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Which would do better Ebb and Flow OR DWC???


Has anyone done a side by side?

If not which do you think would produce better yield results?

I think DWC would... just cause it's in the nutrients the whole time and the plants can build larger root systems...


In my experience DWC outperforms E&F per sqft of canopy and grams/watt, with `about 20% less veg time.

DWC wins as long as there isn't a massive failure...

massive :wallbash:

I'm a E&F guy now, running experimental DWC's occasionally but still helping others set up their own DWCs.


the downfall to dwc is the res temp HAS to be maintained since the roots are always submerged, the e&f, drip, etc still need maintained but not as much since the roots are only periodically bathed in ???? degree solutions


I'd rather do E&F tables just for the the fact it's so simple. if it's not working it's not like working down a string of Christmas tree lights to see where the clogged line is between a row of buckets.


Active member
In my experience DWC outperforms E&F per sqft of canopy and grams/watt, with `about 20% less veg time.

DWC wins as long as there isn't a massive failure...

massive :wallbash:

I'm a E&F guy now, running experimental DWC's occasionally but still helping others set up their own DWCs.[/QUOTE

Only massive failure is ph,to much crap in res.ie; organic,nutes use the kiss method with plenty of air and basic nutes. temps can go into the low 80;s without probs.
dwc will out perform and out yeield ef,or soil ,for yeild and growth,in the same time frame .with a little re SEARCH of course

Zen Master

DWC will outperform Ebb/Flow given environmental controls are all in check.

most important thing with DWC is water temp and oxygenation.

if you can afford a chiller, go DWC. Dont skimp and get a small one that might handle your total amount being chilled.

if not, go ebb/flow.


RDWC is better I reckon simple because it accumulates more dissolved oxygen which roots love aaaand MORE ROOTS MORE ZOOTS lol.


Only massive failure is ph,to much crap in res.ie; organic,nutes use the kiss method with plenty of air and basic nutes. temps can go into the low 80;s without probs.
dwc will out perform and out yeield ef,or soil ,for yeild and growth,in the same time frame .with a little re SEARCH of course

No. Low 80's is far from optimum and in most cases will produce many problems. Namely, low dissolved oxygen coupled with the incubating of pathogens.

Also, while pH induced lockouts affect the plant rapidly in DWC, they can also be identified and remedied quickly. I've never lost a crop to pH swing.

Sounds like you have some re SEARCH to do yourself.


i like ebb n flo. it is so easy to run and simple to set up. i might veg my moms in DWC buckets tho. i am 100% over soil:)


Active member
I never said 80 is optimum I said it can be gotten away with,I also said ph is a good way to end up with massive failure .Please dont twist my words
Black thumb read your post I along with scrogger man and BG have been trying to coach you along and I do have some what of a clue

68 f optimal res temps
Ph 5.8 -6,1 or so ( works perfect for me)
500 ppms in veg
800-1000 in flower


I think dwc>ebb and flow if you can keep rez temps good, because in dwc roots have access to nutes/oxygen the whole time.


Active member
I love the simplicity, flexibility, forgiveness and results of a good ol' ebb and flow table. Haven't ever bothered with more complex systems ... I'll take the word of those who tried both, but I'll stand pat. After a number of years of doing it, simplicity and ease wins for me.


High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I love the simplicity, flexibility, forgiveness and results of a good ol' ebb and flow table. Haven't ever bothered with more complex systems ... I'll take the word of those who tried both, but I'll stand pat. After a number of years of doing it, simplicity and ease wins for me.


Agree, simplicity. Ebb/flow is SOG heaven. I got very frustrated with DWC, the res change, maybe RDWC would be better. But since I switched to ebb/flow and did SOG'S I am not changing. So simple and reliable. See what works for you. Try them both.


Active member
actually, temps 70-90f will not cause problems in dwc. as long as you provide ample aeration, the roots and plant will be fine. higher temps only become a cause for concern in dwc when you play additive alchemy with your res. my res temp averages 75-88f, never had an issue.

nothing is more simple and effective in hydro than dwc. i leave my plants for days at a time, only thing required is monitoring the ph and topping of the res.