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Im tired of being a chemist just to grow a few plants



I found throwing mine outside in the dirt works pretty well. Amendments made, of course.


You don't have to be a mechanic to drive a car but to fix it.
You don't have to be a programmer to use a computer but to program it.
You don't have to know anything about growing weed to smoke it, but but you do have to if you want to grow it. Seems logical, your comparisons weren't all that :D

But i do gotta admit it's friggin frustrating for me too sometimes, it's just never as good as i hoped it would grow.


Active member
Maybe you're just splitting hairs and trying 'too much'. All this PH this Ph that....O, I gotta add some more phosophurus because I got yellow viens between leaves etc etc etc. Some of the things people do to their plants when something doesn't look right amazes me sometimes.

Just leave your plants ALONE and more often than not they will work themselves out and I don't care what anyone says! Of course a good all around fert should be used for feeding but it's not something u need to do more than once a week....if that. As far as that PH stuff you're having problems with? Just go collect some rain water it's better than anything coming out of the faucet at home.

You don't have to be a mechanic to drive a car but to fix it.
You don't have to be a programmer to use a computer but to program it.
You don't have to know anything about growing weed to smoke it, but but you do have to if you want to grow it. Seems logical, your comparisons weren't all that :D

But i do gotta admit it's friggin frustrating for me too sometimes, it's just never as good as i hoped it would grow.

Cliffy may be new...but he's got good advice. Don't try so hard.

got a picture of a typical plant of yours? Maybe we can help...

Baba Ku

Active member
Keeping it simple is what you are looking for, and that approach is always the best one in the long run. Sure, you can obsess over pH, IC, ppm, abc, def, 123, etc...but in the end we need to worry more about the basics than the specific levels of this and that.
Valid arguments can be made for such obsessions, but there are just as valid arguments against being so anal.

All styles should agree that there is a point of optimum. The grower who monitors each and every ppm of nutrient and knows the pH of his water going in and coming out should be looking for the optimum levels of all things to produce the most bud, with the highest quality that the strain has to offer.
Thing is, the grower who uses a premix right out of the bag and only feeds basic micro/macro nutrients and uses water right out of the tap can also find the optimum situation for his strains wants and needs.
Both growers are certainly going to have to make adjustments if their plant shows deficiencies, but most likely it is not going to happen during this run. It will be subsequent runs that the changes should take place. Yes, salts feeders can possibly catch something right away and correct during the run, but that is the sort of thing that only folks who are on top of the game, and most likely in water.

What I am trying to say is this, you can find optimum...or near optimum with using a very basic program with no monitoring. Or, you can obsess and monitor each breath the plant takes. Both will yield about the same in both bulk and quality if all of the basics are taken care of. IMO the added benefits of finding a spot on perfect level of things, hardly makes the expense of both coin and time worth the effort.

Award winning weed can be grown from a pot of miracle grow potting mix watered right out of the tap and nothing else. It may be a bit hot for some plants, so try adjusting to FFOF next grow for a more organic approach.
ProMix, MetroMix, and an array of soil-less potting mixes are available at most garden centers and are all good choices. While there get a gallon of liquid salts that has micronutrients and feed it about 1/2 of what it suggests until they flower, then let them finish and eat up what is there till flush.

Folks that chase deficiencies often end up with worse than the guy who let things happen. You need to have your game together to correct things, as the cure is often the cause.

Pounding big bud bullshit into them as well as over watering are the two biggest problems growers see. Stop feeding them until they need it, and only water when the pots are light.
Although some actually live for monitoring their levels of everything, and I say more power to them! If we are going to obsess, it may as well be over something we have a passion for! :)

river rat01

well several people have suggested fox farms soil and nutes so i will go with that and see if that gives better results.
i'm just tired of baking from scratch so im looking for a "complete" cake mix.:)


I transplant my dirt plants to light warrior out of the cloner. After that I use Fox farms Ocean/forest blend mixed with happy frog, chunky perlite from FF add a handful of ancient forest from general hydroponics. I feed every other watering with FF nutes. The soil itself has alot of nutes in it and i'm sure you could make a full run with just the soil... However...

Take this for what it's worth... Growing is nothing more then one big set of little problems... Trying to mimic the mother is not so easy eh?
The more time you spend on your plants the better the weed will be, there is a art in bringing out the full potential in any pot plant.

Peace and puffs

Sorry I forgot to say, I grow in hydro now. But I use the hell out of soil for moms and when looking for new keepers... Take a cutting and hold it back etc...


I believe that once you know about the water being used in the garden you can build a system around that. Soil or Hydro.


The Tri Guy
Riverrat, I agree completely. I can't be arsed with bottles of this and that, I get simple veggie growing compost, toss seeds in, and water. When it comes time to harvest, its done. I am lucky to have tap water that comes out at ph7. If I didn't then I'd have to ph correct it, but I'm in a lucky area I guess. I'm happy with what I produce, and when I post pics, I dont get insulted.


i just want to grow easily.

think about it, you dont have to be a mech. just to drive a car, or be a programmer to use a computer.

