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(( LoKey's 1020 tray, 161w cfl micro closet cab ))

It really does look amazing. I really like how black the leaves are, it makes the crystals really pop and that burgundy red on the underside of the top cola leaves looks great. Good luck with the reveg, that way you can take clones and get a a full run in. Id loved to see your cab filled with that black yummy goodness. I bet with a good flush that pot will be tasty, I mean its making me drool and Im just looking at a picture of it :yummy: The picture of the one clone also looks like its really starting to pack on some weight. It really sounds like your starting to figure out your space and the plants your growing. Good luck with some good nug, I can't to see some harvest shots. It'll be here before you know it, and you'll be on your cycle then pumpin out alil nug each week. I cant wait to get there again myself. I got 2 outa 5 clones rooted right now and Im sure the other 3 will be ready tomorrow so I plan on building a dwc and starting to document my own personal grow tomorrow night. Your grow is looking great as always and is really moving along nicely. Ill keep checking in & im really looking forward to some harvest shots.

Keep Growin & Be Safe


I mean its making me drool and Im just looking at a picture of it :yummy: The picture of the one clone also looks like its really starting to pack on some weight. It really sounds like your starting to figure out your space and the plants your growing. Good luck with some good nug, I can't to see some harvest shots.

the thing is that one clone is probably gonna produce as much weight as all the other plants combined, and the thing is i know that clone grew no where near optimal conditions, so its gonna be interesting to see what possible from everything once i can get things dialed.

As for the black plant, i can tell you i wont run a full cab of it (maybe half if it good), just cause i like verity, and the thing is i really want to run this one runt seedling again out of the plants that will be harvest shortly , cause it smells so good, its fruity and fresh (orange mango grapefruit candy, with a fresh invigorating undertone which is coming out more now) the plant is serious half the size of the rest at maybe 8" tall, but its actually gonna yield pretty well comparably to the other plants, but i really want that one to reveg and be able to run it in clone form. Just haven't taken a sole shot of it cause well its the runt and isnt much to look at well apart from the resin, but its smell is where it shines (hopefully its smoke as well, and that the smell stay or gets better after curing)

But yeah cant wait to get some new mothers going and see how they run in clone form, all while dialing thing in better ;)

side note i need to build a better carbon filter as the lame excuse for what im using now is definitely not as good as i would like, so if i rebuild this cab i might decide to run an external carbon filter (vertical with the fan blowing into it), it will definitely not be as stealth looking but if the filter is hiding behind clothes and boxes it doesnt matter as much, i just know i have to increase the surface area so the air velocity isn't as high, so the carbon can go to work more effectively, and bonus would be it would act as a muffler as well


Well ended up chopping down two plants today, one was that black one, and the other was the one seedling that grew to tall initially and i had to bend over (more like snap),

Should get a couple grams off them once dried (did a wet weight measure for an estimate) which will be enough to last me around a month with how much i smoke, but now i just need some of the clones in the veg chamber to hurry up and grow so i can throw these harvested seedlings up there to get revegged, as right now they are just gonna reside in the flower chamber till i have room again


Well two more got the chop today, that leaves two clones and two seedlings left in flower, but the clones will be left in till sunday minimum (even though there pretty cloudy, i know they can fill out some more), and the one seedling might get the chop friday-ish, which leaves the one fruity run seedling left, but i will give it a better look over sunday and see if it wants more time or not

oh only reason why im not posting pics of the gals at chop is well they aren't that impressive (will yield around 2grams dried per seedling, due to my actions and growing conditions), but ill take a shot of the dried stuff when they're done, and a shot of the one clone cause it will produce at least a decent yeild, not that im complainign about the others cause im now stocked for a good month or two once it drys


meah, it may not be alot but its all yours. I guess now this just makes room for the other strains you want to run

Yep :), the seedlings were well just pathetic anyways, but they were grown solely just to pick out some mothers and refine them further after a clone run.

The new clones on the other hand that are currently going through right now, i know will yield more than that one clone thats almost done, as they're already leaps ahead comparably to how the last batch was at the same time, that and there is so much more tweaking and changes that can be done to improve yield/efficiency, i just have to find out what those tweaks are, as i know im far from dialed in.

