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Active member
i live in southern ontario and am seriously thinking of trying to aquire my medical card to posses and grow cannabis.i suffer from severe social anxiety disorder and depression.the only way i can leave the house is to smoke some marijuana.it keeps my anxiety to an acceptable level.it also makes me happier.my mind works better,with good thoughts rather than bad ones.i would like to hear from people with their medical card with similar symptoms.i know you are supposed to be a cancer patient or suffer from physical pain etc.,but i dont,just a lot of mental pain.i heard that i have a chance to get it.i cant grow illegally anymore.this is my last crop.i cant take the stress anymore.PLEASE HELP ME!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
It's cannada. I think the worst you'll get if caught is 15 minutes in time out and no recess at lunch for a week.


Active member
they recently passed a new law,its not so leniant anymore i hear.anyways,i want to grow legally for piece of mind.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
It's cannada. I think the worst you'll get if caught is 15 minutes in time out and no recess at lunch for a week.

You shouldn't offer advice if you don't know the laws...that could get someone in trouble.

OP...Check this forum, there is a thread which details what you need to do.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
you can get med clearance for any ailment as long as your doc signs the forms. if u dont have a dr. that will sign let me know. there are a few in toronto that will sign if u grease their palm....


you can get med clearance for any ailment as long as your doc signs the forms. if u dont have a dr. that will sign let me know. there are a few in toronto that will sign if u grease their palm....

Hmm, interesting... I'd hope there aren't any crackdowns on this.

I also have depression and anxiety. Been off work for 2 years, mostly on disability, now about to try and get more disability payments.

Yeah, B2 is possible if I could get a doc to sign.

I asked my shrink for his views on MJ the other day, and he feels it's fine on an ongoing basis for cancer, terminal illness etc. He also has no problem with someone doing it recreation-aly here and there.

But chronic use he says can cause dementia. And he's never signed such forms before so I didn't even bother asking, just so long as he signs my insurance forms. Insurance company unfortunately knows about my pot usage and shook their fingers at me, LOL. :)

I will feel out my GP next visit, but I doubt she signs any such forms.

I too am tired of the paranoia of outdoor growing. I suffered from 3 days of randomly timed pot chopper harassment. They flew right over my 3 plants in the forest several times. I have no idea if they didn't see them or didn't care for just a few. But they seemed as if to enjoy buzzing properties to see if anyone panics and runs to their plants.

So now I'm gonna be stealth cabinet growing inside. MUCH safer IMO.

And the bill S-10 or whatever with mandatory minimums isn't law yet, but if it passes the senate, 6 plants gets 6 months, sometimes 9 months mandatory. One pot cookie would get you 18 months mandatory.

I'm very sad for what has happened to our Canada if this thing passes.


U would need your Fam doctor to refer u to a specialist, then have the specialist wright a report on what your symptoms are and how cannabis helps u and benefits you as a med user. Then your doctor fills out his section of the forms, you sign yours. It is about a 6-8 month wait know in Canada after u send in your application. so get a lawyer if u want to start growing before u get it, make sure ur forms are correct an accurate, so it wont delay the process. Also every time u call health Canada they delay ur forms processing for 3 biz days. MAKE SURE YOUR HAVE A LAWYER THAT SPECIALIZES IN POT ONLY CASES, FOR EXAMPLE RON MARZEL(google or yellow pages). I applied but got rejected because i didn't have the referral from the specialist, im getting my refferal soon, also i have a lawyer. GET EDUCATED DONT THINK THIS IS EASY AND A CAKE WALK IT'S NOT!

mr noodles

if you can afford private clinics , dont be shy and ask how much it cost for signing the mmar paper...the private doctor are pure cash whore and they are greedy....they sign for cash $

i cant afford them but they exists all over canada , show the $ and you will get the card period . in the public system you will have to show money too ...its like that in my province .

its brutal but its the truth .

this is sad but true .
Anyone know where to look in AB for doctors that are more lenient and open to marijuana as medicine? PM if you can provide any info...


headband 707

Plant whisperer
The following is a list of some conditions and the associated symptoms for which there exists research and anecdotal evidence of cannabis being used successfully. Please note that this list is not exhuastive:

AIDS/HIV - Improves appetite and relieves nausea.

ADHD - Calms and encourages focus.

Arthritis - Used as an anti-inflammatory and to help reduce pain.

Brain/Head Injury - Relief from chronic pain and headaches. Increases focus, concentration, and mobility. Decreases neuralgia.

Cancer - Pain relief, increased appetite, decreased nausea, sleep aid.

Colitis - Alleviates pain, spasms and diarrhea.

Chemotherapy - Helps to reduce or relieve nausea and vomiting.

Crohn's Disease - Alleviates pain, spasm and diarrhea.

Epilepsy - Reduces seizure frequency.

Fibromyalgia - Pain relief.

Glaucoma - Reduces inter-ocular pressure.

Hepatitis C - Decreases fatigue, nausea, and chronic pain in muscles and joints. Increases appetite.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Increases appetite, aids in digestion, relieves diarrhea, and decreases bowel spasms.

Migraines - Relieves migraines.

Multiple Sclerosis - Reduces spasticity, pain, fatigue, bladder problems and depression.

Muscular Dystrophy - Relieves muscle spasms and pain. Improves mobility and appetite. Aids in sleep.

Nausea - Highly effective in relieving nausea.

Chronic Pain - Reduces pain.

Paraplegia/Quadriplegia - Relieves muscle spasms and neuralgia.

Parkinson's Disease - Reduces tremors, spasms, and pain. Increases mobility and appetite.

Radiation Therapy - Relieves nausea and vomiting. Increases appetite and energizes.

Seizure Disorders - Reduces seizure frequency.

Sleep Disorders - Sleep aid.

Substance Addiction and Withdrawal - Decreases cravings, reduces withdrawal symptoms, reported to help addicts stay off hard drugs.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
There are a whole new host of symptoms you can go over with your doctor . If your doctor gives you a hard time then there are other alternatives so don't give up hope !! I will pm a place you can contact peace out Headband707


Been trying for a grow liscence for a few yrs now....am presently waiting to get into a pain clinice for assessment.
I have Hep C,Cirrhosis,chronic depression,severe muscle spasms that are crippling at times,anxiety disorder,can,t sleep or eat .Been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and a whole lotta other things...My Doc says sorry you don,t meet the criteria for marijuana use.I have been taking morphine for 12 years now and am addicted to the point I can,t go a day without it.All my other pills I refuse to take.
Marijuana does work great for majority of my symptoms. I,m venting b,cause I know ppl. growing legally for a sore back or depression.btw I,m 61 yrs old and don,t feel like going to jail for growing my own.,,,Seems to me the system is f**ked up big time.With the state of my liver I am not going to live to a ripe old age.I,m weak and frustrated and it only compounds my situation,due to the BS being thrown at me....But you know what...that,s how the system works a lot of the times.That,s the only thing that gives me a laugh when I am bed-ridden for a few days without a pick me up and the reality of all the shit is easier to bear........Laughter is the best medicine when you can,t get the right medicine...sorry for the raant but had to air it...I hope those of you out there trying to grow your own meds have better luck than I am having....tomorrow,s another day I hope

Been trying for a grow liscence for a few yrs now....am presently waiting to get into a pain clinice for assessment.
I have Hep C,Cirrhosis,chronic depression,severe muscle spasms that are crippling at times,anxiety disorder,can,t sleep or eat .Been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and a whole lotta other things...My Doc says sorry you don,t meet the criteria for marijuana use.I have been taking morphine for 12 years now and am addicted to the point I can,t go a day without it.All my other pills I refuse to take.
Marijuana does work great for majority of my symptoms. I,m venting b,cause I know ppl. growing legally for a sore back or depression.btw I,m 61 yrs old and don,t feel like going to jail for growing my own.,,,Seems to me the system is f**ked up big time.With the state of my liver I am not going to live to a ripe old age.I,m weak and frustrated and it only compounds my situation,due to the BS being thrown at me....But you know what...that,s how the system works a lot of the times.That,s the only thing that gives me a laugh when I am bed-ridden for a few days without a pick me up and the reality of all the shit is easier to bear........Laughter is the best medicine when you can,t get the right medicine...sorry for the raant but had to air it...I hope those of you out there trying to grow your own meds have better luck than I am having....tomorrow,s another day I hope


