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brothers and sisters of growing whats your smell?


Active member
im interested in the variety of terpene smells people have experienced in there weed. we all know the stink of a plant changes through its life span and finally cured and dry it can develop a totally new smell.

so whats the most random smell you have smelled from this lushious plant of ours.

fresh rubber is one that springs to mind:tiphat:


Active member
Was the fresh rubber weed dank? A rotten slim jimish meat smell is definitely the first one that comes to mind.


Active member
Everything from sweet to citrus to coffee and nuts to pungent...oh and shit too...literally...smelled like poop. The smells run the gamut...a little of everything.


Active member
ive got a cat piss stinker atm but now its nearly dry it smells like fresh cut timber with pepper

Amber Trich

Active member
ive also had distinct dusty peat moss. like sour d strength but tasting like promix

also had very rotten milk flavor once

neither of those were grown by me so there could have been some weird environmental factors

the poop and milk are pretty common though i guess we're seeing


Active member
ive had a lemon mint pheno that was so nice and fresh smelling right next to a dog poo smelling haze cross


along time ago-when we used to get weed from the W Midlands-we used to call it 'Baby Sick' because it had a strong sweet acrid smell-it turned out that it was UKCheese. I like that smell.
The worst smelling weed was a useless cut that a guy gave me which was weak and smelled of tramps-you would pull a funny face involentarily after sniffing it-it was nasty-
but my fave smells are the sour acrid chemical type. The ones that smell like paint or solvents-often with a citrus tinge. I have a Jack Flash cut which has it. I had the acrid belladonna pheno which had it and a mystery UK cut called Madsat which had it. I'm interested in that line of terpenes, which also seems to be associated with a trippy sativa hit-and i wonder if it can all be traced back to JH?



i had a plant that smelled like diesel fuel and dead skunks. man i wish i still had that one

also i have some purple plant that smells super sweet, almost like someone covered it in syrup
I had some bagseed that smelled like rotten meat when I grew it out. It had a nice high, but I couldn't smoke it anymore. It was just horrible.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Used to score a variety that smelt like icecream cones ,, you know that smell when you open a box of icecream cones ,, very nice .


i had a pheno once that smelled identical to creamcicles u know those orange ice pops ..but of course i didnt take a cut cause potency an yield were lacking but the taste came through in the smoke an now lookin back i wish i woulda kept a cut but who hasnt looked back an wished they kept something they binned


Recovering UO addict.
best: bog's bluemoonrocks...indescribable strong candy flavor. Everyone who smells it thinks it smells like something different..pink lemonade, blueberry cotton candy, fundip, blueraspberry jollyrancher, ..and that's all off of one pheno! also some phenos of superlemonhaze that have that "funk" to them...delicious lemon cake/dank funk..incredibly strong smells that linger.

worst was some ogkush/babba kush that smelled like straight up vomit in a bag...like the stomach acid vomit stench...nasty...that weed made me retarded, but I couldn't get past the smell to smoke it more than a few times.

There's also some local stuff that floats around that smells like dogshit....I don't know what it is but we call it labrador.