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RAIDS in Socal Today


Active member
16 raids today....:moon:

Deputies bust drug dealers at medical pot clinics

By AP News
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies have seized marijuana and conducted raids at 16 locations across Southern California.

Sheriff's officials say 11 people were arrested on suspicion of drug dealing Wednesday but their names were not released.

Capt. Ralph Ornelas says the raids targeted a single group of criminals illegally making and selling cocaine, meth and marijuana at medical marijuana dispensaries.

Authorities seized 35 marijuana plants, 78 pounds of processed pot, seven gallons of concentrated cannabis oil and 4,000 pre-packaged, marijuana-laced edible products, with a total value of about $350,000.

The raids took place at five medical marijuana clinics, two processing sites, a grow site and a sailboat in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Diego counties.


Active member
Capt. Ralph Ornelas says the raids targeted a single group of criminals illegally making and selling cocaine, meth and marijuana at medical marijuana dispensaries.

Then this...
Authorities seized 35 marijuana plants, 78 pounds of processed pot, seven gallons of concentrated cannabis oil and 4,000 pre-packaged, marijuana-laced edible products, with a total value of about $350,000.

So they seized things related to cannabis...but where is the other drugs???


ICMag Donor
yeah where is the coke and meth? me thinks they acted on a shitty tip. damn narcs...


I'll agree with VTA where do they actually say how much meth or coke they confiscated? I bet they only mention coke and meth just to get the warrants.


Freedom Fighter
So they seized things related to cannabis...but where is the other drugs???

So, the Anti 19 Campaign finally begins--
It is close enough to Elections that they are going to start shit like this-- Show how "Dangerous" Cannabis is--
It wouldn't surprise me to have some Dispensary robberies and murders pretty soon...these fuckers are ruthless!!

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
The raids targeted a single group of criminals illegally making and selling cocaine, meth and marijuana at medical marijuana dispensaries.

There is no way they were making cocaine in America. Doesn't make any sense. The AP is really just printing anything nowadays. I love how they don't even attach a journalists name to the stories.


The Tri Guy
It sounds to me like they are expecting 19 to pass. Therefore they are grabbing all the assets they can before hand as after they may have to work to their budget rather than what they can steal.


They should sue for libel! Unless they were really making and selling cocaine and meth too...


Active member
What, you guys don't just have gallons of oil sitting around? I always keep my oil next to my guns and piles of coke and meth. Standard procedure.


Did any one expect anything different???

Hell all they do when they want to raid a house is say they have AK47's & the get their warrant. How many times do you see it on cop shows on TV, They kick the doors in and find a guy with a few dime bags but no guns & they always use the line " we have to act serious on these tips"