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Botanigard ES


Oh, for an effective search engine. Bontanigard ES is in a very heavy oil base. Botanigard WP is a powder. I tried the WP, and while I had a reduced amount of aphids at the end, I can't say that it was the reason.
The only thing to do with a root bug problem is to get rid of any pots that have them. Get an effective monitoring system in place, such as tanglefoot, so you can control the movement of the bugs from pot to pot and then throw the infected soil away. They can and do show up months later out of treated pots that seem clean, no matter what you treat with. 96% is worthless unless you want to be dealing with them for the rest of your days.
Trust me, take cuttings and toss the soil. It's the only way. And much much cheaper in the long run. They aren't the antichrist, but they are almost impossible to get rid of by treating.


Just ordered me some ES, wish me luck! for now I use low doses of azimax to pre treat 4x4 wool ,pyrethrin dip and rinse out for babys and a knock down when aphids flair up ..azi max helps but chokes roots ,so hoping
Botanigurd is going to work.
I've used the botanigard ES twice.

First time, I trusted the label (talked about using it on unrooted cuts, and no phytotoxicity on tested plant species) and used it at 20-25mL/gallon, with no wetting agent. Sprayed all my vegging plants, about 40.

Most or all developed brown spots of leaf burn on the leaves in 24-48 hours. Not sure how well they worked on the pests.

That scared me and I didn't use it again until 2 days ago when I had some new insect that I thought may be a type of aphid.

This time, I mixed a weaker 10mL/gallon of solution. I only dipped two plants, clones that had been rooted for about 10 days.

As of yesterday, the purple urkle showed significant burn within 12 hours of use. The other, a hong kong, does not seem to show any significant burn, maybe just some minor leaf twisting.

According to the label, it takes 7-10 days for botanigard to control target insect populations, but with my experience I'm confused about how to safely use this product. I'll keep an eye on those two plants, and try to update here.

For what it's worth, I've kept a small Afghooey in clone in a party cup knowing that it was pretty heavily infested - Call it my 'control'. ;)

Two waterings in a row of Azamax @ 1tbsp/gal on this plant definitely slowed them down, but their populations seemed to continue to rise bit by bit over the course of a week.

It started getting a bit out of hand, so just before I threw it out I decided to go with a last ditch root drench of Botanigard @ 1tsp/gal. It didn't seem to affect them at the time of treatment, but a quick check of the root ball the next day showed the same number of RAs except they were all dead. Not a spot of movement.

It's likely that this was due to the combination of Azatrol & Botanigard, but I thought it was worth mentioning...

Since then I've been alternating between Azamax and Botanigard, with a nice dose of Hygrozyme in between each to clean up the root zone between treatments. I don't know that they're all gone (in fact, I'm sure they're still in there somewhere), but I do know that my garden has never ever looked better.

Nice! Never tried a root drench personally,,,

I also would like to mention that on both times i used botanigard, I had used a different pesticide with a wetting agent about 48 hours before.... I wonder if this has increased burn chances...


is any one in hydro? I used 1 1/2 ml botanigard es in small spray bottle.. sprayed tops of rock wools in veg and bloom also sprayed lava rocks and wool tops..also added 1 1/2 mil to my ebb n grow control bucket and flooded.. I use agave nectar as carb boost so this may help make more fungi"ive grown shooms".. before this i dunked my veg in bayer lawn and turf tbls a gal. 3 days ago.. i have aphids every where. coming from vegetation in the yard .. lucky cold has shut growth of plants in area down ... I got botaniguard to treat bloom as the aphids haven't been very nice there.. havent had a good crop for 3 months and i used to crop every 2 weeks:( I hope botanigard kills them to death!!!!!!


Beta are you using hydro? what media?

I do in veg .. I have azitrol,dont bug me organic pymithren, and a systemic poison made by bayer. but in bloom only botaniguard... I may be able to dunk them in pymythren in dark cycle but thats all I am willing can do there..


Imid is the only thing to remove RA 100%.
Only in the mother/clone stages do root soaks at 15ml/gal
This takes about 3 months, but you will eventually stop them.
All it takes is one lone RA to start the whole 5 stage life cycle over again.


I also use a pymithran chem spray that i spray around the ground to get them in transit. Its been 3 days from when i first treated with botaniguard ...time for anther round for good measure.. Also going to attempt a botaniguad liquid culture to see if i can re grow the fungus and understand deeper how it works..


I have found that in areas with low humidity it barely works at all but in areas with high humidity it works decent

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