back. It seems that back then it did have some medical value, but apparently not anymore.

Another Fox News copy cat imo.

:laughing::laughing: are you serious? have you ever read time or are you just angry that they didn't paint a rosy picture of pot smokers?


The article they should've been writing is why California turned down prop. 19. The concern should be that growers are the ones who are voting 'no' at the polls. The media is uneducated and speaks to a crowd the is even less educated.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
In the same way you can go to a tea party rally and just hit "record" and get all the xenophobic racist talk you want, you can go to a legalization rally and hit record and get Bill and Teds excellent adventure.

Ahhhahhhahhahhhha so true


I don't live anywhere near a MMJ State, I smoke for relaxation and vape oil/eat edibles for my back pain. Then again, in all these years I've yet to find a strain that does what a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise can accomplish. Does that mean I'm qualified to comment on the obvious bullshit that is west coast MMJ?

If you want to get high to get high, DO IT. The majority of people smoke MJ just for that reason, and there's nothing wrong with that. But when people start pretending that all the dope they're slinging is for "the patients" while prices remain at $4000+ per lb, my BS meter starts ticking and I have to step in and say something. :tiphat: If you really want to sit here and try to boldface lie to me and say that MMJ as it stands is "for the people" in any way, by all means, but that's just plain silly.
Bold face lie to you no, you just don't know what you're talking about I don't live in a mmj state either. I was talking about the times article painting the picture that has the same stance as our government has that there is no medical use for marijuana, well for your information & the Gov. & time magazine MMJ. is real, just as real as morphine, oxycontin, oxycodone. You are the one with rose colored glasses on. If you want to smoke to get high that's fine, but not to know about how beneficial MMJ. is to people & to state like you know something you don't is just fucking wrong. Your like the other people that I have met that say oh I have back pain too. Well some day you might understand when you hurt like fucking hell, have back surgery & still hurt like fucking hell & morphine dose not help or oxycontin etc. & you smoke indica & it helps more than the morphine. You hit a nerve with me!!!!!!!!!:moon:


All mj is medicinal, no need to bicker. Stress or chemo, pain or boredom, who cares? Even the most bona-fide medical among us are self-medicating so nobody's use is more legitimate than anyone else's, although some are more legal than other's.

I would like to point out though that as bad as the article has been accused of being, most people walk away with the headline.
How Marijuana Got Mainstreamed

That tells me, Mrs. Susy Homemaker, that marijuana is mainstreamed. OK, cool. See I don't smoke, never smoked, don't know people that do. But now I know that MJ is mainstream. Not part of my life mind you, but no worse than gay people, tea baggers, reality tv, cars, books that oprah loves that I'll never read, milk shakes or pop music.

Seems like not so bad a message, regardless of the quality of the following article that I couldn't be bothered to read, right? MJ is mainstreamed, get with the times...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Some people? You mean the VAST majority of people? Let's get real and take off the rose-colored glasses people, west coast "medical marijuana" is decriminalized drug dealing and nothing more.

bull shit. every use of pot is medicinal for the mind or body.
get the fuck out of here if you think it does not help sick people

Guest 10952

Yeah the propaganda continues. Atleast a few articles are coming out that portray the
"biz" for truly what it is. I don't like the cartel grows that they keep showing on NGC and other shows where they do actually tear up the forest for a huge op. In the end growers and tokers are way more environmentally conscious then the average joe shmo. Glad to hear AZ passed. Will have to tell my sis to get a card!:cathug:


I don't like people rearing up the National forests, but they the government forces mostly legal people to do things that are illegal people the medicine that they need! I mean who if they could would hide growing a PLANT to get their medicine if they could grow it in their yard!WTF.:plant grow:
I feel like this article belittles the medical marijuana movement in an unforgivable way. Delegitimizing the very important role that marijuana can have in the lives of sick people is pure straight up bullshit. Regardless of what science says (or doesn't say because scientific study is NOT ALLOWED); desperate people should be allowed to get high, people in pain should be allowed to get high, depressed people should be allowed to get high, dying people should be allowed to get high, people with aids should be allowed to get high.

the one question that comes up in my mind, following reading all of these posts; is:

what about john doe or joe six pack or whatever who reads this article? what do they take away from it? obviously, on these forums, we know a few things about being on the other side of a joint, and that it's nothing to be afraid of (far from it!)... but, i was rereading parts of it, and while i still think it is a gross oversimplification, and patently anti-stoner, could this actually cause red-stater-jack or mormon-billybob to see that there's money in weed, and (perhaps more importantly) that the weed is ALREADY HERE? perhaps that it's here to stay, and that the police in colorado are closely monitoring (or making efforts to monitor) medical grows?

I guess it's kind of like show and tell. what they tell, is that stoners are stupid, medical weed is fake, legalization failed. But what they show are entrepreneurs making it big, cops regulating weed, and having all that "fake" medical weed hasn't really destroyed our society AT ALL.


WOW! TIME sure screwed the pooch with that. Factual errors ("4 states", no, Arizona passed MMJ), derogatory racist terms (pot, dope, even the term marijuana is racist and first used to incite fear). The Gov. making Prop. 19 "moot" by passing decrim? What? There was a lot more to 19 than that. VERY disrespectful overall. TIME lost a lot credibility in my view with that crap . Not really positve or negative viewpoint, just garbage writing/reporting. Actually negative because of so many inaccuracies, half-truths, lies, way outdated terms, etc. Pretty much the whole thing sucked.


WOW! TIME sure screwed the pooch with that. Factual errors ("4 states", no, Arizona passed MMJ), derogatory racist terms (pot, dope, even the term marijuana is racist and first used to incite fear). The Gov. making Prop. 19 "moot" by passing decrim? What? There was a lot more to 19 than that. VERY disrespectful overall. TIME lost a lot credibility in my view with that crap . Not really positve or negative viewpoint, just garbage writing/reporting. Actually negative because of so many inaccuracies, half-truths, lies, way outdated terms, etc. Pretty much the whole thing sucked.
Yeah time magazine totally got it wrong. But then again alot of the medical doctors don't understand about pain either. I really don't like the tone of the story. They should of done their home work before writing that garbage !!!:plant grow:


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Uhh, let's not all act naive at once. The 'medical' scene is a HUGE sham. Some guy gets 20 plants and throws up 25,000 lights and harvest 30 pounds for consumption?

Come on Magers' Evenyou guys can't pretend a large majority of it is a sham.


Active member
Uhh, let's not all act naive at once. The 'medical' scene is a HUGE sham. Some guy gets 20 plants and throws up 25,000 lights and harvest 30 pounds for consumption?

Come on Magers' Evenyou guys can't pretend a large majority of it is a sham.

careful, speak the truth and they'll label you the enemy :tiphat:


Active member
for the record, I have a LOT of respect for Granny Storm Crow. She has imparted untold amounts of wisdom to me over the years in regards to medicating for my own issues and I have genuinely enjoyed every conversation I've ever had with her, online or otherwise. SHE is not the person to point the finger at when it comes time for the thieves, liars, and drug dealers in the MMJ industry to pony up for their transgressions.


Who exactly is being naive here? My comments were directed at the crap that TIME put out. Granted the medical industry in California has been corrupted. But the fact is that ANY untrue, blatantly false, misleading statements by the media only lend to further corruption and only bolster the anti-cannabis establishment. This is a war. But not one of the common-mans making and not one ANYONE wants or needs.