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Plants stretched from being too close, should I trim down, or flower as is?


As the title suggests, I crammed too many plants too close, I need to get a second light. Originally everything was okay, as I had the rail going 24/7, but the "Light Mover" motor is too loud and caused too many vibrations in the room it is in. The room is not fully outfitted.

Anyway, before I get away from my point...

Should I flower my plants as is, or trim them down and veg for another week?

(pics in next post, give me an hour)


These are the smaller plants, I had left overs from the previous batch, that were very ready to go into flower last batch but I didn't have enough 5 gal pots left at the time, so they stayed in their 4" pots until I had the pots. These plants stayed in veg and joined the new clones. Many of these plants are much larger, and although, I have a good amount of upper foliage, I am concerned about the height. I have plenty of ceiling room, but I prefer shorter plants. Also, I am concerned that because I had an emergency and left for a few days, I left a guy in charge of watering, but he didn't water enough and much of the lower foliage died. Oh, well, lesson learned, but emergencies happen. Anyway, because of this, I do not want to cut off the majority of my plants. I am thinking of going ahead and flowering ahead, and tying up what I can.... I just feel like because of the stretching my nodes are too distance my buds will lack in size. (I am not concerned as much over yield, as the size of the buds.. although, I do not want to decrease my yield by more than say 10% just to have large buds. Yield + Quality is the goal still.)


This is the smaller plant, and how I prefer them before going into flowering:


This is the plants I feel are stretched more than I like:

The images might not be up yet, they are still uploading.


Active member
Just top them & pop them, & let them veg longer. Stems look a bit spindly. I would veg them at least another 2 weeks to let the stems thicken.


Just top them & pop them, & let them veg longer. Stems look a bit spindly. I would veg them at least another 2 weeks to let the stems thicken.

Pretty much what I was thinking, but was trying to get some others advice.

And durka ... not enough lights at the moment to cover that much area. I will take a bunch of clone off these for my second room :)

Thanks for both your inputs!!