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Any one opt out of their "strawman"/ B.C./ Corporate entity??


Active member
That may not be worded correctly but if you know what i'm referring to you may be able to re word it for me.

You're Birth certificate is actually a corporate document to pay the americas debt to the queen of england. Your ss card has you account number to your 100mil bond your corpertion is worth

etc etc

please feel free to correct me or better yet, join in


Active member
awsome reply, thank you.
Looks like ill be busy reading for a bit.
Have many hours of reading and listening to this topic as broad as it is

have a decent understanding of it but kinda gave up on it for a while. Seems to be alot of resistance to folks whom go this route. My 215 was my own way "out'

But now
Legally tied to probation I'm re-examining it...

But to make the issue short

looking at the "invitation" to court I received today to go defend a violation which ends in prison or rehab most likely ( for cultivation in 2002!!)

I was curious if I could claim that all their forms are not referring to me
but a corporation formed in my behalf without my previous knowledge.

Ill look at any option at this point cuz I SUCK at kissing pig ass:moon:

Thanks Havalota!!:tiphat:


Active member

How do I word this to present my concern to an attorney?


"It's come to my attention that my identity has be defrauded and the courts are addressing a corporation I do not give authorization to represent" ???


You will be laughed out of court if not be sent to jail if you try it. Thankfully you have an attorney, hopefully he won't let you try that defense.

I know it'd be great if it were true, but it's just not. It's kinda like if my kids were fighting, "dad! He called me a poopy head!"
-Don't call your sister a poopy head
"I didn't! I promise, I really didn't, I called her a POOPY HEAD"
-Yeah, whatever, freeman on the go sit in timeout.
"But dad!"
-That's DAD to you bud, I said TIMEOUT, can't you hear caps lock?

I know it'd be a cool get outta jail free card, but even if, and that's a big IF, there were truth to any of the theories behind that stuff, do you think they'd let you get off the hook? Why? Who do they have to answer to? Is the queen of england reviewing every prosecution looking for people who object to their name in all caps?

There are no magic words you can say while clicking your ruby slippers together 3 times. Best advice is to do what the best attorney you can afford tells you to do. (which btw, ask him about the strawman defense if you want, he's probably heard of it) If you can't stand the outcome the attorney paints for you, flee.

Sorry, hope it works out for you!

sac beh

It seems like you would be wasting you and your lawyer's energy pursuing this. At best, you would be arguing to dismiss your case based on a very flimsy technicality having nothing to do with the crime you didn't/did commit. Whether or not you think that the government/prosecution is treating you as the individual you are in their documents and presentation of charges, it doesn't change the fact that their intention is to charge and prosecute YOU the individual with crimes. So you'd do better focusing your energy on your defense and making a case for rehab/probation instead of prison... and not exploring conspiracy territory in front of a court.


Active member
Came to the ix nay the dea iay already

was just a thought....

They have a complete BS game (courts)
was just contemplating my own

My conclusion I came to

- If I feel Im a divine being of divine rights

Seek the answer from the divine

Looking inward for the answers, they've been manifesting.....

my breeder/farmer brother is the sibling of my judge :dance013:

NOT that that is my GOJF card but it surely couldnt hurt....

el dub

LOL Good for you.

Btw, for some, this is just an idea, but others have apparently gone into court spouting that stoopid freeman shite to no affect. (Except for then having a judge want to evaluate their mental state.)



Active member
This whole concept and all of the people who support it are proof positive that you can, in fact, smoke too much weed for your own good.
Ive been researching the topic fanatically for the last 8 months & IMO the best chance one "might" have is NOT getting legal representation, when they call your name say "open" the DA will come out of the BAR talk to you in private & you inform that individual that you are aware of the defacto operation the court is running, etc, etc & it would be best for everyone to drop the case so everyone can go home & enjoy there lives. lol

Something like that anyway - of course it could go either way.

el dub

Ive been researching the topic fanatically for the last 8 months & IMO the best chance one "might" have is NOT getting legal representation, when they call your name say "open" the DA will come out of the BAR talk to you in private & you inform that individual that you are aware of the defacto operation the court is running, etc, etc & it would be best for everyone to drop the case so everyone can go home & enjoy there lives. lol

Something like that anyway - of course it could go either way.

Sorry, friend. It doesn't "go either way" at that point. The court could care less about a fictional entity claim when a flesh and blood entity is accused of committing a crime.



first off, as someone mentioned, it is extremely doubtful you can find an attorney that will present the freemen argument as your defense. this argument has been attempted in the past by some white power groups and tax protesters and there is some legal historical background where not only did attorneys present the argument but judges allowed it to be entered. it has been ruled on in other courts in a singular fashion and presidence is not on your side. peace-biteme

real ting

This seems like such a huge load of bullshit.

Where the fuck would a broke ass country like america get an extra $100 million for each person that is born?


While there are many arguments against the veracity or effectiveness of arguing such a claim, that isn't one of them.

Thought everybody these days should understand that a dollar is just a representation of a debt, so there is no problem with "Where the fuck would a broke ass country like america get an extra $100 million for each person that is born? "

Walk into your bank, borrow money for a car, and they create that money, they really, really don't have it. The money is literally created in the act of borrowing it. It is ridiculous, but that is where money comes from these days. It's not like the banking system is dealing with a finite set of paper bills, and oops, there just isn't enough to give each person 100 million. The question is simply a matter of the rules for who gets to create the funny money, and who gets to profit off it's use.


While most will flatly deny that there is any chance of using this type of defense, I do believe that it is possible. However if you are here asking on the boards then you probably don't stand a rats ass of a chance. The key to this is understanding how the courts work, and most likely you don't have a clue. That's why the little guy always gets fucked. They go in thinking they have a valid defense and are railroaded with legal mumbo jumbo. Half of the words they use will sound familiar but have completely different (sometimes opposite) meanings in court. In fact they have their own dictionary. It's a land of make believe in court and nothing about it is designed to be fair. In fact it is all designed to get you under contract with the governing corporation, whether you even realize it or not (most don't). In fact the framework of law that they are operating under is the Universal Commercial Code. If, and that's a big IF, you understand the UCC and how they are trying to use it to fuck you, then you have a chance. However no lawyer will even consider putting up this kind of defense, after all he's already sworn an oath to the courts and is in no way on your side. Having hired one, you've already admitted to the courts that you are incompetent. If you were to try this type of defense you would have to do it on your own. You will also have to know how to avoid allowing them jurisdiction to get you under contract. Not as easy as it sounds b/c that is what they are designed to do. Simply standing when the judge enters can fuck you. "Implied contract" "invisible contract"...... the courtroom floor is paved with traps.

FYI, you have not even committed a crime. Cannabis cultivation has no victim. At worst you have committed a statutory infraction against the corporation governing your locale.

el dub

duckmang: The U$ still prosecutes victimless crimes.

You must not realize just how crazy it sounds to hear someone explain that a secret coded response is required in court to win a case. Anyone who believes the mumbo jumbo you are trying to pass off as fact is just plain fucked in court.

Grow up and take responsibility for your actions or work to change the system.



Active member
Your citizen status changes once you file your first tax return...wish someone told me that before...A guy in my NORML Chapter is trying to change his back, but he even had a hard time getting his info sheet and code translation card...I'll let the thread know what happened once I hear, I know he's not using a lawyer, though.

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