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the Stephen Colbert/John stewart Thread

the Stephen Colbert/John stewart Thread

  • John Stewart

    Votes: 15 83.3%
  • Stephen Colbert

    Votes: 3 16.7%

  • Total voters

joe fresh

Active member
im a huge fan of these guys, absolutly laugh my ass off, i find john to be interesting and funny, but i find colbert more funny and love his style, i cant decide who's show i like better....

what do you guys think of them?


I find it scary how these guys can manipulate the American public. The credibility these guys has at the moment is not good.

joe fresh

Active member
credibility??i give them gredit for being interesting and funny, but thats where that ends....im not american so i have no idea what your talking bout, i would rather watch their late night shows over any other(ex: letterman, conan, leno....ect)


they are funny shows, but when tv personalities gathers hundreds of thousands of people in political rallies then i get a bit concerned.


Jon Stewart gained credibility because for many things he drew attention to wrong-doings by people in government and high places rather than saturate you with mindless, irrelevant news...thing is while he was pointing our minor to moderate issues/wrong doings he was also tossing in the same old mainstream media bullshit...supporting obama...supporting the 'left'....furthering the idea that presidents matter and hiding the true power structure of the world...along with keeping people disillusioned with the false left-right paradigm...

...problem is Jon (and Colbert) are owned by Comedy Central, and do their bidding. Comedy Central is owned by Viacom of which has directors and executives who make ludicrous amounts of money and who most undoubtedly have connections to people who want to see the public (americans) brainwashed and fed cover stories...

this whole 'rally' idea was all hype for ratings, nothing about the true corruption in the world was mentioned and the masses were hypnotized further.

...lastly....this thread will get political at some point which will cause it to get binned...


Doesnt take much to point out a few corrupt assholes they want to get rid of. Just because he takes out a coupe of shits doesnt give him any credibility in my eyes. Its too easy to forget that he is taking millions if not billions from big media.


Active member
Colbert acted like an ass in front of Congress...I would have had him forcefully removed if I was running the show and he began his "act" during testimony.

Not that I have respect for Congressmen...just the office.

Like EVERYONE else...they're in it for themselves.


Jon cracks me up sometimes but I think Colbert is an idiot.

No offense to those who like him I just think he tries too hard.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
im a huge fan of these guys, absolutly laugh my ass off, i find john to be interesting and funny, but i find colbert more funny and love his style, i cant decide who's show i like better....

what do you guys think of them?

Never cared for Colbert's persona on the show... I know its a caricature, but the annoying to funny ratio is nearly 1:1 for me.

Jon Stewart is the man though. Turned the Daily Show into a real force in news, even if they will never admit it and prefer to cling to the comedy label.

LOL, sounds like some of you guys won't be happy until Alex Jones is hosting the Daily Show.

Anyways, let's show some love for the Enhancement Smoker :D



i find them entertaining and occasionally informative.

when i want hard hitting news though, i tune into Lush Rimshot...

joe fresh

Active member
idk, i like colbert, what i like about his is his ultimate sarcasticness, when ever you see him really encouraging something like lou dobbs or bill oriely, or G. bush...you know he really means the opposite, i just find him too funny


Unlike Fox, they say upfront that they are fake news organizations. I often wonder who the fiction writer is on that network.


My fav colbert episode was when the og cougar Jane fonda was on. If you don't think that shit was funny...


they are funny shows, but when tv personalities gathers hundreds of thousands of people in political rallies then i get a bit concerned.


You do know that many politicians have acted before they got into politics? President Reagan comes to mind...

It looks like Colbert was right and fear is still alive!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Its intriguing to find out that the man who writes Jon Stewerts show is a previous Bilderberg attendee, and Jons brother is head of the stock exchange.



ICMag Donor
I love the Daily Show, Jon is a crack up..did you see him trying to get W to come his show???....it was funny as hell! I would love to see that interview! lol
Colbert is funny too, just in a different way I guess, I watch both shows almost every night they are on.

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