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Nukkus pick from CC SSSDH



SORRY GUYS..Meant to write "from CG SSSDH"!! ..Wake and bake boys wake and bake..! :D

I got two different SSSDHs going that I picked from seed and will document them here..

Here are some end product shots from the first round.. Next will be better.. I got inspections again in my house so I cut them too early last time.

And here's the second round with them.. I kept one light green one and the other's a bit darker with more sour smell. Got 3 of both in there. All the bud and plant pics are from the light pheno ones.. But in the full tent photo the darker ones are front three.

All organic pre mix with guano tea every now and then.. :)


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
Lookin good Nukku....ill be pullin up a chair and makin myseld comfortable as well....:wave:


Welcome brother!
Have some vape or joint..Your call bro! puffpuffpass! ;)
(Gonna go and load some of that sssdh..)


Found some old pics from the girls/girl not sure if both are in these.. :)

Got seeded by hermie


Mixed shots from week 6ish.. ;) :D

:) Looks like I'll be giving one more guano drink for them.. Or maybe 2 :D

lost in a sea

wow vert grows are amazing!

sssdh goes on for ages and keeps fattening up,, id give them two more,,

do you add and pk to their diet?

the taste is pure hazey fuel and the high has got to be one of the strongest around,, i dont think id want to see a med patient after smoking some sssdh lol

it makes you a patient :biglaugh:

keep up the great work man :ying:


Active member
nukku homie i just went to the shed and got my head beat in burnin up some outdoor love ...

best of luck with this sick ass grow show !!!


Hehee THANKS Lost and Whodair!!!

Gave the last guano for now today.. Will check in the start of next week if I give them one more.
No pk this time. But I got my bottle ready..Maybe I give a slight pk hit next.. :)
The smoke's really nice..This time I'll give them their full time!!

How them skunks taste whodair?? Or did you smoke that skunk you got in the OD thread..?? :D

Few shots..



Active member
Hehee THANKS Lost and Whodair!!!

How them skunks taste whodair?? Or did you smoke that skunk you got in the OD thread..?? :D

the outdoor is smoking soo smooth (no added nutes !!) it is very low odor, smooth mild taste and a powerful and narcotic high !! much stronger effect than my chems and diesels....


This sounds soooo goooooood!! :D

the outdoor is smoking soo smooth (no added nutes !!) it is very low odor, smooth mild taste and a powerful and narcotic high !! much stronger effect than my chems and diesels.... __________________

And jeah my pick is turning on the light green one.. She smells so amazing! LEMON twist!!

Here's couple pics of her..

I like her structure alot more than the other..She's little bit lanky but easy to manage..Also I like the bud stucture more too.. Well smoke test will determine which it is then!

Will snap few shots from the other one next time lights are on and I'm there! :)

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Looking good Nukkumatti. Lemon twist eh? Think I'll have to pick up some of those. The seed order I need to do is growing everyday, just need to wait till the closing on our home refinance. Mortgage company is really dragging their feet. All the under-writing is done. Just waiting to sign the papers.

Nice work man!

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Looking good Nukkumatti. Lemon twist eh? Think I'll have to pick up some of those. The seed order I need to do is growing everyday, just need to wait till the closing on our home refinance. Mortgage company is really dragging their feet. All the under-writing is done. Just waiting to sign the papers.

Nice work man!

GreatLakes THC

Thanks man jeah pretty nice smell must say.. Need to get into it better next when lights are on.

Jeah..I could easily spend few houses on seeds! :D:D


..Mmmm acrid citrus smell turning more sweet sharp citrus smell...

This I'm gonna keep... ;) :D ^^^^^^^^

Other one..

She's little bit more creamy smelling than the other..And not quite so strong scent.

I was tieing them last night and after the session couldn't smell anything in a while! :D
Should have concentrate sniffing them first.. but will do next

Also I got some mild itching and little rash from playing with them too much! :D:D Don't normally get any irritation except during big harvests if it's strong enough meds. And more in the eyes and respiration..

Me like!!!