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I will miss you

Dr. Dank

Active member
Fuck. My grandmother passed away last night, and I and my family are devestated. She was a strong woman, mother, grandmother, and the matriarch of my family. I will miss her always.

Jo Alice...Im glad your great granddaughter got to meet you before you passed. I love you.


Pleasantly dissociated
my life changed when my grandmother died, she was only person to love me unconditionly
ever, and i miss her too, just keep yer head up and remember the good times !


so sorry for your loss DD, my heart goes out to you and your family.


"easy growing type"
I'm so sorry for your loss brother. Be strong for your family. Only time will heal the pain. Try and be strong bro..


Active member
Sorry for your loss man,
My Gran brought me up & was like my Mum, thats what i called her! Its hard when they go but it gets easier, time heals, remember the good times!


Feeling good is good enough.
May all that is pure and true flow your way in these times of loss and remembrance...

Sincere condolences my brother!



Active member
Fuck, I can't even imagine how it feels like, im so grateful mine are alive.
Be strong and help ur parents thru this, make her proud.


Active member
Sorry for you loss, Dr. D. I was never close to either of my grandmas, but my Ma, shit, we toked together when I was in high school (the late 70's) back when she ran a health food store. She was one of the female tokin' pioneers. She was in her late 40's then. She is 82 now and hasn't been able to toke now for a year or so, it makes her cough so bad, and she doesn't like edibles, so she quit, and just drinks red wine now. But, I'll bet if I had some good dank, I might be able to persuade her, lol... She loves me unconditionally, too. I'll be devastated when she passes. Blessings to you, man...

~Abbie :joint:

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Grandma's are truly wonderful. I know I miss both of mine. So sorry for your loss Dr. Dank. I can still recall the smells coming form their kitchens.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


May your race always be in your favor
My grandmother passed away in 64, still miss her. If she were still with us she'd be 135 years old.


Active member
sorry to hear man....RIP they are in a better place. i lost my grandma back in 2007 we were realllly close...i still remember her last words to me over the phone hours before she died in a hospital bed in pain..my mom said she asked about marijuana too....she was undergoing chemo and i was too dumb at the time to really make an effort to supply her with cannabis because my gramps is an anti drug loony....i know it would have made her feel better..

Dr. Dank

Active member
Thank you everyone for the kind words, it means alot to me and my familly. I k+ everyone I could till I ran out, get the rest later. I think it is really nice how even though most of us will nerver meet face to face, we can log on to this site and be supportive to one another...A community of strangers < A community of friends

thanks again
sorry to hear about your grandmother, its times like these that make you appreciate everyone in your life that much more. Life goes on but its never the same again...I still call my dads cell phone just to hear him say his own name when the voice mail comes on