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healthy plants but strange twisting and bending in leaves....pics

thanks guys, like i said, im not soaking the plants that is for certain! not worried about salt because im using guano to feed. not chems. ph should be buffered by dolomite lime and the humus in the soil. pleanty o humus.
thanks for the link bud! ill compare it to the one that said it something else....


10 days they stay soaked in 3 gallon pots at that size?

No way.

Did you use LC 1 or 2?
Because I use LC2 in 3 gallon pots and they have to be watered every 2-3 days in full flower with considerably less watts then you are using.

Did you get the ratios right in the soil? It really looks like you are not adding the perlite for drainage if it takes 10 days to dry those 3 gallons out......

And what is your water source? Why the RO in organics? just curious....


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
could be 10 days if he overferts and damages root uptake abilities

have you been running guano long? are you familiar with the types you're using? used them before?

they can be mighty hot and i'f you're still getting your shit worked out is always best to go low low on additives until you see what happens ;)

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