But im heading in the right direction ;)

right now and on the next set of clones im trying the difference between pruning off the big fan leaves when they get too big to open up the canopy so light can access the lower foliage, vs keeping them till mid flower (week 5-6ish) if not till the end of flower if things don't get overly crowded. Also not to mention the minor lollypopping which will definitely help a bit


Well lets call the this picture "The Great Purge"

This is the reason why, i was throwing some clones into bottles so that they might be ready to go into flower by sunday-monday. Well after trying to figure out how i was gonna structure it so i had a even perpetual cycle going (i was figuring 5 to 6 in every 3 weeks). So with that in mind and having 8 clones ready to go to flower soon, i figured i needed to thin out the herd a little, so two Safari Mix A clones bit the dust just cause i already had 4 in flower and wanted to make those clones an even 6. Well that still meant that i had 7 clones (at 2.5-3.5weeks respectively) still in flower, which would throw the cycle off if i wanted to throw 6 into flower soon, and another six 3 weeks from that.

So i decided to cull the one Safari Mix A clone as it was the smallest out of the bunch (not height just growth), but here is the kicker, when culling it guess what i noticed "nanners" not ripe thankfully but pollen sacs none the less

So i proceeded to check out the other Safari Mix A clones, and low and behold they had nanners as well, well that gave me reason to kill all of them including the mother which i was thinking of doing after this run anyways (due to growth structure, yield, and smoke, and to refine my mother selection), but i guess they felt my intentions and tried busting a nut over anything in the cab to prolong their genetics.

Fortunately the ganja goddess must of been watch over me for spotting it in time "or so i thought". Well decided that i should watch the other clones that are in flower over the next couple weeks just to see if the the pollen sacs were just genetics, or environmentally stress induced cause saturday the lights were off for an extra 3 hrs by accident, and one of the other clones might of had one minuscule cluster, but i could of been seeing things.

So i don't know if it was a outside stress or genetics, but saying that any plant that is that touchy, doesn't belong in my cab, and they will have those hermie genes either way, and that's something i dont want. I also have some seeds made from a Safari Mix A as the mother plant (around 45 seeds), but their gonna get tossed as well, maybe in spring somewhere randomly though (no intentions to harvest, just to see what they do)

Now here the other thing reason for the edit of this post, decided to take a look at the girls left who were pretty well done flowering, well some of the calyxs possibly were just starting some seeds, as i found a couple really tiny starting seeds in a couple of them (roughly a week or so old), so that leads me to believe some pollen escaped in the cab, about a week or so ago, which could of been caused by the safari mix clones, or one of those new seedlings i was running through, so all the girls got the chop just to prevent any seeds from growing.

So oh well, but got some harvest:jump: , and now i have alot more room lol
Last edited:


Sunday so you know what time it is "update time"

well nothing has changed since the purge, and the clones aren't ready for flower yet (knew they weren't gonna be ready anyways but was being optimistic), but i figure the SMB clones will be ready to go probably wednesday, as for the Mandala #1 clones, i have no idea as the one clone is packing on inter-nodes but is getting nothing for height, then again its growing like a seedling and has symmetrical growth and was one of the clones that survived the dampening off/mold cloning problem, so it could just be slow to get back to norm, but the other two are asymmetrical and are showing more stretch, so ill be watching them as i want them to hit 5" before throwing them to flower.

As for the one were following were at day 21 and its around 15-16" with the top tied over, as i miss calculated the start heights and it came out a couple inchs taller than i wanted


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Plants are looking superb bro!!!!
do you clone in water or soil/soiless?? sorry if I missed that...I have horrible luck with water...
I'm subscribed now!!!!!!!!!!
take care and great work!!


Plants are looking superb bro!!!!
do you clone in water or soil/soiless?? sorry if I missed that...I have horrible luck with water...
I'm subscribed now!!!!!!!!!!
take care and great work!!

