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soil wont dry out.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Been very cold here and have noticed that the pots are not drying out. I have not watered in 4 days and the soil still seems wet very cold. Some of the leaves have started to reverse cup like a U also growth rate has slowed with a small amout of yellowing. I watered a small amount today moved them inside and wont water untill they droop or the soil is dry. Dont know what else it could be. Im pretty sure its the water and cold. I need to warm these girls up and get the soil to dry allot.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
ya got that to. Just going to wait it out. I can foliar feed until I see the soil dry out.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
they have been in flower for 2 weeks here is pic



fan is best option... other than to heat the room... i have same problem in winter in a stealth cab ina part of the house that aint heated at night


If your room isn't getting hot enough add some more light or reduce some ventilation. Almost that time of year that I am gonna buy a new 1k to replace one of my 600's. My room only has 3/4 inch or less plywood separating my room from the outdoors.

joe fresh

Active member
yeah even with out the pic i was going to say over fert, but the pic just confirms it....i have actually noticed that when i dont fert enough the pots dry up too quick and i get deficiencies real quick, but when i fert enough i dont have to water for 3-4 days, when i over fert the pots stay wet for very long and seem to never dry out.....just a little thing i picked up on recently.....

so i would def say give it a big flush, make sure to really rinse her out good, then let her sit and dry for a bit, basicly as long as it takes....then after its fry and its time to water give nutes at half strength and start there......


Till the fist few inches of the soil on top. You could also take a small stake and puch holes to the bottom of the container......about the size a worm would make in nature. Plus increase your air movement. Lower your air intake and exaust if possible.



Active member
U only problem is the cold dont turn on any dehum or extra fans that only fuck it up more

U need to add some heat to u grow room, i also get very low outdoor temps and need to supplement with some extra heat.

I use a propan heater in winter time and use it all thu veg and flower but turn off the heater in the last 10days.

try and keep u temp when light is on around 25 to 28 degree celcius and 18 to 20 when light off.

If i dont have good and stabil temps my yeild drops alot when temps are in range i hoover around 1 gpw.

But like u write u already know it so get those temps fixed =))))

Btw how is u lamps set up

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