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Fuck Entropy.

Thanks man. At this point, I think I just need to not fuck anything up. These ladies are running on autopilot. Top off the res with some conservative nutes, and wait a few more weeks.

Don't try and get smart.

And all should be good!


No Jive Productions
as the pistils die and contract the calyx's swell. you are putting on significant weight and density right now. great trich development. you are going to get some good hash trim too. the buds have not, in my terminology, "crowned off". this is where the leading buds have stopped terminal growth and are not showing growing white pistils at the tips. you still have a ways to go. at the crowning off point you should be seeing almost all opaque trichs with some amber.

nice photos



Fuck Entropy.
I've got time on this run.

"Crowning off"... Not yet. Still getting lots of new development on the tips of each cluster. I've been checking trichs every day, and still no amber. We seem to be on your projected schedule right now. I'm okay with that.

Next run, I'll take the same photos, but with perfectly undamaged leaves. No, really. Next one will be Perfect.


Hi IF,

I've run out of superlatives...they look fantastic.

A request...next time you do a pic run, would you take a bud shot and then do it over with the flash on? I find the flash can reveal details not seen in the yellow/orange light. Those sparkly buds and leaves should light right up...



Fuck Entropy.
I'll try.

In my macro setting it has an LED option. In the last pics, I was shielding the lamps and using that.

I like the first pic in that series, with the aura. Wish it had better color contrast (and no signs of pH mistakes or overferts).

It's kinda funny that I've had this camera for a couple of years, but am only now starting to get concerned with composition and exposure and shit.

Next thing you know, I'll have photoshop... and I'll just be fabricating gardens and strains out of the ethers...

EDIT: zero for twenty so far. I suck.


Fuck Entropy.
I'll get it dialed over time.


Best one so far, although it is a little out of focus:


OO: I forgot to give you props for setting up that camera position in your room... It really gives a nice perspective on growth.

Hey, what the hell does 'give you props' mean?


Setting up a stage for a play?



Maybe that's it... like I'm propping you up. With scaffolding, or something.

I love it when I use phrases that mean nothing to me. Really makes me feel thoughtful and considerate.

You know.

Except for DHF's 'babyshit.'

That one makes me feel happy every time I say it.

But I kinda know what it means.

In the verb form, it's like 'easy and natural; born to do it.'

As an adjective: 'Squishy and smooth, baby. Squishy and smooth.'

DHF approved* usage: "These PPKs are babyshit."


*not really approved 'cause, well, it's not. But I bet it would be. Willing to roll with jjfoo's 10:1 odds.


No Jive Productions
Today the International Society of Engineers awarded the prestigious and much coveted "Babyshit" award for design simplicity to an old hippie who has had one too many acid trips. The old hippie, who initially claimed his name to be Beezlebub, finally admitted under duress that he was actually Jesus Christ on a bender.

In protest, at a news conference held simultaneously, spokesmen for NASA, MIT, Harvard, Stanford, ITT Tech, and Knossi College of Art claimed unfair advantage as they did not have access to the same drugs or divine assistance that Mr. Christ had.


No Jive Productions
and if i see the numbers 1 and 10, and now 11, in print on my thread, or elsewhere, again, by god, they had better be preceded, followed by, and/or interspersed with any, some, or all of the following; 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or my favorite, 9.

i see them whenever i close my eyes and, lately, they have been riding elephants.


No Jive Productions
the bud in the foreground has stopped terminal growth. the rest will be following soon if not there already. but from this stage on they can put on a lot of weight so it is still too early.


Fuck Entropy.
You have the eyes of a hawk.

Well, that's a crappy metaphor. I presume you are not circling overhead.

Shit, I hope you aren't circling overhead.

If you did/are doing that, how the fuck did you manage it?

Yeah... Elephants and 1000%s can bring a man down.

Sometimes, when I am super patient and can decipher the code, I think I'm getting some sweet ideas... but your beautiful thread has been more code and earth shaking mammals for the last few pages then I can shake a stick at. And I have access to some quality sticks.

Maybe everyone will come to there senses, and go replace their off topic and downright strange posts with smileys or the classic '.'. I use that when I reread a post I tossed up, and decide it's more Retard than Thoughtful.

