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Merkel says German multi-cultural society has failed

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3rd-Eye Jedi
its hard, very hard for nations that have been ethnically homogeneous over centuries to adapt an melting pot mentality

common sense dictates however, in the growing need for globalization, that this xenophobia will act as a detriment in the end

to think that they cannot preserve their culture, mores and values is a failure of their own conviction

america became the global world power by polarizing the diversity that spilled out of those lands in the first place

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....it's just a case of economic migrants once again getting the locals panties in a bunch....

...If you are born somewhere that is barren and hardly affords you a decent living or an education, then you will go and seek to find a place that does.......many of these migrants found work that was offered to them and then could afford to keep their families fed/dry and healthy.....then formed communities amongst themselves.....some have integrated with the society of locals around them and others have not ...

It's always been the way throughout history.......the world is a great big melting pot of people and the sooner we realize that we are one race, the human race the better.......Nationalism and religion combined with politics is what is holding us back......and usually leads to war....


Nine times out of ten - when "christian conservatives" speak, they should be told to shut the hell up. I swear, religious idiots do or say something new to piss me off every day...


Active member
Imagine how unpopular and politically impossible it would be to admit this in the US? We have nothing but problems because we are coerced to keep quiet while our own government and the interest groups that have infiltrated it run this country head long to ruin.

Good for Germany. Now maybe a few morons in this country will find the courage to tell the truth- that immigrants, especially illegals, take way more than they give.


Just the usual trying to blame somebody else for our problems. By stating multi culture has failed they just tell their own voters what they want to hear.

Actually Germany is tied to humanist values, not to christian. Our constitution states that very clear.

It's a never ending storry of beeing afraid to be overrun by foreigners. Germans hated Italiens for overrunning us but they were always good enough to do the dirty, not well paid jobs or to serve our Pizza. When we did not have enough people to work in our mines we invited Turkish workers just to throw them out after we don't need them any more, who cares they are working hard paying their taxes?

How can we ask somebody to learn our languague when we at the same time cut the money for classes? How is a immigrant child able to learn our language when there is no class at school?

At this moment Germany needs a lot of well educated workers but our schoolsystem fails to produce them but instead of offering those jobs to people from abroad we frighten them away, try to destroy their will to work and live here by setting up more and more regulations.

After all, who cares what language somebody speaks?

Sometimes I really am ashamed to be german... How can somebody in a job like ms Merkel be that shortminded?


Ill tell you what tho, if Germany wants to go public and say they are a Christian nation for Christian people. Then that is another crime towards the German people.

Anyone who knows the history of the Germannic peoples knows how they were Christianed by force and how they even today fight against the Church's rule. For a bloody elected prime minister to propose such a thing is fucking treason imho!


Active member
It feels like were going back in time with things like this still being talked about and possibly tried, I believe back in the day they would kill you if you didnt take on a certain religion or something like that. where was the weed then?


Active member
its hard, very hard for nations that have been ethnically homogeneous over centuries to adapt an melting pot mentality

common sense dictates however, in the growing need for globalization, that this xenophobia will act as a detriment in the end

to think that they cannot preserve their culture, mores and values is a failure of their own conviction

america became the global world power by polarizing the diversity that spilled out of those lands in the first place

No it doesn't. You can have people VISIT you from other countries...with different cultures...and then they go home. Back to their native culture, while you keep yours. If you LOVED where you came from so much...why leave? It couldn't have been THAT great...so WHY emulate it somewhere else? Join what WORKS...join what brought you here...don't hold onto old baggage!

What "diversity"? Until the civil rights in the 60's there was white people and white culture. It was white Europeans who were the immigrants. The others started in the 60's. And I'll say I believe that was the beginning of Americas downfall.

We went up up up until the 60's...since then it's been down down down. It's right there staring you in the face!

Just the usual trying to blame somebody else for our problems. By stating multi culture has failed they just tell their own voters what they want to hear.

Actually Germany is tied to humanist values, not to christian. Our constitution states that very clear.

It's a never ending storry of beeing afraid to be overrun by foreigners. Germans hated Italiens for overrunning us but they were always good enough to do the dirty, not well paid jobs or to serve our Pizza. When we did not have enough people to work in our mines we invited Turkish workers just to throw them out after we don't need them any more, who cares they are working hard paying their taxes?

How can we ask somebody to learn our languague when we at the same time cut the money for classes? How is a immigrant child able to learn our language when there is no class at school?

At this moment Germany needs a lot of well educated workers but our schoolsystem fails to produce them but instead of offering those jobs to people from abroad we frighten them away, try to destroy their will to work and live here by setting up more and more regulations.

After all, who cares what language somebody speaks?

Sometimes I really am ashamed to be german... How can somebody in a job like ms Merkel be that shortminded?

Were they invited to change the country? Wasn't it assumed they weren't welcomed permanently?

Why should the Germans pay for them to learn the language? I'd rather they had to know it before they came.

Form their own classes...why is it someone else always has to PROVIDE?

