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3rd-Eye Jedi
courage is the countenance of faith

for a very long time, i understood the concepts of cause and effect, and indeed in many aspects of life, such as my career with computers, I had a strong grasp of how it could take action.

Yet, I did not have that same ability when it came to harmonizing my being with others.

I would follow my heart, remain true to what I believed, yet it did not fill me or negate the conflict of energy I had with others.

In fact the lack of direct reciprocation was disheartening

even as i understood the concept that only I have control over my own being, and the energy i manifest is leaving a ripple when i do so, and that I did indeed live in respect of this phenomenon.


there was a lack of understanding, on my part, of the cause and effect of human nature, especially nature that was foreign no my particular understanding

I over time reduced my world in terms of people and increased it in terms of plants

Over time I had resigned to doing the good in my heart and letting it flow and just having faith that what part I deserve to get back will come back

and amazingly it did so, and through people, not plants. It has brought me back to places I thought I would not have been capable of going again.

in some ways I have grown in a short time past any conception that it was possible

the law of cause and effect, the lucid stream of life that connects us here and now, the "myoho renge" i believe it would described if we took the words from the Daimoku of Nichiren, is just and fair

this is why for me, never reading a book or hearing a word, but experiencing and reading this thread over some time the gaps I needed to fill were here, I felt as if I was "enlightened" once I started chanting and reading the thread because I had been giving selflessly and faithfully to the world and was lacking the proper :mirror:.

this is why is so important, a simple faithful practice in life, even as simple as a selfless compassionate daily chant, makes such a difference in the quality of how you understand the world around you.

Its meditative affirmation with a component of action that embodies hope for others, which thanks to the law of cause and effect leaves a karmic ripple much as any of our other actions do

this allows us to find enlightenment by simply wishing enlightenment for others

true faithful chanting for me is saying nam myoho renge kyo and wishing in the depth of my heart for peace, joy and harmony for others, especially people who make me reflex in disdain, i try to lose all preconceived notions i have for ALL people, the good, the bad and the ugly, (i myself am a lil bit of all 3) and give it out to the world, that every living being find the ultimate potential of their being, that they find nam myoho renge kyo in a way that they need to find it

FOR ME the profound meaning of hoping for another to be here now and living righteously in the stream of spontaneous cause and effect according to the full potential of that persons being is seed of faith that chanting nam myoho renge kyo is all about

if you can find that hope, the wish that love for all and just feel it as you chant, i think the testimonies in this thread will multiple exponentially

as if there weren't enough as it is :)

so today, this new day to me and to you and to everyone I will chant with the hope in my heart that everyone find peace joy and harmony in their beings, that they find the ultimate potential for their beings and that they are enlightened to the spontaneous stream of cause and effect around them, that they are here, now, to rejoice because they have come to find nam myoho renge kyo written in their own hearts

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo

SoCal Hippy

Active member
No matter how earnestly Nichiren prays for you, if you lack faith, it will be
like trying to set fire to wet tinder. Spur yourself to muster the power of
faith. Regard your survival as wondrous. Employ the strategy of the Lotus Sutra
before any other.

(WND, 1000-01)
The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra
Written to Shijo Kingo on October 22, 1279

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Moreover, I chant the daimoku, which is the heart and core of the entire sutra,
and I urge others to do likewise. Although the mugwort growing in a hemp field
or wood marked for cutting with an inked line may not be straight to begin with,
they will as a matter of course become so.

(WND, 670)
The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra
Written to Myomitsu on March 5, 1276

SoCal Hippy

Active member
It is the sharp sword of the Mystic Law and the great power of faith that enable
us to completely sever the chains of suffering. Therefore, I wish to make it
clear that to secure eternal freedom and happiness, you must absolutely not be
cowardly, especially in faith.

Daisaku Ikeda


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
courage is the countenance of faith

for a very long time, i understood the concepts of cause and effect, and indeed in many aspects of life, such as my career with computers, I had a strong grasp of how it could take action.

Yet, I did not have that same ability when it came to harmonizing my being with others.

I would follow my heart, remain true to what I believed, yet it did not fill me or negate the conflict of energy I had with others.

In fact the lack of direct reciprocation was disheartening

even as i understood the concept that only I have control over my own being, and the energy i manifest is leaving a ripple when i do so, and that I did indeed live in respect of this phenomenon.


there was a lack of understanding, on my part, of the cause and effect of human nature, especially nature that was foreign no my particular understanding

I over time reduced my world in terms of people and increased it in terms of plants

Over time I had resigned to doing the good in my heart and letting it flow and just having faith that what part I deserve to get back will come back

and amazingly it did so, and through people, not plants. It has brought me back to places I thought I would not have been capable of going again.

in some ways I have grown in a short time past any conception that it was possible

the law of cause and effect, the lucid stream of life that connects us here and now, the "myoho renge" i believe it would described if we took the words from the Daimoku of Nichiren, is just and fair

this is why for me, never reading a book or hearing a word, but experiencing and reading this thread over some time the gaps I needed to fill were here, I felt as if I was "enlightened" once I started chanting and reading the thread because I had been giving selflessly and faithfully to the world and was lacking the proper :mirror:.

this is why is so important, a simple faithful practice in life, even as simple as a selfless compassionate daily chant, makes such a difference in the quality of how you understand the world around you.

