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CA LEO Vows to Disregard Law and Will of Voters


Bong Smoking News Hound
they are just blowing smoke up peoples butts. Dont let their fear bother you, it doesn't matter what marijuana bill it was. They would "claim this" on any bill to legalize marijuana. No matter what the stipulations were. I hope this bites them in the ass, if this bill doesn't pass, we can blame there fear mongering and hopefully create a new one. I hope they keep shooting themselves in the foot, by saying, California, if you vote this, WE WONT LISTEN TO YOUR VOTE, SO WHY EVEN VOTE RIGHT?

Vote Democratic Attorney General candidate. Just a thought to ponder on.


Freedom Fighter
Neither was a good choice, one is too far left with no experience, the other right with too much.

Doesn't sound like much of a 'choice' at all.

Ron Paul :yes:

I hear ya man...I am a Paul Supporter also...I think he could have shown this Country what honest Policy, and drastic change to a very broken System could do!!
Unfortunately...he was not one of the (2) two "Choices"--:tiphat:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
they are just blowing smoke up peoples butts. Dont let their fear bother you, it doesn't matter what marijuana bill it was. They would "claim this" on any bill to legalize marijuana. No matter what the stipulations were. I hope this bites them in the ass, if this bill doesn't pass, we can blame there fear mongering and hopefully create a new one. I hope they keep shooting themselves in the foot, by saying, California, if you vote this, WE WONT LISTEN TO YOUR VOTE, SO WHY EVEN VOTE RIGHT?

Vote Democratic Attorney General candidate. Just a thought to ponder on.

I agree

American growers dont play that shit. dont put limitations on Americans it doesnt work. the more the government tells us no, the harder we will say "fuck you" to them. It is just the rebellious American Spirit, that lives in all our inner personalities. The idea of Freedom is instilled into most of us from birth. (referring to Americans)


Active member
If it passes, and they don't up hold the voter's will, isn't that a good enough reason for everyone in cali not to pay their state taxes(no taxation without representation)?


Active member
The 'freedom' they instilled is imaginary.

We don't get freedom
mostly because of drugs prohibition.

So there's a fundamental break with what they promised
& what we get;

leads to a disconnect or disdain of the government.

we are outlaws after all & disdained (wrongly) by many;
that believe the government BS.

gov freedom is nonsense, until you try herb,
then you know
something about freedom.........

I agree

American growers dont play that shit. dont put limitations on Americans it doesnt work. the more the government tells us no, the harder we will say "fuck you" to them. It is just the rebellious American Spirit, that lives in all our inner personalities. The idea of Freedom is instilled into most of us from birth. (referring to Americans)


If it passes, and they don't up hold the voter's will, isn't that a good enough reason for everyone in cali not to pay their state taxes(no taxation without representation)?

I imagine if a lesbian or gay couple tried to marry out there in the land of sunshine, they still could...despite the will of the people.


ruger 500
i was totally aginst this bill ,but now i have changed my mind if only because that asshat of a sherriff ,wont rightfully up hold the laws elected by the people for the people ,maybe he should meet the zatas?


Freedom Fighter
I hear ya', I was making reference to the 'will of the people' comment.

Me too bro--
That is why it is different-- The average person will accept something, if the Courts agree that it was wrong in the first place--
But if there is nothing legally on their side, and they simply decide to not follow the Law...more than just 'Stoners" will be angry about this--:tiphat:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
The 'freedom' they instilled is imaginary.

We don't get freedom
mostly because of drugs prohibition.

So there's a fundamental break with what they promised
& what we get;

leads to a disconnect or disdain of the government.

we are outlaws after all & disdained (wrongly) by many;
that believe the government BS.

gov freedom is nonsense, until you try herb,
then you know
something about freedom.........

people who say americans dont have freedom obviously havent traveled to many other countries....


Active member
Baca and Holder accomplished their intended purpose with these messages. A fair number of sheeple will now not even bother going to the polls since Baca and Holder say the guvmint won't adhere to the new law even if it passes, and the ones who do make it to the polls will think, "why bother voting for it, they will still arrest users anyway".


Active member
Baca and Holder accomplished their intended purpose with these messages. A fair number of sheeple will now not even bother going to the polls since Baca and Holder say the guvmint won't adhere to the new law even if it passes, and the ones who do make it to the polls will think, "why bother voting for it, they will still arrest users anyway".

You might be right.

Though, it seems that a slew of new people have suddenly come out in favor of Prop 19, since Baca and Holder said they don't care what the voters want.

Look at the news today. It's JUMPING with pro-19 articles. More than any other point in this campaign. Tell people their vote doesn't matter, and you are calling them out. I know this has made a lot of people very angry. Several people have told me they are now voting YES because of this.

What Baca and Holder did, could become the biggest collosal mistake they ever made.


Well-known member
You might be right.

Though, it seems that a slew of new people have suddenly come out in favor of Prop 19, since Baca and Holder said they don't care what the voters want.

Look at the news today. It's JUMPING with pro-19 articles. More than any other point in this campaign. Tell people their vote doesn't matter, and you are calling them out. I know this has made a lot of people very angry. Several people have told me they are now voting YES because of this.

What Baca and Holder did, could become the biggest collosal mistake they ever made.

like many here, these are people i do not like one bit(to put it mildly)
but i have learned never to underestimate your adversary, and these are not stupid people
the only reason that you see this kind of talk is some very good analysts have analyzed the polls, and see likely passage
they have to know that slapping the face of the California electorate is not going to get no votes for 19
so they're getting ready for the next stage, a prolonged battle to stop the inevitable

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
What Baca and Holder did, could become the biggest collosal mistake they ever made.

Yup! They just don't seem to get that threatening people in this way just makes them more determined.

A great example of this government philosophy is the arrest and incarceration of Tommy Chong. He was to be an example, to show that even famous people are not above the law. If Tommy Chong can be sent to prison, everybody else better be shaking in their boots. Instead of an example, they created a martyr. His career has been revived and he is more famous than ever. Oops! They really just don't get it.


Active member
The justice system that has sucked the billions from taxpayers since Nixon started this BS is facing the inevitable in the only way they know, by piling on more BS and hoping it doesn't happen on their "watch". There is a lot to lose; once this sleeping tiger is free, everyone who's been against legalization will have to answer for it.

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