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what is this pest?

help. I am just finishing week 6 for this grape ape. Something is eating the middle of the buds and only the top colas. here is some pictures I am concern about the white dots.

The plant looks healthy but up close is another story.

what is eating.jpg

what is this.jpg


You will not be forgotten
looks like you have some form of worm eating at your colas, i have had this happen over many season and it looks like that is what you have going on. I spray with Safer BT caterpillar killer, the main ingredient is bacillus Th.... (forget how its spelled) and its all natural, doesnt harm humans or animals, and it shuts down the digest system of soft boddied worms... Hope that helps... you can spray this stuff up a week or less from harvest...
Thanks I will get some tomorrow.

Question though, I just sprayed with Neem Oil 5ml to a quart of water for the night. I was going to water down the plants in the AM with High Pressure water mist. Then apply the Caterpillar killer. In S. California with 75s during the day and 60s at night. Is This okay?


You will not be forgotten
i personally wouldnt be spraying anymore neem on your plants, at this point its not going to help much out... i would go ahead and try to shake your plants so they are as dry as possible tonight, go ahead and spray them down in the morning, let them dry out ... and mix a few drops of soap with the BT (whatever product you get that has BT in iT) than spray the plants down(with the BT and soap mixture)... have you not seen any worms, small or large on your plants?

it sure looks like worms , and thats the first thing i would assume would be eating at your buds.
i personally wouldnt be spraying anymore neem on your plants, at this point its not going to help much out... i would go ahead and try to shake your plants so they are as dry as possible tonight, go ahead and spray them down in the morning, let them dry out ... and mix a few drops of soap with the BT (whatever product you get that has BT in iT) than spray the plants down(with the BT and soap mixture)... have you not seen any worms, small or large on your plants?

it sure looks like worms , and thats the first thing i would assume would be eating at your buds.

Last year I had tiny Worms that I could see and pull off. This time just the top of the cola starts to brown and they lift off. I don't see any worms except little white specs like in the picture.

Thanks again for the help. I will let you know if the problem gets fixed.

Classic Seeds

if you look on the undersides of your leafs when its dark sometimes you can catch the critters moving around but also look all over cattipillars and such are a real pain but if you can find them you can kill then trouble is butterflys and moths are constantly laying eggs on plants
I Picked up Safer Caterpillar killer and Sprayed the Plants this morning. I found about a total of 3 caterpillars in the plant and removed them. 4 hours later the plant looks good. All the dead material is off.

Thanks everyone! I will update this post next week and after harvest.

Here is what the pest was:

Cabbage worm looper caterpillar


  • caterpcabbagelooper.jpg
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Thanks for all the help. My plant is hanging in there. Luckily, I built a greenhouse last weekend or this past rain would have done them in.

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