Its meditative affirmation with a component of action that embodies hope for others, which thanks to the law of cause and effect leaves a karmic ripple much as any of our other actions do

this allows us to find enlightenment by simply wishing enlightenment for others

true faithful chanting for me is saying nam myoho renge kyo and wishing in the depth of my heart for peace, joy and harmony for others, especially people who make me reflex in disdain, i try to lose all preconceived notions i have for ALL people, the good, the bad and the ugly, (i myself am a lil bit of all 3) and give it out to the world, that every living being find the ultimate potential of their being, that they find nam myoho renge kyo in a way that they need to find it

FOR ME the profound meaning of hoping for another to be here now and living righteously in the stream of spontaneous cause and effect according to the full potential of that persons being is seed of faith that chanting nam myoho renge kyo is all about

if you can find that hope, the wish that love for all and just feel it as you chant, i think the testimonies in this thread will multiple exponentially

as if there weren't enough as it is :)

so today, this new day to me and to you and to everyone I will chant with the hope in my heart that everyone find peace joy and harmony in their beings, that they find the ultimate potential for their beings and that they are enlightened to the spontaneous stream of cause and effect around them, that they are here, now, to rejoice because they have come to find nam myoho renge kyo written in their own hearts

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Victory in the morning translates into victory in life! Both trust and sincerity also originate from such actions in the morning. Let's start each day cheerfully on a really positive note!

Daisaku Ikeda


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"It is the same with a Buddha and an ordinary being. When deluded, one is called an ordinary being, but when enlightened, one is called a Buddha."

(On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 4) Selection source: Kyo no Hosshin, Seikyo Shimbun, October 27th, 2010
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The hearts of those enlightened to the highest truth of the Mystic Law cannot be controlled by even the most powerful secular authority. Even if their spirit may appear for a time to be shackled and oppressed by the powers that be, they continue to wage an unceasing inner struggle that eventually severs all chains and allows them to achieve a brilliant spiritual victory in this world. This triumph of human dignity and the sanctity of life is what will lead to the realisation of a peaceful and prosperous land based on the correct teaching."

SGI Newsletter No. 8088, LEARNING FROM THE WRITINGS OF NICHIREN DAISHONIN: THE TEACHINGS FOR VICTORY, [19] "The Selection of the Time"--Part 4 [of 4] (WND-1, 578-85), Creating a Great Current of Worldwide Kosen-rufu towards an Age of the People, from the August 2010 issue of the Daibyakurenge, translated October 6th, 2010.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Today there are people who have faith in the Lotus Sutra. The belief of some is like fire while that of others is like water. When the former listen to the teachings, their passion flares up like fire, but as time goes on, they tend to discard their faith. To have faith like water means to believe continuously without ever regressing."

(The Two Kinds of Faith - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 899) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, October 11th, 2010


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
I feel as if im living in a house full of negativity atm(some of the ppl im living with), and its not helping, i chant and will meditate even when ive got the time, but i feel as if i have to move into my own flat and be in my own environment, i need to get out of all the anger that is surrounding the environment im in, its like i cant be at peace and harmony with myself until my surroundings support that feeling, I now chant hope of getting this new job, so i can save the money to get out somewhere on my own for the time being, I no itll happen sooner or later as long as i keep up the peaceful bubble im in myself.


I feel as if im living in a house full of negativity atm(some of the ppl im living with), and its not helping, i chant and will meditate even when ive got the time, but i feel as if i have to move into my own flat and be in my own environment, i need to get out of all the anger that is surrounding the environment im in, its like i cant be at peace and harmony with myself until my surroundings support that feeling, I now chant hope of getting this new job, so i can save the money to get out somewhere on my own for the time being, I no itll happen sooner or later as long as i keep up the peaceful bubble im in myself.

AfroSheep without any doubt you will succede as long as you do not give up!

Chant with a joyfilled open heart connecting your limitless life power to your flatmates, for their happiness!

One of the most compelling elements of this practice is how it seems that suddenly, out of nowhere (now here), resistance appears. It's like riding in a convertable at 5 miles per hour. (our unenlighted selves) Suddenly, by chanting it's PEDAL to the METAL. Activating our life force by chanting calls out the resistance naturally.

And that resistance builds confidance. By pushing through it. Hard to be happy if you lack confidance.

