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When to Stop Neem?


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Not often I have to visit the infirm..but I know I cna find the help I need here, I just bought my first neem oil ever a couple weeks ago due to a borg bastard infestation indoors, I need help. This plant was sprayed with neem 2 weeks ago..just as the first pistles were showing. I have six plants going that were all infested. I'd like to give them another dose of neem, even though there seem to be NO mites left on the girls. Will it hurt to spray them again now since the flowering has developed to this stage. Many thanks Brothers and Sisters...your expertise is always appreciated by me..DD



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi Dd i spray neem well into flower without ever tasting it on the buds.

use just 1 teaspoon/litre of warm water and wizz it up with a hand blender or smoothie maker to emulsify with a couple drops of soap if you like.

i'd probably spray that one all over, but further into flower i spray lightly from underneath so the bottom of the leaves get covered but the buds dont get too much of it.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
you can also use a 'dodger' to protect the buds (photographic term but something that you put infront of them, a spoon is good. and spray.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Neem won't kill the eggs that will hatch the next or a few days after your initial spray. I think sexual maturity is 3 to 5 days for those borgers.

When I get them I spray the 3 times 4 or 5 days apart. I'd rather not have a re-infestation close to harvest.


Freedom Fighter
What Sam said--
The only adverse effect at this point, could be some of the pistils could turn a li'l brown/dried out-- Just don't mix it too hot, and you should be fine--:tiphat:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
agree with the above, eggs hatch in 2-3 days and sexual maturity is about 2 days.

thing about neem is that it doesnt work like normal insecticides, and only tiny amounts are needed to be effective, stronger mixes dont work any better and can brown the pistils as mentioned. obviously you want to spray when they are well watered and they need to dry properly before being put back in the sun/light.


Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
I spray neem until the third week liberally. After that I spray pretty much at the soil level and under the leaves. After the nuggets really form (depending on your strain) I usually stop. Something about the oily nature of it on the flowers doesn't really appeal to me.
I usually spray every third or fourth day as a preventative. Haven't had them for a few years, until a friend gave me some seeds back as 12" plants, with mites.

I'd keep spraying to make sure they're gone. Best of Luck


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
See! That's what I'm talkin about with our Infirmary, ask a question one day and then all the help one could ever ask for. Many thanks, I'll follow your advice Brothers..DD


Active member
Neem is non-toxic but can leave a nasty taste if done late in flower. Sounds like you'll be fine as pistils just forming. Also, if only sprayed once w neem there probably are some that hatched. I always do successive sprays to kill hatchlings, which i'll do 5 day later. And I'll often switch up on sprays. You have anything else for mites? Other's are things like essential oils (ed's zero tol, sns 217 etc) or mighty wash, or spinosad (capt jacks dead bug).


Active member
1/4 tsp neem oil
1/4 tsp pro-tekt silica
mix those 2 together, then mix to one quart water.

use DAILY- even twice per day untill theyre gone.
I use neem oil on a regular basis, even if there are no pests as a preventative- once to twice per week. i stop the neem usually 2 weeks into flower.


I spray neem tea until the sixth week of flower with no taste ever left. I prefer it to neem oil. You can also spray some dr. bronner's baby soap at 2 tablespoons per gallon. Both will take care of the problem, and leave nothing behind.
Hi all. I'll start by saying thanks, this thread took me a while to find, but it has helped me loads. I think it would be worth linking this thread to the sick plants and pests guide, as it is alot of extra info on neem oil usage.

I noticed yesterday what looked like tiny dots of white powder under my leafs, but spread out singular dots. When I checked with the microscope I could see they were little shiny eggs. They were on the bottom of 4 of my 6 plants, along with a couple of mature aphids (little white ones with red eyes).

After searching around for a solution here, it seemed neem oil was the best idea.

Last night just before lights out, as neem is better be used at night. I took all the plants out, they are 3 weeks into flower.

I made a neem oil mix of 0.75ml neem/500ml luke warm water/ 3 drops baby soap. I sprayed only the bottom of the leafs on the bottom to middle of the plants, lay on my back keeping my face away from the plants. And I guarded the buds with my hand, not to get too much on them.

Today they have been put outside for a few hours, nice and dry from their 12hr night cycle, they look a little upset with a couple of curled leafs. Other than that tho, they seem to be back in to their flowering cycle, and coming back to full health.
Heres some pictures, they are 2x Whitewiddow, 2x CriticalJack and 2x SuperSkunk..




I will be continuing with 2 more applications within the next 9 days to complete the process, so i'll update it here. And I plan to wash them while flushing at harvest time, or put them in the rain if it rains before harvest to get shut of any remaning neem..

Thanks again guys, this place is awesome :woohoo: