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Amount of water/light for first week

heyy all. first time grower here, and was just wondering how much you all recommend watering for the first week / the amount of light. we've been watering the peat pills they're in every 12 hours until they're moist. We kept them in the dark until most are sprouted, and moved them under a 20 hr fluorescent light schedule. They seemed to stagnate growing a day ago.




Active member
They're dead...especially that one in the bottom picture...in the middle.

First time?

You have a lot to learn my friend. Start reading the sticky's. It'll take some time, but in the not too distant future, you'll be growing the good shit. You just need to learn how.
but we read so many growers guides. we kept them covered for the first like 5 days on a heating mat until they were germinated a little bit. watered every 12 hr with distilled water when they were bone dry until they were moist. now it's on a 20 hour light schedule 7 inches away from the light. What can we do to save these seeds? They're only been in the peat pills for a week.



Active member
No...not BONE dry... did you plant the seeds or just place them on top? That one looks like it was just laying there on top of the jiffy pot.

I personally HATE those jiffy pots...I've never seen a really healthy seedling from one.

What kind of light is 7" away? CFL? Get it closer...like 1-2" away. Is it MH or HPS? Get it farther away...2ft.

My advice to you is to go to the "grow diaries" forum and find someone doing a similar style of grow/same strain and see how they do it. Ask them questions.

I start seeds in a 16oz beer cup, with a simple mix of top soil, peat, and perlite. I water heavily when I plant the seed and then not again for about a week.

Growing isn't a "step by step" thing...you don't have a checklist and EVERY 12 hours you water. you water when it NEEDS water. Each plant will be different, different needs. It's more an art than a pure science. It's like raising kids...each unique and individual...each with their own needs.

This is what my seedlings typically look like in 10 days from popping out of the soil.


You can too...you just need to get the conditions right.
We planted the seeds about 1/2 an inch down in the peat pellets. We have a 15 watt fluorescent bulb for the seedlings and a bigger 400 watt HPS for later in the growing period. We didn't want to expose them too early to the HPS, but should we plant them in soil and move them under the fluorescent light or HPS?