This is the sad part, someone with the things you've been diagnosed with(even just one) should have the right to choose this medicine. Man this place is all kinds of fucked up, hopefully you can find some help. Maybe headband can help you out with some info...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Been trying for a grow liscence for a few yrs now....am presently waiting to get into a pain clinice for assessment.
I have Hep C,Cirrhosis,chronic depression,severe muscle spasms that are crippling at times,anxiety disorder,can,t sleep or eat .Been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and a whole lotta other things...My Doc says sorry you don,t meet the criteria for marijuana use.I have been taking morphine for 12 years now and am addicted to the point I can,t go a day without it.All my other pills I refuse to take.
Marijuana does work great for majority of my symptoms. I,m venting b,cause I know ppl. growing legally for a sore back or depression.btw I,m 61 yrs old and don,t feel like going to jail for growing my own.,,,Seems to me the system is f**ked up big time.With the state of my liver I am not going to live to a ripe old age.I,m weak and frustrated and it only compounds my situation,due to the BS being thrown at me....But you know what...that,s how the system works a lot of the times.That,s the only thing that gives me a laugh when I am bed-ridden for a few days without a pick me up and the reality of all the shit is easier to bear........Laughter is the best medicine when you can,t get the right medicine...sorry for the raant but had to air it...I hope those of you out there trying to grow your own meds have better luck than I am having....tomorrow,s another day I hope


Bra I don't even have to read your whole message to know your a Catagory #1 and I'm Pm'ing the clinic to you right now if you can't get help from your doctor. Don't even sweat it it bro all will be okay lol peace out Headband707:tiphat:

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
Just a couple questions???
does anyone know if I am having problems getting signed in my prov. , can I go to another prov. where docs are more open minded?

can naturopath's sign mmar ? or just dispensary papers?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Just a couple questions???
does anyone know if I am having problems getting signed in my prov. , can I go to another prov. where docs are more open minded?

can naturopath's sign mmar ? or just dispensary papers?

nope Provice has nothing to do with it . If your having a hard time either get a new doc or contact the clinic I will send you peace out Headband707:tiphat:

I pm'ed the info to you

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Been trying for a grow liscence for a few yrs now....am presently waiting to get into a pain clinice for assessment.
I have Hep C,Cirrhosis,chronic depression,severe muscle spasms that are crippling at times,anxiety disorder,can,t sleep or eat .Been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and a whole lotta other things...My Doc says sorry you don,t meet the criteria for marijuana use.I have been taking morphine for 12 years now and am addicted to the point I can,t go a day without it.All my other pills I refuse to take.
Marijuana does work great for majority of my symptoms. I,m venting b,cause I know ppl. growing legally for a sore back or depression.btw I,m 61 yrs old and don,t feel like going to jail for growing my own.,,,Seems to me the system is f**ked up big time.With the state of my liver I am not going to live to a ripe old age.I,m weak and frustrated and it only compounds my situation,due to the BS being thrown at me....But you know what...that,s how the system works a lot of the times.That,s the only thing that gives me a laugh when I am bed-ridden for a few days without a pick me up and the reality of all the shit is easier to bear........Laughter is the best medicine when you can,t get the right medicine...sorry for the raant but had to air it...I hope those of you out there trying to grow your own meds have better luck than I am having....tomorrow,s another day I hope


Okay yesterday I didn't have time to answer Jarff post and I have been thinking about how truely awful it is for this guy and he goes to his SO_CALLED doctor with all these problems and the tool has the gaul to tell him he doesn't quailify!! are you shitting me!!!!! On what planet ? and how much is this guy supposed to suffer before this doc says it's okay? These doctors are like massacists wanting to see you suffer as long as it's not them it's all good. Well enough is enough and I have heard enough from thousands upon thousands of Canadians saying the exact same thing. These are our doctors and these are the guys we pay for what ,to do what? Give us pills that don't work and shove us out of their office and never listen to us and treat us like garbage?They say this is the best country in the world lol Well I beg to differ ,, try being sick ,,what a scam we get to pay for. No wonder ppl go rouge lol..Well Jarff ,,you not only qualify you do in spades and you need another doctor I have sent you the clinic to hurry things along for you but I would still say get yourself a better doc then the asshole you have now bro ..
peace out Headband707:tiphat:

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