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Making ISO hash thicker?


Hi everyone,

I've made ISO hash countless times but one thing I'm getting tired of due to the messiness is the consistency of the hash. While it smokes GREAT in it's honey-like form, I find that I'd rather have more of a play-dough consistency so it's easy to cut up and drop into a bowl.

Now, I've read a couple posts on the net about putting baking powder/soda into the hash to stiffen it up a bit. Has anyone tried this? Does anyone have any other suggestions?



Well I don't want to post a bunch of links so just google "isohash baking soda" and you'll see some results. Upon further reading though it looks like it's not really a good idea.

Maybe I'll mix some kief in it instead. That should work ok.


Active member
i grind up dry leaf i mean really grind then push through a screen and grind again till you get dust then mix that up you end up with like a green squidgy if you work it it will go blackish

el dub

You just have to dry out your oil better before consuming. I do this in a 10"x14" pyrex dish, on a hot pad under an exhaust fan. Using 91% alcohol, 4-5 hours on a heating pad AFTER all moisture has evaporated is a good starting point scraping up small batches of oil. Use a razor blade to scrape bottom and sides of dish. Pile all chunks and dust in center. It will eventually form a hard puddle. The more oil being processed, the more time it will need on hot pad after evaporation.


johnny butt

el dub has got it right. You need to let all that alcohol evaporate and do a quicker wash. I like to let it just sit out, and not even bother with a hot plate. I think the end material is better.

Set it somewhere where it won't get contaminated with dust or other particulates and wait 2-3 days. You will have some very nice oil that can be manipulated, but isn't that sticky unhandle-able stuff.


I agree. Don't add anything. Make sure you let it dry for a few days so you aren't smoking ISO Alcohol. When I scrape my dish (I also use pyrex) I really need to put some effort into it. Sometimes I even heat the dish to get it out. I use 91% ISO, shake for 60 sec, and then set it out with a fan on it for a good 2 days. It shouldn't come off easily. In fact I have come close to cutting myself with the razor blade because it can skip off the plate with all the pressure I apply.



Green is Gold
I like to leave gooey hash in the fridge a couple days and that seems to harden it up some

el dub

No hot plate, just a heating pad. The entire process, with small 6-10 gram batches of oil usually takes about 24 hours total time to evap and dry.



A longer wash will pull out more plant waxes producing more, less potent, more workable hash oil.

Straining through a fine metal strainer will allow more sediment to enter your oil than a coffee filter, producing a more workable oil.

el dub

My goal is to produce as pure of oil as possible. So, for me, that means washing frozen flowers in chilled alcohol for about a minute. PLant matter is then transfered to a large strainer lined with cheese cloth, all sitting above a large bowl. Alcohol is squeezed from plant material (in cheese cloth) over strainer. LIquid is then poured through 4 layers of unbleached coffee filters and allowed to drip into pyrex. The process can be repeated for second wash.

Simply drying the oil properly is enough to give high quality end product the consistency desired by OP, imo, although the second wash will contain more plant waxes and be a bit gummier.

el dub, what do you mean you wash them with chilled ISO? i thought the longer you keep them in iso the worse it is bc you get like chlorophyll and other stuff in your oil? could you go into detail on your process a little?


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah you can mix it with kief to make jelly hash, which is basically contaminating it a bit to make it thicker. I have tried making QWISO (frozen SLX, frozen dried trim) and then freezing the alcohol afterwards, after a few days a layer of whitish sediment settles to the bottom. Siphoning the alcohol off the top made for a very pure product, even when totally dry its quite gooey at room temps like most QWISO. The only thing that makes pure QWISO hard is cold temps, but I scrape mine up (have to heat the pan first) and then transfer to waxed paper, then freeze it, wad it up into a ball and refreeze. Chip off a piece with a razor when needed, or transfer into little vials to vape out of my EZ-Vape.

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
I don't bother with freezing anything to make ISO. If you all can't get your oil to stay solid at room temp then you are
A. using very hard-pressed regs that has a ton of smashed seeds in it.
B. using way to long of a solvent exposure time.
C. not purging all of your solvent.
For most of you, A. does not apply. I think the answer is too long of exposure and not purging enough.
I try to keep my times about a minute. That means I'm shaking the hell out of the jar for about forty seconds then I use a sieve to hold back the herb and pour it off. Any squeezing of excess solvent from the herb, I try to get done within the minute. After that, I pour it into an old ISO bottle, then make a large hole in the lid and place a coffee filter over the bottle. Screw on the lid and squeeze the contents out onto your evaporation dish.
To evaporate the ISO, you can just place a fan near it and let the air blow across the surface of the ISO,it will evap in no time.If I'm in a hurry, I place the dish on top of a pot of hot water and blow a fan across it. After the solvent is gone, I like to whip the oil.

Here is some oil that I whipped a few weeks ago, it is like a dry putty, does not make a mess and is pure.

The blade on the right is the same batch, it's not whipped. See them shards? I would have to get it warm to get it stuck on something. If it is room temp, I can make a ball and set it in the desk or whatever.It won't get stuck.

Just trying to help


May your race always be in your favor
I took my last batch, when it had dried for a day but was still gooey . I heated up the pyrex under the qwiso until it boiled. That seemed got rid of the last off the iso and its is very stiff when cool you can roll it into little ballz for the vapor globe, gets you messed up.

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