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WI guerrilla grow 2010


Well-known member
What up DiiZZii3,
Everything is looking awesome. As for the males flowering early, I know in my past experience, some plants will flower, if they are in a more shady spot, compared to the ones that get more direct sun.
Hit me up if you are going to Cali this month. Might be able to roll out to the city when ur visiting.
howdy neigbor! Beautiful plants you've got there! I'm down in west central wisconsin butting right up against the big muddy!

I noticed some of your plants had the same issues mine do, the yellowing of leaves toward the bottom of the plant. I'm growing out probably 10 different varieties at least and they all seem to have the same issue. Any idea whats causing it? Also it looks like your girls are at about the same progress of flowering as mine are!

Been a great year for growing, the rain just keeps coming perfectly spaced every few days or so. Hopefully it tapers off a bit this fall.

Keep up the great work!


PS Oh do you have any idea about wisconsin LEO's use of helicopters? Most of my plants are pretty inconspicuous but some have some trails leading to them, which I'm working on erasing but I'm still a bit concerned, it's the only real vulnerable aspect of my grow. I noticed a chopper fly right over my grow site a few days ago but it was not a LEO variety.
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Well-known member
You have a chance that it may not have but your male is in full flower, what do the feamles look like? If they are just starting to bud then sure you will have a few seeds but no big deal if you give some cement shoes to the male.

Another thing to keep in mind is the weather didnt cheeseland get a bunch of rain lately if so that helps water and pollen dont mix?


New member
Hey there Dizz. I am going out and pick one plant today as it should be ready, its been flowering now for 7 weeks. I dont know if I will take cam with me for pics as I never like to do that but will think on it. I should have some males to pull out of my mexican red hair so i need to get that done. Did you pull the males you have or you keeping them??

I am glad the rain did not hurt you all that much and it did me. My red hair is mostly all gone and I might just let it go to seed will have to see what it looks like. I have had 22 in of rain here in the last two months. Not good for growing. Yours are looking good and you should have some nice buds. Keep us uptodate... GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!


Endur.. sup man i'll hit ya up wit a PM

CitrusHigh.... yea bro i have no idea why the leaves are yellowing, its happend to alot of my plants from last year too, mabey somethin in the soil??? anyone kno? im not to worried about tho. Heli's in WI, i was watching the news in early spring of this year and there was a short segment on a dude who was just a concerned citizen who believs that the devil invented weed and if you smoke it you murder and rape people lol anyway he regularly flys his yellow plane throughout the shawno area and if he finds shit he reports it to the 5-0. So keep ur head up for that queer. Otherwise i dunno never hear to much about busts happen by plane around here so im not worried about it, jus keep ur plants spread out an u should be good.

Hamstring... only one plant is flowering and it looks like it hasnt been polinated. the male was killed immediatly after i took the pics of it. so i think im in the clear on that, i just am gunna have to keep an eye out for more males, cuz its that time of year where shit can get really fucked up or turn out some flame

Now time for an updizzilydate, pics r from one week ago so 8-3-10.. shits getting big. i cant tell what plants what in the pics but there all discreetly marked so come harvest i'll kno whats what, an the smaller plants u see were put out much later in the season, but should still yield a decent amount













Nice looking plants! The yellowing of the lower leaves may just be a sign she is hungry. Are you top dressing with compost, lime, guanos, and sul-po-mag? I havn't checked your thread in a min so I'm not sure how your feeding.

And hey, I told you they'd get big! Keep up the good work!


New member
Hey there Dizz, looking good. If you have gotten rain like I have I think thats why they are turning yellow. Heck, I have some that oly have 3 or 4 leaves left on the plant. lol Lost alot but now some are working it out. Most of mine have been budding and I pick one last week that was ready, only got 10 roll'em ups off it. LOL It was my sweet deep grapefruit. (crying ) My Moby Dick is gone too. Anyway, yours are looking good and one day I will get some balls and take pics of mine. Maybe today. Well, PM you when I can.

Good luck!!!!!!!