Nor do you have to be a weed expert to smoke a joint. But let's take someone who knows nothing about cars and ask them to build a car, or build a computer....... Maybe they can use them, just like you CAN grow without using anything..... just won't get what you want. I look at growing like I look at anything else; Over time by trial and error, the things that seem 'hard', become a whole lot easier, because you learn the things you didn't before know.....

To my standard, there is no perfect soil, no perfect nutes, no perfect information..... In the end, you have to use what's the 'most complete', and tweak the rest of it to YOUR standards.... A soil company may have 100,000 customers with all different ideas of what a complete 'soil' is..... Learn what you need to know and then you'll know it, and the things that are frustrating you now, will be a breeze....

I love learning more and more... I love acting like a 'chemist'.... Growing is all about finding the perfect chemistry. I love watching the progress between the first and last grow, even though at the times I wished I could have gotten 2 lbs out of a 1000w, the only thing that has changed is my knowledge..... and my yeild and potency :tiphat:
the most simple way i have found to grow is to use promix with osmocote plus as a top dressing...watered only with r.o. straight from the filter....ive ran this way both indoors and out with near perfect results...the prills also seem to work fine with supplements if wanted..ive used them with liquid kharma, hydroplex and silica blast..but really the only deficiency ive ever seen with osmocote plus is a little need for cal/mag real late in my headband..and im pretty sure the prills were used up at that point and not feeding any longer..


I have found the following mix in 6-gallon buckets to provide sufficient nutrient support for any plant throughout the growing cycle:

In the bottom of the bucket I place approximately 2 gallons worth of Subcool's supersoil:

8 bags of Roots Organic Soil Mix, combined with the following supplements:
1- 25-50 pounds of Organic Worm castings
5 lb. Steamed Bone meal
5 lb. Bloom bat Guano
5 lb. Blood meal
3 lb. Rock Phoshate
¾ cup Epson salts
½ to 1 Cup cup Sweet Lime ( Dolimite)
½ Cup Azomite ( Trace Elements)
2- TBS Powdered Humic Acid

Subcool's full article can be found here:

The remainder of the bucket, approximately 4 gallons, is filled with this version of the "Moonshine Mix":

1 bag of Foxfarm Ocean Forest potting soil
1 bag of Foxfarm Planting Mix (batguano/earthwormcastings)
1 bag of Light Warrior
8-10 qt's of Foxfarm "chunky" perilite
1 cup of Fox farm "Peace of Mind" Fruit and Flower fertlizer

The original source of this mix is here:

I run all plants using the above mix under a 1000W Eye Hortilux Super Blue Dual Arc lamp, with CO2 supplementation, and the buds are amazing every time.

river rat01

that sounds like a great mix elfstone!

hey thanks to all that have responded to tried to help!

ya know, one thing ive noticed is the indoor plants are the ones that seem to have all the problems.

outdoor plants (at least in my experiance) never seem to. why???


Active member
yea i noticed that too..up north my friends doing outdoor dont even pH balance or anything...they fill up a bucket, let it sit outside, then water and their stuff comes out bomb.
Im sick of nute def. and PH problems!
everyone says add some lime, add some ewc, add some guano, well no more!

i just want a freaking COMPLETE potting soil WITH ALL THE NUTES and PH BALANCED so i dont have to become a botanist with a PHD in order to grow a few plants.

i know that you will say, thats all part of it!
well i dont want THAT part of it.
i just want to grow easily.

think about it, you dont have to be a mech. just to drive a car, or be a programmer to use a computer.

what soil am i looking for that will do this???

go to the organics for beginners thread by burn one, and you will find several different mixes that are complete and tailored to different strains needs. i use tbasically the 1st one, and i never add anything except water with mollasses for the most part, its a "set it and forget it" way of growing.

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
I just finished using SunnyDog's recipe and it worked great. Bout to chop them down and they looked amazing. Nothing but straight water. Occasional molasses and Bokashi ( which I'm sure you can live without) and a bit of Earth Worm Castings Tea.

Super simple. Didn't yield as much as my coco run but it made me happy to try something new.


After doing my own research, my mix is simple;

-50% Fox Farm Ocean Forest (way overpriced btw)
-50% Canna Coco

Through my own testing I found FFOF to work okay on it's own but the occurance of nute burn was more prevalent in the ALL-FFOF mix, so i kept it at 50% of each. Feeding plus the FFOF provide enough food for their 3 short months of life.

I start them in 6 inch pots now, then i migrate to a 2 gallon then finally a 5 gallon...still 50% of each. I feed then with FloraNova Grow&Bloom, and that works fine. Without much work at all I yield 8-10oz off a 400 watter, and thats not even trying SCROG or other high yielding techniques. I get compliments on the weed all the time it's just that most people aren't used to the quality we all grow.

you can go all organic and do your thing that way but honestly unless you really can tell a major difference in taste, potency from growing organic, then there's really no point. it's all relative...you can make 10 growers grow strictly-organic and 5 will say it does, 5 will say it doesn't. you can only try it for yourself and see, and experiment.