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Fucking Thrips!!!

Jim Rockford

Well-known member
Trade you my spider mites for your thrips! I always had good luck with spraying my plants with a home made solution. For one blender I use two jalapenos and 1 big clove of garlic. Blend, strain through a coffee filter, and freeze juice in a muffin tray. Each "puck" that comes out I then melt and mix with one spray bottle of water. The pepper/garlic mix kills eggs on contact, the stink of the garlic makes the thrips want to find a new place to hang out.


Trade you my spider mites for your thrips! I always had good luck with spraying my plants with a home made solution. For one blender I use two jalapenos and 1 big clove of garlic. Blend, strain through a coffee filter, and freeze juice in a muffin tray. Each "puck" that comes out I then melt and mix with one spray bottle of water. The pepper/garlic mix kills eggs on contact, the stink of the garlic makes the thrips want to find a new place to hang out.

Use SNS Spider Mite spray. Over the years, I've tried everything on mites and that was the best. Seriously eraditcated every one of them. No joke.

This is an old thread, but I wanted to say that the Spinosad worked just fine. No thrips anymore. I used it 1 times a week for 3 weeks and BOOM!, gone.


Im Currently using azamax. i tried the shower thing as I use RDWC and the plants are still medium sized, it was a lot of work, but the next day i found plenty still there. these are mothers/fathers and will be cloned and NOT in flower yet, so i figuded it was safe to use something. as I said, using azamax.. the first round the plants seemed to handle it ok, but after a couple days the tips and some of the leaves had burnth a tiny bit, and they became sensitive to nutes initially, then bounced back and were looking great.. so i zapped em again. here is the schedule i used..

apply on thursday evening
left on sat
washed off sun nite
washed again monday morning
apply again monday evening
leave on for 2 days and wash off..

check between... before the application i was getting around 30 on the bushiest, and about 8-10 on the less bushy. after the application the bushy one i found 6, and the smaller one i found 2.

so hit em again. i will let you know how it goes after this second run.. i have 7 females and 9 males and i want to make crosses and take clones but NOT infect the flower room again, nor my moms who i will be giving clones to.



Just a heads up... here is what i had to do.. but after doing this, all the thrips are now eliminated and I haven't seen one since Aug... here is what I did.. as you know above, i said i used azamax.. i sprayed them 2 times, and rinsed it off after 2 days on both occasions.. but i found the plants looked pretty rough after the applications... so...

i decided to kill off the entire garden.. what i did was cloned every branch on every plant i had, and dropped the cut clones into a 5 gallon bucket filled with water.. i then took the refuse material and put that into a 5 gal bucket sol of azamax. when the plan was de-cloned, i took the rockwool, and stones and tossed into another 5 gal of azamax.

i took clones of all females first... then after showering, and cleaning up, and prepping, I then took the clones from the 5 gallon bucket and while spraying them each with a shower sprayer, i then tossed em into a small glass bowl of water.. once all in the bowl i then put into paper cups of water.. and moved that into a separate closet.

did that with all females... and then left the paper cups for 1-2 days, keeping an eye on them...

i then took the cups after 2 days and put them into my aerocloners...

i did the same process the next day with all my males... same procedure.. water buckets during the process, then after cleaning up myself, into the water bowl.. then into paper. then 2 days later into cloners...

i now have all my female strains cloned and growing beautifully... AND the males i kept i found 2 females in there that i wasn't sure what they were.. one was a C99 pineapple., the other another really nice LA confidential...

so.. if you got thrips you might need to do this... if in flower, there isn't much chance, and im sure the buds will taste funny... :(


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