I know when I am dealing in a situation that seems deadlocked, that when I challenge my fear, my attitude becomes more of appreciation.

Ted Osaki, a leader truly, said that an enlightned person appreciates everything and relishes obstacles. Getting to the point where challenges become like an adventure causes fear to dissapaite and builds confidance while we become unflappable.

The power of Nam myoho renge kyo is the power of our lives fused with the rythum of the universe.

Of course there is a big difference between pleasure and true happiness. True happiness is not dependant on circumstances righting themselves to suit me. Rather happiness is the substance of hope that lasts long after pleasure has dissapated.

Don't mean to rant. And I hope you'll continue on your path to total victory. I will too.



I am who I am coz I is who I is.
thank you wilson, i have plenty of confidence and am always happy, just gets annoying that others aren't, and yet they cant see that the unhappyness and anger they have, is probally due to the lack of self respect deep down inside them, but ill keep on chanting for peace and happyness for all, the longer i keep it up the better everyone should be so im just gonna keep on keepin on :D


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
AfroSheep without any doubt you will succede as long as you do not give up!

Chant with a joyfilled open heart connecting your limitless life power to your flatmates, for their happiness!

One of the most compelling elements of this practice is how it seems that suddenly, out of nowhere (now here), resistance appears. It's like riding in a convertable at 5 miles per hour. (our unenlighted selves) Suddenly, by chanting it's PEDAL to the METAL. Activating our life force by chanting calls out the resistance naturally.

And that resistance builds confidance. By pushing through it. Hard to be happy if you lack confidance.

I know when I am dealing in a situation that seems deadlocked, that when I challenge my fear, my attitude becomes more of appreciation.

Ted Osaki, a leader truly, said that an enlightned person appreciates everything and relishes obstacles. Getting to the point where challenges become like an adventure causes fear to dissapaite and builds confidance while we become unflappable.

The power of Nam myoho renge kyo is the power of our lives fused with the rythum of the universe.

Of course there is a big difference between pleasure and true happiness. True happiness is not dependant on circumstances righting themselves to suit me. Rather happiness is the substance of hope that lasts long after pleasure has dissapated.

Don't mean to rant. And I hope you'll continue on your path to total victory. I will too.


Wow! That was powerfully correct encouragement Wilson! AS, if you can grasp what he just told you and perservere, you are guaranteed victory. Isn't it wonderful to see how the legacy of Ted Osaki lives on in so many people?! We can all live lives that are exactly the same in that regard. Mr. Osaki used to tell me the greatest benefit one could have in their lives is to have touched so many others that they continue to show their appreciation even after one's death. He did it!

Let's do it!!!

From the bottom of my heart!!!

Much love and deepest respect!!!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) declared:: 'What a novel my life has been!' The stories of our members challenging themselves in their human revolution, their lives dedicated to the grand adventure of kosen-rufu, would surely draw the applause and admiration of even great figures of history.

"At the same time, however, human revolution is nothing special. It all begins by taking one brave step, from what you can do right now. As the Daishonin points out. 'If a person cannot manage to cross a moat ten feet wide, how can he cross one that is a hundred or two hundred feet?' (WND-1, 766). It doesn't matter how small or insignificant the challenge or obstacle may seem, the important thing is to courageously cross that 'ten-foot-wide moat' in your daily life.

"Having the spirit to challenge yourself further is the essence of faith. No matter how good or bad your present circumstances are, keep moving forwards. The path of human revolution lies in continuously challenging your limitations and making tireless efforts.

SGI Newsletter No. 8092, OUR BRILLIANT PATH TO VICTORY, Human Revolution and My Life-Part 2 [of 2], from the September 21st, 2010, issue of the Seikyo Shimbun, translated Tuesday, October 19th, 2010.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"This is indeed wondrous. This is precisely what is meant by the statement that unseen virtue brings about visible reward."

(The Farther the Source, the Longer the Stream - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 940) Selection source: Editorial, Seikyo Shimbun, October 28th, 2010


This Buddhism totally kicks-ass. Our "prayer", chanting Nam myoho renge kyo, is not a plea to a deity or begging or some kinda "Let's make a Deal" tit for tat trade off.

Ours is a focused resolute determination fortified with the deepest most spirited conviction. I will acheive. I will do my best. I will not give in or give up. I will keep trying.

And even if my wish is not fullfilled through all the effort I can muster I will not be defeated even if I don't win. No matter what.

Living the Impossible Dream with my eyes wide open.

ps. Pumpkin Man and I practice guitar and play chess every night. He's better at both than me. He's in regular school now and has friends. Top of the heap in EVERYTHING. He's an amazing 8 year old. Winning big time there! That's from being ridiculed and bullied even by his teacher to being home schooled and now oysters my dear. Pass the planet plz.
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