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chat and flash


The Tri Guy
Hi I'm having a real night mare at the moment with flash and the chat system.

I have repeatedly installed flash which seems to vanish 3 seconds after I finish installing it, I got into chat finally a few seconds ago, but my favourites list vanished from IE8. I logged out, shut IE8 down, reopened it and my favourites list was back, so I tried to relog into chat, and again it wont let me in saying I need flash. Any ideas whats going on at all? I'm completely lost now.


Active member
Don't feel bad GMT, I am perma-banned from chat ! Only thing I can think of is try a different browser maybe.

I got the ban hammer from jiggywhompus because of his obese fingers :D


The Tri Guy
I simply give up, flash will not work for me no matter what I do. I've downloaded it that many times its crazy, it just doesnt work. Flash is the biggest pain in the arse ever. Appart possible from html widgets which dont work either. I'm starting to hate the internet now.


Active member
So you tried multiple browsers? Have you tried a completely different computer?

Just wondering, not assuming you're an idiot. :D


The Tri Guy
lol feel free to asume I'm an idiot, there may well be a very simple something that i'm missing. Once upon a time I was upt to date with computers, but the last 20 years have left me in the dark ages. I dont have another computer to try with sadly, though I'd love to know whats going with this thing. I dont get why one second i can log into chat, then simply by closing the browser and reopening it, I suddenly can't.

sac beh

Flash is one of the modern inventions that is really holding us as humans back a few evolutionary generations. The whole goal of its design is to deliver content to people in the most annoying, intrusive, and bloated way. I have flash blockers on all my browsers.

That being said, have you tried firefox or chrome--they tend to be better browsers all around anyway?


The Tri Guy
I've got chrome loaded on another account, I'll switch accounts later and try that. Its so annoying and confusing, I dont get why it seems to have a life span of 3 seconds. I got into chat, and logged out to try to recover my favourites list. I was gone 20 seconds and bam, names not down your not coming in.

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