It feels like were going back in time with things like this still being talked about and possibly tried, I believe back in the day they would kill you if you didnt take on a certain religion or something like that. where was the weed then?

I think we NEED to go back in time, I agree, it's NOT working...it's making most people angrier and angrier. Do you really think race relations are better? Religious relations?

I said this VERY EXACT THING in another thread not a week or two ago..."we've tried it your way, it didn't work, it's time to go back to the past". Meaning...if YOU want to come to MY country...you're going to learn our language, our customs, and you'll follow them...not yours. You'll also be a self sufficient, productive citizen...or you'll be thrown out.

I'm so tired of being called the bad guy for making a place that EVERYONE in the world wants to come to...but at the same time, they want to turn it into "back home". Back home sucks...that's why you left...if it didn't, you wouldn't have come. So let's be perfectly frank about that. "I'm" the bad guy...yet I created what everyone wants?

I'm waiting for the pendulum to swing here too... The other way, the way we've tried for 40 years HAS failed miserably. It's time for honesty...even if it's going to hurt someones feelings!


Love the word Multi Kulti, reminds me of the Swedish chef of the Muppets Show.The reunion of West Germany with East Germany is a total failure.Angela Merkel is afraid to loose votes because of the foundation of the German's Freiheits Party thanks to Geert Wilders.Angela Merkel was not pleased with the new Dutch coalition CDA/VVD with support of the Freedoms Party, but a lot of Germans were pleased with this coalition according to the Dutch press.

Shameful is that most of them sees only one side of Islam, but there is also another one with is much more tolerant, some of them were great Cannabis smokers too.


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


oh ffs IBJ, people dont always leave their home countries because they want to first of all, there is such a thing called war just to mention one of many reasons why people leave their home country.

I think your post is ill considered and that you are focusing on the wrong issues, I cant really be arsed to address all the issues in your post but naturally its good economy for any country to teach as many people as possible the language.


If someone is living in Germany and not able to speak German, I'd imagine their economic opportunities would be pretty limited. Foreigners who want to be successful will adapt to a new culture, and those who don't will fall by the wayside and stay poor...

What "diversity"? Until the civil rights in the 60's there was white people and white culture. It was white Europeans who were the immigrants. The others started in the 60's. And I'll say I believe that was the beginning of Americas downfall.

We went up up up until the 60's...since then it's been down down down. It's right there staring you in the face!

What exactly has gone "down down down"? You keep saying stuff like "things aren't working." In what way? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you're saying that America's downfall started when people other than europeans had an effect on it's culture...

I suppose all minorities should either stay dirt poor or just go back to where they came from, right?

I mean really, how scared of change can you possibly be?


Active member
oh ffs IBJ, people dont always leave their home countries because they want to first of all, there is such a thing called war just to mention one of many reasons why people leave their home country.

I think your post is ill considered and that you are focusing on the wrong issues, I cant really be arsed to address all the issues in your post but naturally its good economy for any country to teach as many people as possible the language.

What ARE the issues then? "Germans" are being "invaded" by foreigners who form enclaves and want to change the country. Correct? Why should they stand back and let it happen? Why should they HELP it happen through benefits?

So every foreign visitor get's free language lessons at the airport? They should send teachers abroad to teach German? Or are you saying that JUST immigrants should get free lessons? Only if you plan on staying...even though you're not supposed to stay.

I'll ask it again...why should a country do ANYTHING for immigrants? Is that what they want? Helpless people? Ignorant people? I'd expect any immigrant would be expected to hit the ground running...but that's just me...what I would do. I can't expect that level of foresight from others.

If I'm confused, please educate me. I want to know the truth of it all.


What ARE the issues then? "Germans" are being "invaded" by foreigners who form enclaves and want to change the country. Correct? Why should they stand back and let it happen? Why should they HELP it happen through benefits?

So every foreign visitor get's free language lessons at the airport? They should send teachers abroad to teach German? Or are you saying that JUST immigrants should get free lessons? Only if you plan on staying...even though you're not supposed to stay.

I'll ask it again...why should a country do ANYTHING for immigrants? Is that what they want? Helpless people? Ignorant people? I'd expect any immigrant would be expected to hit the ground running...but that's just me...what I would do. I can't expect that level of foresight from others.

If I'm confused, please educate me. I want to know the truth of it all.

Because these are the people who are scrubbing their toilets.

If the German people really don't want immigrants then here's a novel idea: stop hiring them. I'm sure your son or daughter can scrub toilets just fine anyway... for a hell of a lot more money. Sounds like a great plan for the German economy, right?

People want cheap labor, but not the cultural annoyances that come with it... I call these people "selfish douchbags"...


Active member
If someone is living in Germany and not able to speak German, I'd imagine their economic opportunities would be pretty limited. Foreigners who want to be successful will adapt to a new culture, and those who don't will fall by the wayside and stay poor...

What exactly has gone "down down down"? You keep saying stuff like "things aren't working." In what way? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you're saying that America's downfall started when people other than europeans had an effect on it's culture...

I suppose all minorities should either stay dirt poor or just go back to where they came from, right?

I mean really, how scared of change can you possibly be?

