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Lucas formula for PBP

Ive been researching the lucas formula a little and I cant find out as much on it as I would like...I 'just wondered if anyone had the mixture if your using PBP and the whole botanicare line...

If I understand it correctly he does a 1 part grow 1 part bloom ratio mix for vegging and a 1 part grow 2 part bloom ratio for flower?


There are two versions of PBP Bloom, one is Hydro, and one is Soil & Coco
According to Cannastat (click here)
18mL/Gal of PBP Bloom Soil (1.5-4-5) is 78N 88P 208K 25Mg 50Ca
5mL/Gal of Cal-Mag+ is 27N 0P 0K 16Mg 43Ca

So together 18+5 = 105N 88P 208K 41Mg 93Ca (pH/lucas/Mel Franks 100N 100P 200K 60Mg)


The soil coco formula has more P (getting you closer to 100P).

Personally, ive been experimenting a little, and i think i like my P closer to 60 with a couple spikes in flower (6+9floramicro+bloom; h3ad/rez mix)


15ml PBP Bloom + 5ml CalMag Plus per gallon h2o = lucas formula (or close enough).

So then all I would purchase (though I have these products already) is PBP Bloom and CalMag not PBP Grow and Calmag for the whole grow or can you give me the Botanicare line equivalent of the lucas formula please for veg and flower?

Thanks in advance...


yeah what lucas formula is, is one formula that works for both veg AND bloom
so that's it's just PBP Bloom and CalMag for both veg and flower

if you have all the stuff, you could use botanicare's feeding chart. it works too. people preach lucas cause it's simple especially if you have alot of plants or a resevoir that you need to deal with. if you are hand watering either will work.
What about substituting Cal/Mag with molasses, how much would you use? I understand the brands of molasses are slightly different so I am looking for an estimate. Also, do you guys pre-mix the solution and let it sit out for a while to raise the PH? If so how long and do you use a bubbler? Thanks.


What about substituting Cal/Mag with molasses
Most Cal mags' are Calcium Nitrate, and Magnesium Nitrate (and Fe). I dont think molasses contains significant levels of Ca or N (or Fe). The two are not analogous. If shooting for 'Lucas for PBP' the aim is off.