1st time grow ever...Wisconsin

1st time grow ever...Wisconsin

Hi all:wave: Just finished reading your thread...loved it:jump: . We went into this pretty much blind with just some bag seed from some good bud. Only 13 plants with 1 male pulled so far. 3 confirmed ladies and waiting on the rest. Reading the threads has helped alot..sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed by my ignorance :( Having some probs and am learning as I go. Adding a few pics. Any opinions are most welcome. I'll continue to follow this thread cuz am enjoying the journey.


Damn 50,000 plant bust in northeast wi... hope they didnt find my babies. Think they'd even take the time to pull 20 plants?


Of course they would....they look at each plant as some kind of trophy in our area. Good luck...hope they missed your's.

Peace, love and harmony
Endur.. sup man i'll hit ya up wit a PM

CitrusHigh.... yea bro i have no idea why the leaves are yellowing, its happend to alot of my plants from last year too, mabey somethin in the soil??? anyone kno? im not to worried about tho. Heli's in WI, i was watching the news in early spring of this year and there was a short segment on a dude who was just a concerned citizen who believs that the devil invented weed and if you smoke it you murder and rape people lol anyway he regularly flys his yellow plane throughout the shawno area and if he finds shit he reports it to the 5-0. So keep ur head up for that queer. Otherwise i dunno never hear to much about busts happen by plane around here so im not worried about it, jus keep ur plants spread out an u should be good.

Hamstring... only one plant is flowering and it looks like it hasnt been polinated. the male was killed immediatly after i took the pics of it. so i think im in the clear on that, i just am gunna have to keep an eye out for more males, cuz its that time of year where shit can get really fucked up or turn out some flame

Now time for an updizzilydate, pics r from one week ago so 8-3-10.. shits getting big. i cant tell what plants what in the pics but there all discreetly marked so come harvest i'll kno whats what, an the smaller plants u see were put out much later in the season, but should still yield a decent amount

Well wouldn't you fucking know it, today as I was driving away from our property where my grow is I noticed a very small, yellow plane with, I think, 2 lateral red stripes flying all over the place very low to the ground, couldn't have been more than 200 ft in the air. Don't know if he was out for a joy ride or if he was looking for reefer but I didn't like it one bit. He was kind of flying in circles every where and meandering here and there with no particular destination it seemed to me. This has got me pretty concerned! Anyway, the reason I came back to post here is because you mentioned the prick from the shawano area that flies vigilante anti-pot missions around that area. He's a few hours from me by car, not sure how long by plane but I was wondering if you remember what the segment you saw is called or any details about the story? Would be nice to have some more info, thanks Diz!
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i made it out to the plot tday and some fucked up shit happend... i got rolled up on by an atv while leaving the spot, then i ran into the woods, then i got lost in the woods, and also got my mountain bike jacked :wallbash: It was so fucked up it deserves its own thread. but i pulled through and made it out with some good pics and some dank buds from the B x GP plant that was at about 7-8 weeks into flowering :good:







Couldnt resist a little sample lol



Yea heres some pics of some popccorn buds that are all dried out and about to go into a jar. The bigger buds i gots still need a day or two to finish drying....




Well-known member
What up Bro,
Looks like you got some good smoke. What one is that? Is there some Purple in there?
I see you have a couple of seeds. Who's tha Daddy? Hope you get the rest in safely.
very nice Diizz, sorry to hear about your mountain bike, you should tell the story in detail, that is F'd! The ATV'r took your bike or it was some other prick?

Beautiful buds my friend, hopefully you'll have enough to replace the bike without any trouble. Can you give us a smoke report? Cheers mate!


haha been so high latley i forgot to post up more pics. anyway i ended up with about 6 oz of heaviy seeded bud. when i choped my plants they were around half green and half dead/brown an dried up. There were a few light frosts and i think it killed em, or they ran outta nutes. I prolly wont be runnin any of the crosses i made outdoors next season. Can't wait to see what they can do indoors tho.
I used a screen to sift out the seeds and it worked awsome. Took about 4 hour to grind down all the buds an i ended up keeping about 1000 seeds. I ended up with a good bit of kief hash, and used the rest to make cannabutter, which turned out killer...

Stay High








Subbed butter for water

After cookin up all the butter i ended up with 36 muffins, one is a good body buzz, and 2 fuck me up.