You said it yourself...

Foreigners who want to be successful will adapt to a new culture, and those who don't will fall by the wayside and stay poor...

Minorities...MOST certainly not all...have done just that...failed to adapt. Why? In MY opinion, they're own doing. We all know they're "against the man". They fight "us" (mainstream American society) every step of the way. The worst thing you can do is "cave into the man". Education ("our" education) is considered giving in.

It's been fight fight fight...since the Civil War. Forget about Africa unless you plan on going back. You live HERE now. Yes, we fucked up, we shouldn't have brought you here...or more accurately...we shouldn't have let OTHERS bring you here. Slavery IS wrong. But 150 years later, to STILL blame "me", and to STILL fight against joining our society has proven to be racial suicide. If you're living at the top, you can afford to be picky...f your at the bottom, you do what you MUST to rise out.

The Asians do it, the educate themselves, work hard, and eventually become mainstream. They're the only "minority" that does this. I see the rest as "just coming for the benefits"...be that work, welfare, peace, whatever...not here to become "American".

Well...yes, I do believe that. It's what reality has shown me. We have more stuff, but are we better off culturally? I sure don't think so. I saw what it was like. Trust me, we had less "toys", be we were ALL happier...mainstream America that is.

No...minorities need to "play ball"...they need to quit hanging onto their past and start a NEW life here...or wherever they are...as ONE OF THEIR NEW COUNTRIES CITIZENS. They screw themselves by staying different.

Muslims need to drop all the religious crap and when in public...look and act like others. Blacks need to treat school as a place of learning...not whatever they treat it like now. Mexicans need to #1 be legal...and #2 learn the speak english.

It needs to become "when in Rome, do as the Romans". We can't all "do our own thing, have our own values"...it DOESN'T work!

Do you REALLY think it's worked over the last 40 years? Without all the programs and affirmative action...have they really risen up? As a group?

I don't think so...and I want to know the REAL reason why...not the politically correct lies I've been told for the last 40 years.

I have NOTHING against ANYONE...until you start acting like an idiot and show me your meddle...then I make my decision...then I judge.

We MUST be honest in our discussions...the days of "this is taboo, we can't talk about it" are over. Things ARE boiling over...look at the tea party...hell, if they get in...things will change big time.

I want english as the ONLY language.

Yes, I guess I am afraid of some changes...some things changing. Who wouldn't? Especially when we've seen what it was like before and what it has become. My childhood was a paradise...we'd leave the house a 7am and wouldn't be home until dinner. Now there are "playdates"? The world is MUCH worse than it was...
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You said it yourself...

I meant that if they want to move upwards in the social hierarchy they should, not that they need too. I don't think anyone should have to do what I think they "need" to do socially, that's a very childish and ignorant opinion... Furthermore, I don't care what people do with their own lives.

Don't want to learn english? Ok then, I hope you enjoy shitty jobs...

Want to wear a burka? Ok then, but expect ignorant people to look at you sideways...

Gay people want to get married? Ok then, have fun, pretty sure being married sucks anyways...

This is a free country, you and I don't have the right to tell people how to live their lives... Even if they don't know what's best for themselves...

A citizen is a citizen, we all have the same rights so long as we're here legally.
What ARE the issues then? "Germans" are being "invaded" by foreigners who form enclaves and want to change the country. Correct? Why should they stand back and let it happen? Why should they HELP it happen through benefits?

So every foreign visitor get's free language lessons at the airport? They should send teachers abroad to teach German? Or are you saying that JUST immigrants should get free lessons? Only if you plan on staying...even though you're not supposed to stay.

I'll ask it again...why should a country do ANYTHING for immigrants? Is that what they want? Helpless people? Ignorant people? I'd expect any immigrant would be expected to hit the ground running...but that's just me...what I would do. I can't expect that level of foresight from others.

If I'm confused, please educate me. I want to know the truth of it all.

They dont need to learn German and convert their religion in the first place. dont you get it.


1.) Germany outright says if you don't speak our language and attempt to hold our values, you don't belong here. I say good for them...I wish the USA had the balls Germany does...spanish and mexican bullshit is taking over everything here and has been for years, and Americans sit back and tell themselves "i should learn spanish" because millions of illegals come up here and run their mouth about how everything is in english and there should be a spanish option.

2.) Christian values are moral values, simple as that. Love one another, turn the other cheek, respect, kindness, forgiveness...this isn't religious extremism. That would be the Westboro Baptist Church, and even then that's on the low side of extremism...until Christian's start putting explosive packs on their body and blowing up non-believers I feel the Muslims' got extremism on lock.

Good for you Germany.
2.) Christian values are moral values, simple as that. Love one another, turn the other cheek, respect, kindness, forgiveness...this isn't religious extremism. That would be the Westboro Baptist Church, and even then that's on the low side of extremism...until Christian's start putting explosive packs on their body and blowing up non-believers I feel the Muslims' got extremism on lock.

Good for you Germany.

Says Pastor Terry Jones. All you religion freaks make me sick, your both as extreme as each other.
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