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Are you ready for the truth?...thread


lives on planet 4:20
waste of my time no where in that incoherent text did i see enlightenment just some one trying to sound like he knows it all, everyone who took the time to read this is now that much more dumb no dis. but thats my :2cents:

Honest opinions are appreciated, thanks richoll, for taking the time!


lives on planet 4:20
lol...just remembered Bob Marley tried to say the same thing that
I'm saying and the same thing that writer is saying in the essay.

...just listen in the beginning to his words!


...he smoked plenty of psychadelic herb, and he says it straight out
folks, I'm not bullshitting you!

sac beh

lol...just remembered Bob Marley tried to say the same thing that
I'm saying and the same thing that writer is saying in the essay.

I'm starting to wonder if this is a joke thread :thinking:

If more people actually thought like this because of marijuana, I would dedicate my life to keeping it illegal. Its the sort of thing where you have to be completely out of your mind to look at this guy and say, oh yeah, he's a genius, this guru has it all figured out.

But thankfully the medical consensus is that cannabis can worsen pre-existing psychotic disorders in a few individuals but cannabis itself is not the cause of such disorders. So I think this thread has nothing to do with marijuana, that's just the pretext. It has everything to do with the OP having found some sort of spiritual contentment with this guru.




The Mad Monk



Enlightenment is finding that there is nothing to find. Enlightenment is to come to know that there is nowhere to go. - Osho

In two sentences a guy sums up what this 'enlightened writer' still can't manage to articulate in 2000+ words.
I feel I was awaken as an adolescent. I was aware of what was going on around me before it had even happened. At times I could feel what others were thinking, and could play out in my mind ( within seconds) my action to how others would perceive it. It was like I could see thru anyone and everything for what they truly were, and this was an instant flash of realization. There was no process. it came naturally. This began after my first experiences with marijuana. I started to slip into opiate addiction, and I noticed this "power" fade away. I have yet to get this ability back, and sometimes feel Im living in a fog, and that part of my brain that used to kick in, is no longer working.. There are moments during certain days I will feel it begin to work, but its very briefly and only last seconds. I dont know how this will be perceived or how crazy I sound. But wanted to put that out there. Take it how u will.


Active member
I'm starting to wonder if this is a joke thread :thinking:

I was thinking that as well. There was a really similar thread at planetganja, probably the same book. Some guy talking about the "truth" but that guy was run off the site, Wish PG was still around so I could see if it was the same.


lives on planet 4:20

Enlightenment is finding that there is nothing to find. Enlightenment is to come to know that there is nowhere to go. - Osho

In two sentences a guy sums up what this 'enlightened writer' still can't manage to articulate in 2000+ words.

...it is true that Osho sums it up in two sentences, but the funny thing
is these two sentences will not wake you up, and the essay with its
2,000 words goes deep enough to feel the truth, instead of simply
understanding it. Waking up from the dreamstate is not something
that can be understood, and this is why a few sentences, or even
two thousand sentences can do.

...one word or a billion words can only act as a sign post that points
toward the truth, they are not the truth themselves.

This is why it is important to "feel" what is behind the words, and this
is why Osho's saying don't do anything, while this essay can make
a person see things from a different perspective.

Just like a movie trailer for the Matrix is different from seeing the
movie itself. After seeing the movie, your perspective changes,
while after seeing the trailer you only have the desire to see the
movie, there is no change of perspective.


Well-known member
i have more fun in my dreams, than in real life. I have very vivid, intense, realistic dreams, and they are the same every night. Not really the same, but in the same fictional places, which is a combination of my favorite places in this world.

But really, to the original poster, this has nothing to do with why cannabis is illegal. your theory can be destroyed so easily, for instance, why are medical states emerging, wouldn't they have never been allowed to come to be, if someone didn't want us to use it, for fear we'd realize there's no point in becoming a working slave, and buying into the american dream, or whatever. also, explain amsterdam, explain countries in africa, explain mexico, explain south america, explain cambodia. why can any of us go there and freely indulge in cannabis.

not only that, but explain why in north america, you can legally buy research chemicals that give you profound psychedelic trips.

as I said, i enjoyed reading the article you posted, but if that's what you got out of it, then you obviously missed the point entirely.


lives on planet 4:20
i have more fun in my dreams, than in real life. I have very vivid, intense, realistic dreams, and they are the same every night. Not really the same, but in the same fictional places, which is a combination of my favorite places in this world.

But really, to the original poster, this has nothing to do with why cannabis is illegal. your theory can be destroyed so easily, for instance, why are medical states emerging, wouldn't they have never been allowed to come to be, if someone didn't want us to use it, for fear we'd realize there's no point in becoming a working slave, and buying into the american dream, or whatever. also, explain amsterdam, explain countries in africa, explain mexico, explain south america, explain cambodia. why can any of us go there and freely indulge in cannabis.

not only that, but explain why in north america, you can legally buy research chemicals that give you profound psychedelic trips.

as I said, i enjoyed reading the article you posted, but if that's what you got out of it, then you obviously missed the point entirely.

Agreed. Cannabis is one thing, awakening another. The primary
thought is that cannabis, and other consciousness-altering
substances can make us see the truth, and this is what is
important. This truth is shocking, and it is that while there is
consciousness and the reality we are currently are aware off, there
is no "us" that is separate from it.
This is the delusion that is really
impossible for a human being to grasp. That his or her whole life,
he or she thought she was real, and in reality this is not so.

The reality is that the whole time it has been simply consciousness
without any "you" in the equation. A persons ego will never allow
him or her to understand this, but once this is realized, you can't
go back, and this is why I will not really continue to pursue this
thread that much. Everyone that needed to see it and benefit
from it already has, the rest as was designed just waved it off.

Here is the last link I'm providing for anyone that is interested in
listening an audio about this subject by the guy that wrote the
essay, it sheds some more light on things, and might be a good way
to end this subject, at least for me. The video does not show for
some reason, but you can hear everything, which is what counts!


I am not into the forum thing anymore, even though I love icmag,
and always lurk around checking out threads where people grow
this beautiful plant.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hmm, not really hooking me in i must say. we live in the present, but we also know the past because it is what has made us who we are, and the future is what we hope will either be as good as the present or better.

i know my brother, he is real, therefore he exists beyond the here and now because he is not with me atm.

hey sf if you are into this kind of thing you should get into some 'real' philosophical writing.

check out BF Skinner or David Hume for starters




lives on planet 4:20
hmm, not really hooking me in i must say. we live in the present, but we also know the past because it is what has made us who we are, and the future is what we hope will either be as good as the present or better.

i know my brother, he is real, therefore he exists beyond the here and now because he is not with me atm.

hey sf if you are into this kind of thing you should get into some 'real' philosophical writing.

check out BF Skinner or David Hume for starters



okay VG, thanks for these names, will check them out.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Good luck everyone on your journey to light, truth, and consciousness.

guest 77721

99.999% of the spiritual books and teachers out there are completely wrong.

Except me so,



Active member
All of the great spiritual leaders had really simple messages. I've found the smarter people try to sound the less truth they are speaking when it comes to spirituality.

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