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plumber is headin this way

what can i put on the stove to sort of mask the smell of maryjane..i dont believe he can smell anything but just bein cautious...maybe open about 5 cans of fish?..lol....the rooms are all closed up he will be goin to a bathroom which is 2 rooms over from flowering room...what can i put on the stove and "heat up"?


To funny. Not only was the plumber at my house today, but the landlord. I don't have anything growing yet, but the garage was full of sheet rock and cut lumber from working on the partition wall last night. I was hoping she wouldn't ask why there are building materials in the garage. LOLZ

Burn incense.


A foot without a sock...
Boil fish heads, like for chowder stock and be sure to ask if he wants a bowl...YUM!

He'll make a bee-line for Mickey D's :laughing:

Anything with a strong garlic,seafood smell should mask it fairly well...and don't forget the BACON! :jump:


Active member
plumber is headin this way

Plumber: what's for dinner smells great!

Stoner: umm haven't figured it out yet but I got 2lb's of bacon frying.. Want some?

rick shaw

Curry you can keep it going.Bacon is nice,after 5 minutes its over.On the other hand if you are cooking the whole time they will ignore the spare room and wonder how you stay so slim.


burn cigarettes and spay anything that smells

that's what I did when someone had to fix something in my basement. worked fine
If you really want the plumber in and out of the house really fast, buy a litter box (if you don't have a cat) and shit in it. Leave it near where he'll be working. He won't remember any smells, he'll be too busy trying to figure out what left the turd. If he asks, tell him you don't have any idea, but you bought the litter box in hopes that it would quit shitting on the floor.


Active member
POPCORN! I learned this first hand in the dorms. Nothing beats it and it takes like 2 minutes to get your house stanking of buttery goodness.


I live on a street that has no raccoons just skunks. If I ever lose odor control people would just start checking there trash cans.

If you need an excuse in a hurry you just tell them your pet or yourself almost got sprayed walking in the park earlier.