My guess is that the 'foreground' is but a harbinger of good things to come.

But she may be premature harbinger. The flowers closest to the tent door get my undisciplined fingers and microscopes banging all over them, and that may be the cause of some premature aging.

If you're willing to help me keep an eye on things, I'll start doing full pic posts every three days instead of every week (which is never a week anyway, because I can't count to seven or find my camera when I do).

I've been spending time chatting with bodymind over on DJ Short's sub-forum. I'm convinced it's a green pheno of Flo, even though I didn't buy the seed packs. So I expect it to finish in that 45-55 day range.

When this next light cycle fires up, it should be day 39. Maybe. So we're getting there.


OO: I forgot to give you props for setting up that camera position in your room... It really gives a nice perspective on growth.
Thanks man, but that "camera position" is on my lap sitting on a stool, with the camera held as far back into my gut as I can get it. Makes for a steady platform though...:)


Fuck Entropy.

Just checked out your harvest.

It is good.

Lazy lurkers, check it out here.

Look at how easy I make it for you lazy lurkers.

Follow the link to the goodness.


No Jive Productions
serious buddage, dude! those 600's throw some light. they are still not quite ready for whacking. you want at least the buds closest to the light to crown. probably the whole front wall of bud will turn simultaneously. the rest are not far behind at that point. they won't all turn at the same time so at some point you will have to make a decision based on how ripe you want the lead buds to be and then just take everything or start a selective harvest.

just since your last pics i can see a lot more weight. they are fattening up nicely. i call it the popeye look. you know how, after he ate the spinach, his muscles would pop up on top of each other. like bulges on bulges.

i predict highness from these plants. i'm a regular nostradamus. do you have a macro of those trichs? how are they different from my plant?

editing to add that this is the danger time for you for mold. watch that humidity. if at all possible keep it below 50%. 60% is russian roulette with heavy strains.

editing again to say lots of air movement is a good thing right now.


Fuck Entropy.
Thanks killer...

D9, I'll keep an eye out for mold for sure. I think I'm in pretty good shape. I'll look through everything and just make sure that I didn't leave any dead stuff in there to start the problem.

I'm planning a selective harvest. Cut when the terminals are ready, and then wait seven days see if I can coax and see if I can encourage any secondary development out of my underbud.

I have one healthy cut in a one of your (D9) cloners/pseudo-mPPK that I'm going to mom up. I've been defoliating the piss out of her. If someone told me I did too much too fast, I might agree. I also might agree in a week that it might have been a genius move. Lots of lateral development out of stuff that never would have been present if I had left any kind of fan leaf on her. Slowed her vertical development down, for sure, but I need laterals out of a future mom, height.

One of her laterals is hyper developed and already charging for the top. I've seen this characteristic before, where a side branch develops and then runs hard vertical. Developmentally, it's similar to her self-topping. I hope I can get her to propagate for me, as I'm really starting to think that I understand her enough to help more development more than hurt her purposes now.

Aside: I was lurking *mistress*'s wick-garden thread, and she made the comment that the terminal growth is older than the lower, inner growth. Carl Carlson commented that it might have been a typo, to which *mistress* took the time to differentiate chemical/hormonal age over chronological age. It was a good post. I think it may have been Carl's first post on the thread so that might help the search.

Fuck it, I'll do it for you lazy lurkers:

Cone of Juvenile-ness

If you all want to benefit from the knowledge base of long-lurking code-posting member *mistress*, she's dro99ing kn*wledge aNd psource m@terial here. Maybe. Tee Hee.

(EDIT: Okay, maybe that comment above is a little much, but I do respect *mistress*' history and knowledge base. I understand that 'she' uses her current incarnation's 'English' to remain both unsearchable and obscure her written work from analysis. That said, when I'm scanning threads over a snack before getting back to the business of living, I don't always have the energy or my decoder ring handy to interpret her posts. Usually, when I am overcome by patience, there is something good there. Being perplexed by her references has probably opened my eyes to more things than I can shake one of my custom, able-bodies sticks at... the link above being one extremely valuable piece of plant physiology tech.)