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No light for 4 days?

Ok so I have an issue going on with my new spot. Power went out today and won't be back on until monday or tuesday. the girls were going to get flipped on monday anyways and I have heard of giving them 36 to 72 hours of dark before flipping but I feel as if this is WAY to long. How badly am I fucked here?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
badly after 3 days u will see them lose color. U cant put them outside for at least 8 hrs


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
dont worry, your good.....

light dis colorization on the tops is all......
thanks krunch. I was planning on taking clones off of some of these this saturday before I was to flip them. Can I still take cuts after this long dark period?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I guess since you dont really have any choices your going to have to see what happens. 4days imo your going to lose more then the top color. I had some in the attic for 3 days I lost color on the hole plant it took an extra week to recover the color. They wont die the longer there without light the more stress.

Good Luck


We are Farmers
I think you should take your clones now, they will root in the dark. You will obviously need to use a non powered cloning method. Chop some small branches and throw them in a glass of water. Change water once a week. Takes a long time but it works. HTH


The Tri Guy
Can you leave a curtain cracked open so some natural light enters the room, doesnt have to be full blown direct sunlight, just something to let them know its day time.


Active member
I had to hide a 3 ft DWC bush in a cardboard box for 4 days, she came out fine but hermied on me later in flowering, though I blame that on light leaks, not the 4 day dormancy in veg.

Grass Lands

guy buy a flourescent battery powered lantern, shit buy 10 of them!

Bingo...this is what I had to do when the power went out for a few days...they may not get the intense light they need...but it will keep them on their cycle...and to recharge them I had to buy an adapter for the car...not sure what your situation is...but that is an option bro...

Thanks for all the help guys. Talked with my cousin this morning and he told me that he actually gives his girls 7 days of straight darkness before he flips them. He says they do get slight discoloration but that goes away within 2 days and he gets tighter denser buds this way. Since this man is one of the biggest yielders I know personally I believe him. Lights went out yesterday and I was assured they would be back on Monday so I guess I'll be fine.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
7 days is NOT good, I speak from experience. They would be yellow and the large fan leaves will fall. Also will take a long time to recover and give your plants much more chance to hermi on you, not to mention the decreased yield.

3 days is not too bad, but will still yellow on top.



plant pimp
Battery powered bicycle lights are perfect for this type of thing. Most run on batteries and some last as long as 18 hrs. That is plenty of life,just change batteries. Even had your plants been flowering u could have used them for 12/12. While not enough lumens for the plants to produce sugars it would have kept them on schedule....kinda like having a cloudy day growing outdoors.

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