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Sick Leaves - please help - pics within


Plants have been flowering for 16 days, 2 out of 11 plants (1x rocklock and 1 x morning glory) have shown some sick leaves. It started on rocklock a week ago, MG showed the problem today, it appeared overnight. (Pics attached).

They are grown in a mainly coco mix with some perlite and vermiculite. They are fed GH flora series, 500ml each daily, ph 5.6. I add 1.25g per 4 litres of Epsom salts bought from the local convenince store for mag. Lights are 2 x 400w HPS.

All 12 plants are in one 150 litre (40 gallon) plastic tub(its all i could get at the time). One plant was male so i axed it 3 days ago, i couldnt remove the roots as they were intwined with their peers and im worried they will rot and cause problems.

Can you guys identify the leaf problem?

Thank you


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Using tap water btw. I let it stand for 24 hours before use. I bought a 1kg bag of mag sulphate today, should i stick to quarter teaspoon per gallon? Also should i ever give them just plain water? They have been fed nutes daily and they are 7 weeks old. Its weird that all the other strains in the tub are just fine. It started on rocklock a week ago and appeared on the morning glory early today. The other strains are fine(crimea blue,white siberian,cole train,sweet tooth,red diesal and red dragon. I have only one rocklock but have 2 mg's. The second mg which is in another pot has no problems... also the rocklock and troubled mg are next to each other with entwined rootballs i imagine.
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It looks like a Calcium deficiency. I've read and talked to people who have used coco usually have to supplement with Calcium.


Coco can be a calcium bitch,lucky for us organic peeps there are things like lime and Guano.

I will say what I say to most,flush first,then start looking for the problem.
If your using GH i say get hold of some H2o2/Clearex clean the root pooh(build up).

and start feeding one less (concentration wise) then you will see how the plant actually has a backup plan of its own.

A flush is something I do on a two week interval and I have never had issues with my leaves or plants at that, I've personally only ever battled to get them going.

Could also be RH,

I hope you come right.

Namaste :joint:


Thanks for replies. Sounds like cal def. The RH is 55 to 60% with a max of 80% when lights go out which drops to 50% as fan works. Temp stays between 27-30 degrees celcius lights on.


That seems ok, heat and rh wise.

I say flush hey re feed and supplement cal.

If you were organic I'd suggest Lime as it has Cal and mag.

But flush first just to make sure.

Im sure there are thousands of Chem cal supplements.

Namaste :joint:


All i can get is Calcium Nitrate. From googling etc it seems this is a good source of calcium.

How many grams should i add per litre?


Apparantly i shouldnt use calcium nitrate during flowering... Im gona phone around for dolomite lime. Any other suggestions?


The only catch with Lime Blank is that you are using Chem Nutes,

Im not sure how it would work with regards to PH correction and Micro Macro availability.

I say you should look though your ingredients on the GH range single out the item with the most Cal & Mag , Flush (which Im sure you have, then mix your nutes but increase the amount of the variable nutrient, and hope for the best.

Lime is going to rock your ph right up to 7 and I dont think the GH nutes will be available to the plants.

Namaste :joint:


I intend on mixing the lime and nutes into the water and then using ph down as per usual to attain ph 5.5. Apparantly even a double dose of cal mag isnt always effective with heavy feeding plants suffering from a cal def (ive been doing alot of reading regarding coco and cal def). I read an excellent article all about coco cal def and apparantly lime does the trick. He adds a teaspoon per gallon of grow media. Ill keep an eye on the ph. Thanks for the input.


Sounds interesting, let me know how that works out,

It could help in further grows on my side as I have gone organic and have surplus of chem nutes to use.

Namaste :joint:


Um i doubt it was a K def because after treating with dolomite lime the problem stopped and the rocklock and morning glory recovered.

Now two weeks later im getting sick leaves on the White siberian, crimea blue and red diesel.

Here are some pics.

They still have 4 weeks left flowering.


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Do you foliar feed ever? just curious?

if not have you flushed? (a day or 2 without nutes to clean lockout?)

Namaste :joint: