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Old grower returns


I last grew back in the 90s, some Early Riser from Sagarmatha but done indoor...lasted 'till the present. Now looking to grow again, medical reasons.

Things have changed a lot, so much more information available now. So, this is a thanks in advance to those who have shared their knowledge, as I will be relying on it.

Take care and the best to all,



Hi GrowItOut,

Exactly what I did, but for me it was the mid 80's. I started up again late last year. Oh yes so much has changed especially having access to so much information.

Have fun, I sure am,

emerald city

ha ha Guess im old too,I remember the 70ies...When we were lucky to find 1 or 2 books out on the subject[ ed rosenthal comes to mind]or "the emporor where's no cloths"..I can still picture the first halide i saw,life hasnt been the same...
The website has lotsa good info,youll be back up to speed in know time...see yah round ..E.C

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