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week 4 of a 1st time grow

so its a few days shy of a month since they been germed. we've been through some ups and downs but we still coming out with our heads held high. heres some pics of where we stand as we speak.
Looking good there, Poots :)

how much headroom do you have in that space?

Depending on the strain, there might be quite a lot of stretch when you put them into 12/12.

They'll certainly explode with growth so you might want to do the switch soon, or are you already on a 12 hour cycle?
just trying to get that muy bueno, you know.

pompey monkey it feels good to hear a good compliment from someone of experience, its greatly appreciated. right now they are all sitting on a stack of books that puts them about 5 in away from the lights. the book stack they are on is about 7-8 in. high. the space is getting somewhat tight, any advice on how to maximize available grow space? also they've been on 12/12 for almost 2 days now.
just trying to get that muy bueno, you know.

pompey monkey it feels good to hear a good compliment from someone of experience, its greatly appreciated. right now they are all sitting on a stack of books that puts them about 5 in away from the lights. the book stack they are on is about 7-8 in. high. the space is getting somewhat tight, any advice on how to maximize available grow space? also they've been on 12/12 for almost 2 days now.

If you can't raise the light any more, then that means you only have, at most, about 13 inches in of spare height at most. Is that correct?
I also assume that you're using CFLs or a cooled HPS, as you're not having temperature issues?

If so, then you may well be able to do some low stress training (LST) during the stretching phase. It certainly works for me. You'll end up with more smaller buds rather than fewer big long colas, but the overall yield will be the same, if not more, as you'll be using the availible light more efficiently.

It's probably a bit late to do a proper SCROG, as you've already put them in 12/12, but a small screen may help you train the plants as they go berserk in the next three weeks or so.

Believe me - this is where the real fun (and need for amazing patience) begins.

I'll be watching this space...:)
yea id say around 15 inches to to play with along with 4 CFL's and soon to add a 5th. the temps are around 79-82 with lights on and varies from 77-79 with lights off so theres no temp issues. Im liking the idea of going with LST, it sounds perfect for the set up. I have a few questions though.

First, i have 3 plants total in the process right now. 1 female, 2 unknown. If we go with LST would there be enough room in the screen for more than just 1 female? the box is about 14 or 15 inches wide and about 18-20 inches deep.

second, how far away from the lights should the screen be put to restrict the plants?
and thanks for all the advice, ive been patient for a little over a month now but seeing new growth each day makes the wait worth it. stick around, i dont think you'll be disappointed and i could use all the tips and advice you're willing to share.
I wouldn't bother with a screen at this stage as you don't know what sex the other two plants are, although you will pretty soon, and you'll have a heck of a job extracting a male from the tangle. For what it's worth, the training for a SCROG is best started in the vegging phase so you end up with an even canopy just as you go into flower.

For now, I'd just bend the tops over to encourage some more branching, but be careful as they look quite stocky. You don't want to snap anything!

I'd wait for the sex to show on the other two before doing anything else, but at least you'd have bought yourself some height by bending the tips.

The space you've got could easily be filled by a single plant, but you have three, so it will potentially get rather crowded. But If you can crowd it with buds, then you'll be smiling ;)


Hope you have a successful grow! I'm a couple weeks behind you with my 1st grow and will be following this log with great interest! All the best!
Update: (LST) has begun

Update: (LST) has begun

pompey monkey i didnt have enough room to tie them down to themselves so i had to resort in a small rack. she bent right over with no problems although the bend isnt that drastic on her, its just right. im going to attempt LST with the rack. i think it'll play to my favor. the 2 unknowns are still reluctant to show their gender, i hope that happens soon. take a look.

chardir thanks for the good wishes, i hope a great harvest for you as well. post some photos id like to see your grow/setup.

here are the new photos with her training wheels on.
please do. im hoping withing the next 3-5 days i see some female hairs. im stoked too benyboi more than you can imagine and you have a really nice grow yourself with those 2 you scrog'n. its official that im doing a scrog with a topping next go round.

got some more photos of the lady reaching back to the sky within 3 hours of being pushed down as well as some with her new tie down exposing the goods.
check out the cola improvement

check out the cola improvement

colas looking way hairier since first photos of flowering 4 days ago. along with more bud sites starting to bloom. i think i counted 8 so far.
umm i mean i know what it smells like so id say my room smells very "green" like but its not too bad yet. i think i have 2 males in there and one of them smells potent as hell. a shame though that im gonna have to throw it out. im hoping it starts to reek soon though.
its has faint scents of bud, but still more of a plant-like smell.. the one that reeks the most is a male, its official. probably wont be that big of a harvest but hey beggars cant be choosers especially on their first go round. ill have more photos in a few days or so when she starts to blossom more. stay tuned.
results after 1st week of flowering 12/12

results after 1st week of flowering 12/12

so all in one weeks time i found out the stinkiest one was a male so hes been eliminated, but i also found out that the other one is a female so now we have to girls on board ready to take off. both of them got one final transplant into a bigger home so they should be kind to me.

here are some photos of the results from week 1