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LB price for mexi weed around the US


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
This similar to the quality we get, though it flucuates. BTW this isn't my pic I just saw it and noticed it was practically identical to what we tend to get down here.

Florida prices:

Dirty Dirt: 500-800 lb depending on who you know/quality/time of year. Sometimes surprisingly good sativas...mostly horrible, moldy, disgusting sticks, seeds and stems.

Mids/Zona: 800-1,000 lb Fairly common...fairly reliable quality. nothing to write home about but good blunt weed. Generic indica dom type buzz.

Sexy Mexi: 1,000-1,400 lb varies in quality/strain but can be exceptional at the price. Harder to find and seasonal. Some of the best weed i've ever smoked has been from Mexico.
Not sure, i haven't bought or thought about smoking that bullshit in many years...probably like 10 or so maybe longer...Its been a long time....I'll stick to the grade AAA ganj. But, when I was younger, in my teens early 20's, I was getting 5 lbs for 2500......and thats good for around here, Im far from Cali....These days, i would have no idea...I don't even think people are still smoking that shit....if they are, that is so 90's....lol.. even then, I was more into getting bulk of soome middies, which was alittle more, but not by much...and instead of getting rid of the dirty dirty for 20 and 1/8 and 30 a cutie, the middies would go for 25 and 50.....but again, thats along time ago, when things weren't so complicated, and I didn't have so much responsebility, like we all have these days...Now im bald and I cant see very good at night, i have to drink all these nasty shakes to get my calcium,when i fall down, I break 2 or 3 bones and erectile disfunction is running rampant....Growing up sucks...lol...Time for my afternoon nap.


yeah not a big fan of the brick, would never smoke it, but wholesale in the Northeast they are going for $7-800 or for one you might pay $1000-1200

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
I'm surprised that brick weed still exists and has a market in these times. I haven't seen any in years. Even as a kid, what we smoked wasn't sinse, but it wasn't brick either.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
The closer you are to the boarder the more you see and the cheaper it is, it's as simple as that.

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