I just use the same soilless mix that i use for everything else (just partially sterilized as i was having some mold/dampening off issues on one run but its solved now) but i more or less follow OldTimer1 (from OG) cloning method, as it has worked the best for me, and ive tried aeroponic, bubble, perlite, vermiculite, and pretty much any combo of the above, here's a link


what i found that helped me the most was creating a 100% humidity environment (a plastic bag in my case) for the first week to week and half, the bonus is i only need a 3.5" square pot to pump out 6-9 clones every two weeks, no water changing, no air pumps, no hassle :dance013:


Well its wednesday, and i said "Fuck it, their close enough", so the clones are now in flower, the SMB's still need ideally .5" but they will have that by tomorrow, as for the mandala #1 clones, i have no idea what their starting height is, but i have a feeling their around the 5-6" range, but most of them are in the flower section right now at 3.5-4" so we will see.

Im also trying something with two clones (one each of the two strains), i transplanted them into a fluffier soil a couple days ago just to see if it will allow quicker fuller root growth, so they might lag a tiny bit out of the gate due to the transplanting, but if they do better than the others, then i know the fluffier mix is better (its my base soil mixed 50% with peat), a side bonus is this mix retains a bit more water, which should be beneficial in my application.

Also transplanted all those seedlings into bigger bottles and moved them to veg, (just gonna wait till they revert back to normal growth and grow to about 5" high then throw them to flower so i can get a decent yield off them, and transplanted the moms to be into fresh soil, and smaller containers. The one is already throwing out new growth and looks like a mini bush, but im not expecting any normal growth or in any capacity for another 3 weeks, also cut some clones as well.

The last thing, i upgraded my carbon filter the other day, by making an external one out of parts i had around the house and taped it to the cab, so cost was $0 but to replicate it, its about $20-25. So far its working WAY better than the old small internal one, and due to the increased airflow (less pressure cause of the size) my temps in my veg chamber have dropped, but they are averaging around 4 degrees F more than ambient.

Now if i didn't have clothes on hangers to covering it, it would look a bit odd, but not that much more than a box with some intakes and exhausts ports on it

You forgot to mention that the box hums slightly also too :laughing:

Good luck with the new soil mix, and all the plants are looking great. Are you planning on putting more clones in next week also until the flowering area is full again? How are the other two in the flowering area doing, starting to ripen up at all? As always your grow looks clean and neat and right to the point. Keep up all the good work, I cant wait to see those clones pack on that weight

Keep Growin & Be Safe


lol yep that too, at least its not like a jet compared to some peoples fans

The plan for more clones is to be able to put in another 5-6 in three weeks, and then another 5-6 three weeks from that, which will give me a full cab, only prob is im gonna have to run those seedlings through (there are 6 of them) at some point which will take place of some clones, but i want at least a good yield from them so i need to reveg/veg them for a bit if i do run them through, i might just toss them all together though.

And yes the other three (not two) are starting to throw pistils and calyxs at a good pace now, i can grab a closer pic tomorrow, but possibly why you were thinking two was that two of them are at around 3 weeks while the other is at 4 and i haven't been mentioning the older one that much.

One other thought that occurred to me is, i could possibly not be watering/feeding my plants enough, because one when reading other peoples micro sog grows they typically are watering every 2-3days, and also those clones that are a couple weeks into flower are no where near as lush as the clones i just threw into flower, so it might be beneficial for me to water/feed them more often than every 5ish days and feeding them maybe once every 1-2weeks like im doing now.

As i know from experience that plants will only grow as fast as their limiting factor, and in outdoor applications such as my garden if i can give them water and compost teas almost daily they explode with growth, where as if i only water them maybe once to twice a week they tend to just try and survive.

Feast Or Famine :plant grow::tumbleweed: i guess ?

So im gonna water and feed two of the new clones (one of each strain) with more frequency and try to get to that point where im verging on over feeding, instead of playing safe like i am now.

But that will give me a test run for these 6 clones (2 baseline clones in my standard soil mix, 2 in the same mix just watered and fed more frequently, and 2 in the new soilless mix but watered normally) but with that i should be able to tell whats working best, and that will give me a direction to take for the next batch of clones.

What are your opinions on that ?


here's that pic i said i was gonna grab yesterday, doing decent, but could be Alot better.

Well ive been watering and feeding them more than usual over the last half a week, keeping them decently moist, and so far they have all perked up, their leaves are pointing more skywards, and the leaves are more v shaped, and the color is improving, so this could be a good sign.

