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Grow #2 running purple maroc,cheese,gws in a gl60

ive used these strains before so i know it will be just ok as i still got some room to spare.....and my plants aint tall :) ty for the concern though....
How do you compare the landscape fabric vs. smart-pots? I paid about $3 each for my 1 gallon smart pots. 5 gallon smart pots are something like 8$. How much is landscape fabric? And how did you get then pot shaped?

never used the smart pots....but the fabric i use is 10-12$ a roll and i use a heat sealer on bottom and side of bag the pot shape comes naturally......
so i took a few pictures this time since i have flowers to photograph! :woohoo:purple maroc and the great whites take the lead in speed of flowering then its the bagseed and last which is barley showing flowers is the cheese .....1st pic is canopy 2nd is purple maroc 3rd is great white shark 4th is cheese(can you see the damn sativa in it)

Well i had to do alittle pruning to remove some leafs that was blocking budsites and was shaded anyways due to my crowded ass grow room. So decided to snap some whole plant pics while i had them out of the room anyways....(i still have 2 more that are not pictured due to their size there small and lanky) but the first 3 are of purple maroc, last one is of some bagseed i got out of a decent bag..

another update cheese is throwing more calyx's now but yeah i thought stretch was done its not.....ARG! anyways rest of em are looking great and putting on trichomes....smell great too monday will be week 3 flowering week 4 12/12

well were into week 3 of flower week 4 12/12 doing good.. one whore popped nanners out everywhere so i had to chop her. guess it got overspray from colloidial silver i dunno all others are fine..i did rearrange the tent put soil plants on one side and hydro on the other and lst'd the cheese to get more light penetration and hope to increase yeilds somewhat...also helped to get the lone purple maroc more into the light.......but heres a new pic.

i took some macros of the purple maroc and great white shark as they have the most trich coverage...first 2 are purple maroc, second 2 are great white shark...

took a updated canopy pic and took some more closeups of some other plants...cheese is starting off slow...but this damn bagseed smells just like hawaiian punch has no other smell to it...well heres some more pics.....

Purple maroc #1 and #2(soil)

great white shark
lol funny thing is half the room is cheese sativa pheno lol...othrs are mainly indica as you can tell by flower sizes ha! but yeah ty im hoping for a nice yield myself after last grows disappointment


Well-known member
i hear ya on the yield thing. my last grow was my best to date-lookin' amazing. but the full strength nute feedings caught up with them and fried the girls toward the end lol. fucked up my yield big time. you have a nice canopy in there- hope you get it this time!
aah yeah thanks again im also using different nutes this time around using botanicare which im reaaaaally liking the hermie i dried and smoked was more potent at 3 weeks then it was at 7 weeks last grow....crazy eh? and alot more trich coverage early in the grow also...