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Drying Too High HUMIDITY???


Not sure but it's at 80 degrees and 70% humidity (but fluctuates down to 50%)

Should I buy a dehumidifier???


If you've got the coin, probably a good idea to have one on hand.

Have you tried an oscillating fan? Don't point it directly at the buds, rather a wall or underneath buds if they are hanging. This will help circulate the air and bring down the RH a bit.


If you've got the coin, probably a good idea to have one on hand.

Have you tried an oscillating fan? Don't point it directly at the buds, rather a wall or underneath buds if they are hanging. This will help circulate the air and bring down the RH a bit.

well the RH drops when the lights are on (although the plants are in complete darkness. not sure if this rising and lowering of humidity will have a ridiculous effect on these plants.

it does get down to 54% and roughly 64% when the lights are on... isn't that perfect curing rate? or do i still want the drying process to be at 50%??

i can throw a fan down there and will if needed.


I'm petrified of Botrytus, you should be too, especially if you are drying in your grow room.

I always advise keeping RH below 50% for flowering and drying to be safe. Some people dry at high RH but I don't recommend it. Also, drying RH (where your trying to dry) and curing RH (when your trying to preserve/enhance) have totally different requirements.


Active member
get a real small cheap-o space heater - they dry the air more then put out heat.
you could put it on a digital timer to come on for 5 mins a hour, or whatever....