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Anyone hear anything about i-dosing...

A download : http://www.i-doser.com/storev3/index.php
and then buy sound bytes that stimulates brain activity,
for the intended category of brain altering affects..

There are sound bytes that will either stimulate or subdue
brain activity in desired arenas, such as:

Sleep, diet, anxiety, sexual, and many more...

I've never tried 'this' type of stimulation.. they say it
can put you in a 'high' state of mind... like MJ might.

I've used simple brain stimulatior machines.. headphones and glasses wired to a little black box that played rythmic tones at various pictchs and tempos. The glasses have 2 red leds in each eyepiece but after repeated uses (with your eyes closed) the 2 red leds portrayed every color of the rainbow in your mind...
The little black box, containing many 'programs' that
represended similar type os reactions..
Brainwave sync works, but not exact enough to reproduce the effects of drugs. It can make you sleepy, relaxed, or alert. Thats basicly it.