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If you could go anywhere...Where would you live?


Active member
I, for one, would never consider leaving the USA. If a job was optional, I'd most certainly find a spread in some remote town in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

But that's kind of what I have now...I'm looking for a little fun now.

Vegas would be the last fucking place I would go, to enjoy a tranquil life.

Austria, adopt me please.

I'm looking for some "action" after years of dullness living in the sticks.

Of the places I've been to, Hawaii is beautiful, but very expensive. If money were no object, I could get lost there.
I love Brazil-inexpensive and fabulous women-beautiful beaches and great natural beauty. Jamaica is fun to visit, but you would not want to live there. Spain and Belize sound really nice, but have never been . I plan on visiting Belise and Costa Rica.
Sorry to say, but Las Vegas is the last place on earth I would want to live. It's a desert, and everything there is artificial. I would not go back there (have been several times) even if you paid. If the houses were free, I still wouldn't go. Too far from the ocean, and just an all around garish and sleazy place.
If you are filthy rich many places would be nice....

I lived on Oahu for 4 years and it was great. But I can't afford to live there.

I've pretty much decided to cut way back and become a "wanderer". Go someplace for 6 months to a year...or more if I really like it...and just try everywhere... Miami, Vegas, and anywhere else I'd like to go.
Heh heh heh! My prediction is after a couple years of "fun", you'll be longing for that boring spread back in the sticks :ying:

Amen, been there, done that, got the shirt. I bet others here have too. I'm in "my place" now (bunches of years) have had my retirement plan for as long. Just gonna move a few more miles north to retire someday, get just a little bit more rural. As I've told my kids. you will reach an age when you realize peace and quiet are actually groovy sometimes.
If settling down was the only choice, Alaska. I like my privacy coupled with beauty. However, procuring an RV and roaming the North American continent has a definite allure.

Rabbi Reefer

I would settle down somewhere in the Caribbean. Nice weather, local rum, babes in next to nothing on the beach, and plenty of Kosher Kush™


Active member
Thanks for all the replies...they all sounds great.

I'm surprised nobody from Vegas said anything. It's on my shortlist. Besides, I can get a house there for practically nothing these days.

I'm looking for a LOT of shit to do. And a lot of wild ladies to get high with.
Bro no one is saying anything about Vegas because its not fun after awhile living there , thats probly why most just visit for a few days then get the phuck out, atleast imo. Each and to their own however its in the middle of nowhere and the traffic is horendous, if not for the tourists on the weekends its the folks coming and going from work on the weekdays it drove us nuts, pardon the pun. Its hard to handle more than 3 days there now. However if you do move there Henderson is definitely an area to peep out, its nice and the last time i was there it was fairly reasonable on cost of living. Best endeavors


Well-known member
look fellas-its obvious that we need to open a ganja retirement village!
I'm being serious here!

el dub

Vegas is a plastic shit hole, imo. I think the OP must want to ride hookers in a bad way, seeing how he is newly single.



Except for the bit about the English language, I would head for the Pyrenees Mountains (France or Spain). I wouldn't stay in the USA -- it's turning into a tyrannical police state. Los Vegas? It's 10 years or less from being reclaimed by the desert -- Lake Meade water level is down by 120 feet, with no prospect for improvement.


Like maybe chip in and buy an island somewhere?

Like maybe chip in and buy an island somewhere?

look fellas-its obvious that we need to open a ganja retirement village!
I'm being serious here!

Maybe in the Lesser Antilles ... interesting concept, short on cash.