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Horrible ways to die...

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
I saw a show recently where they were talking about strange ways to die. This was one of those weird, "what the fuck" stories I've ever heard....

There was a huge forest fire and after the fire was put out, the investigators found a guy hanging in a tree with scuba gear on, flippers, mask, the whole thing. He had internal injuries that pointed to a fall as the initial cause of death.

The investigators couldn't figure out what happened until they identified the guy and talked to his wife.

Turns out he was scuba diving off the coast, near the location of the fire. As you know, when battling a large forest fire, helicopters are called in that have large buckets that pick up water from the nearest body of water and dump the water on the fire as they fly over hundreds of feet above the ground.

The nearest body of water to the fire was the ocean. Well, this guy was unfortunately picked up by one of those helicopters while scuba diving. His wife said she saw him before he got picked up, the bucket got lowered near his position and next thing you know, he's gone.

The wife called 911, but they had no contact with the firefighters that were battling the blaze (the site of the fire was a known communications dead zone).

No one could help the guy. He couldn't climb out of the bucket or do anything else to stop what was going to happen...and the worst part is....he knew what was coming.

He got dumped along with the water over the forest fire, landed in the tree they found him in and most likely died on impact. He was burnt to a crisp and they had to identify him through dental records.



Freedom Fighter
I think the worst way to die, is alone...with nobody to remember you--
Loneliness can be more painful than pain--


~Resident Puck Bunny~
I saw a show recently where they were talking about strange ways to die. This was one of those weird, "what the fuck" stories I've ever heard....

There was a huge forest fire and after the fire was put out, the investigators found a guy hanging in a tree with scuba gear on, flippers, mask, the whole thing. He had internal injuries that pointed to a fall as the initial cause of death.




Cookie monster

Being nibbled to death by icmag moderators :)

Trapped in a confined space with Yummy and having no way to end either his or your life.....a fate worse than death no doubt.


Cannabrex Formulator
Barometric torture....place victim in a pressure chamber and bring them down to the equivalent of 300 feet, then bring 'em up fast....give them the bends selectively.

When you do this, it ruptures cells from the inside, starting with the joints of the limbs and ending with the brain.

Repeat for as long as it takes to kill them..


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
also there was an episode of weeds where they belt sanded the entire surface of the guys skin effectivly making him a human scab. he eventually gave up nancy so i know it hurt.


:booked: lol- that wouldn't be a bad thing

Nah. It hurts, and not in a good way either. :frown:

Anyway, an obvious one after reading the Chernobyl thread is radiation poisoning. Just awful, awful stuff. A slow, painful death. I think I'd rather die any other way than that. Being burned alive is a most terrifying thought but imagine it happening gradually, as your skin melts away and your organs decay and shut down.

river rat01

impalement would be the worst of all.

This is done by inserting a sharply pointed stake into his posterior, which then is forced through his body, emerging through the head, sometimes through the throat. This stake is then inverted and planted in the ground, so that the wretched victims, as we

may well imagine, live on in agony for some days before expiring. . . . It is said that nowadays not so much trouble is taken with impalement as once the case, but such criminals simply have a short spit thrust into their anus and are left to crawl thus upon the earth until they die.'


i don't think there is 1 particular way that is "the most horrible", but there are many ways to put someone in severe pain.

also keep in mind the physical pain can only last so long before the subject loses consciousness or goes into shock.

another way of torture is the old school cut the wrists, roll the skin up and grind sand into the bare muscle tissue...


lives on planet 4:20
This one seems more or less "horrible" imho :tiphat:

"The brazen bull is an execution/torture device designed in ancient
Greece. Perillos of Athens, a brass-founder proposed to Phalaris,
Tyrant of Agrigentum, the invention of a new means for executing
criminals; accordingly, he cast a brazen bull, made totally of brass,
hollow, with a door in the side. The condemned was shut up in the bull
and a fire was set under it, heating the metal until it became "red hot"
and causing the person inside to slowly roast to death. So that
'nothing unseemly might spoil his feasting', Phalaris commanded that
the bull be designed in such a way that its smoke rose in spicy clouds
of incense. The head of the ox was designed with a complex system of
tubes and stops so that the prisoner's screams were converted into
sounds like the bellowing of an infuriated bull. "

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
worst way to die.... watching jersey shore. if you go out voluntarily watching that show then you have wasted your life.