I did feed them with a more concentrated (double) dose than usual and got some initial claw action, that has since gone away, but after some reading, and calculations, and measurements, i figure if i water them three times a week, and feed them with my normal amount either two times or possibly every watering, then they should be closer to optimal.

Also by feeding them nutrients/teas with every watering, it will cause my tap water to go down to a ph of 6.5 vs its normal range of 7.6-8, so that should help as well, mind you i have dolomite lime in my mix, but if i can provided water at a optimal ph then the plants should be healthier.

Right now i know my most limiting factor is that i dont have the time between when they should be coming out of veg to the first 3 weeks of flower dialed, and i know if i can get that dialed then we will all see a huge improvement, so to try different things as i said i was gonna do on this batch i am not touching the fan leaves (axial shoots yes) but i wont be touching the fan leaves till at least 3-4 weeks of flower


Sunday it is.

Well the plants seem to be liking the new watering/feeding schedule, even the ones that are already decently into flowering, so im gonna keep at it till they plants tell me they have had enough, or want more. Still would love to hear peoples opinions of watering schedules, and whether i should be keeping them decently damp or letting them dry out somewhat, which i have done in the past and is good for bigger container grows, but im unsure when it comes to the smaller soil volume grows, as keeping them moist with my mix might be more beneficial (been reading as much as i can but cant fins to much info)

The plants that were transplanted to the test mix aren't as big as the others, but i attribute that to them not rooting long enough before i threw them to flower (transplanted them 3 days before they went to flower) but we will see. So far i think a compromise between the two would be beneficial (regular mix + 20-30% peat)

Also some of the "moms to be" are starting new growth, the one (labeled D) is already throwing out 2-3 small inch long shoots, but its still has a way to go to get back to full veg mode, but it shows that its gonna more than likely make it ;), Just need the others to do so as well.

And here is the one were following around, i trimmed a couple more fan leaves from it, but that's more than likely gonna be it till harvest, so we will see in a couple weeks if slight pruning (partial defoliation) is beneficial in this situation vs going un trimmed as the clones that were just put in will be going untrimmed till at least week 5-6 if trimmed at all.

Im leaning towards untrimmed being better at the moment, but would definitely like to find that happy medium, between a jungle with no light hitting the lowers and increased humidity watering and smell, vs slower growth but everything being lit up and not having to water as often.

Well just gotta take it one day at a time to get it dialed in. (then ill probably run a two plant scrog just to try something different lol)




Well the girls really seem to be liking the new watering/feed schedule, they were getting fed every other watering and watered twice a week, now they are all getting watered every 2 days (3.5 times a week) and are getting fed a double dose with every watering (so 7 times what they were getting before) which is alot when you think about it, but they seem to be really enjoying it, and some even seem to want more.

Im gonna stay at this schedule for feeding and watering for awhile though just to see if they run into either problems later, or if they want more. But i think im at a good happy medium right now as i can give all the plants no matter what size or age this mix and they all do really well, mind you the veg chamber plants (mainly the moms) get the run off of the flowering girls, so they don't get as strong as a feed.

As for the newer batch of clones they are now at a week and a half, the SMB's are still stretching but they should stay just under the lexan hopefully, and if not i will just bend the top over like i did on the older ones in flower, the Mandala#1 clones haven't stretched much, as this plant seems to like putting growth on side shoots vs the main stem, so most of them have only stretched barely 2x in height, so here's to hoping they still go another 4" in the next week or two.

I also threw three of the reveged (not flowered) seedling into flower, as they were ready to go, the other 3 should be good to go in a week or two. As for the stumps of the girls that were harvested a couple weeks back, they are all revegging 2 of the 4 will have potential good cuttings by mid week as they are throwing out the three finger leaves right now, the other two are a bit slower on the reveg but i think will be doing very well come next week.

Also im still testing the dried product of them and have been trying to narrow them down, so by next week one might get the boot, or at least transplanted and put through flower for its final run, As i would rather have 2-3 good mother plants that i really enjoy vs having 5-6+ mothers that some are good and some are mediocre, because then i have less mothers taking up space in my veg room, and it will be the smoke i really like. Btw my current two moms in veg seem to be able to give up 4-6 clones each every week to week and a half, which is way more than i need, so i know i could have only one mother plant in a 3.5" square pot to keep the whole box filled at (3 clones every 2 weeks), only downside is in order to keep them from getting unruly i have to trim them and chuck all those good potential clones.

Anyways on to the pics



And here's the one were following, which is now at day 35, and plumping right up, we still have at least 4 weeks left to go on her, so i think she gonna do pretty well if we don't run into any problems.



Well one of the mothers to be got the axe (plant D) as its smoke was really lack luster, now Plant F on the other hand, fruity and a happy up high, and it will definitely be taking up the majority of spaces in the cab.

Also transplanted some mandala #1 one clones today, but definitely know now that they need to be around 6-7" tall to finish at 15" or at least with the current run of them


A day early for the update, but whatever, All are doing good, except one of the smb clones, as its top accidentally got broken off, another smb clone i topped as it was gonna be too tall, sure i could of bent it over like the others but i want to see how it does topped.

Also I have a somewhat conclusion to the new soil mix, and fan leaf trimming.

First the new soil mix doesn't show any improvement over the old mix, it does retain a tad more water, but growth seems about the same, so instead of 50% peat i might add around 15% to the main mix and screen it all bit better, as i do like the soil consistency a tad better, and it might allow me to get an extra day without watering in a pinch.

As for the fan leaf trimming, my conclusion is leave them the heck alone, as all the plants i didn't touch are definitely gonna be alot fuller, and have more growth than the ones that were trimmed, but i do see an advantage to it later in flowering when the buds are already on there way and have plenty of other leaves, and also as a management technique if wanting to slow some plants down slightly as to me it does seem to reduce stretch a bit. So only initial bottom pruning aka lollypopping, and then possible partial fan leaf removal at week 4-5ish.

Also im gonna extend the watering out to every 3 days and see how everything does, as the plants still seem like they can easily go another day, so if they do well then ill try bumping up the feed rate to match what they would be getting every 2days.

I also eventually want to try a scrog running 2 maybe 3 plants total in the flowering chamber (allows some variety), but if i do i will only be running one plant plus some sog bottle plants on the other half for now, as i haven't given micro sog a full chance yet with getting it somewhat dialed. But i would definitely enjoy having less plants to deal with, not that its a problem now with about 20mins of work every 2-3days, but i wouldn't mind running only 2-3 bigger plants and a couple mothers with an auto watering system (tropf blumat), where i only have to tend them once every week or so.

Mind you Micro SOG is excellent for picking out some good mothers in a quicker fashion, as you can run a butt load more in the same time, so when running seeds ill stick with the SOG.



and here's the plant were following its at day 41 with still about 3+ weeks left, i trimmed the fan leafs around mid week (wasn't needed but i did anyways)



well on sunday i put two of the new seedlings into flower, the one wasn't as healthy as i wanted cause it got singed by the light.

So that leave one seedling and 3-4 M#1 clones in veg, one clone i was and probably still will make into a new mother.

Speaking of M#1 the mother plant i have, that was selected by it just surviving, doesn't like to stretch and likes to branch, so the clones i threw into flower almost 3 weeks ago at 4" of height, haven't stretched much, two stretched to 8" and one at 11".

So i know i need to start them at a bigger size, also i will be raising them all my plants closer to the light on the initial first week or two, as it should cause them to grow a bit faster initially, and hopefully make the internode spacing more compact (well for the SMB's anyways, as they seem to like to stretch more than they need to), and who know what they will do to the one clones and seedlings.

But from what im seeing is if i can get the plant to grow enough so that around 2.5 weeks the tops of the plants are barely touching the lexan while still raised about 4", they will then have enough room to bud out comfortably, and not need me to bend hem over or top them, when they are dropped to the floor for the rest of flowering.

Only problem is the circulation fan in the flower chamber gets in the way of the middle plant so long as its it in 4" of the lexan, so i might eventually remove that fan all together or at least replace it with two of the tiny fans i have in veg,, as that will give me more room, and i wont have fan leaves of plant tops getting sucked into or whacked by a bigger fan

But other than that im getting excited to run these revegged seedlings in clone format soon, i think ill be able to grab some cuttings in a week or two, so come the new year i might have some ready to go into flower, even though i probably wont have space