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can prop19 really pass without majority bud smoker support?

For anyone voting no... if you are voting no to continue prohibition then shame on you and fuck you for being a greedy asshole.

Learn to make a convincing argument without insults and curse words. It'll take you a long way in life, pup. I don't see any Prop19 opponents cursing out the pro-19ers. Have some class and show some respect for your fellow cannabis loving brethren--regardless of how they choose to vote.

FYI, insults don't help to win more votes over to your side.


Freedom Fighter
I don't see any Prop19 opponents cursing out the pro-19ers.

You have to be kidding...I have prolly 500 pages, throughout these threads to call on...do I really need to prove you wrong??
There are flared tempers on both sides-- Get over being so thin skinned...and listen to what is given you factually--
Vote how you feel...debate how you feel-- There are some on here, that I can tell are not going to change their stance...I can respect that, and ignore them in convo--
I'm not here to argue...I am here to win ppl over to our side--:tiphat:


will it matter if the state is gone bancrupt by electing another progressive governor like brown?
didnt he already help ruin the state before?
u need a business woman running the damn economy there
there is NO reason to be in the kind of shape as u are
the best weather
the best soil for growing anything
perfect landscape
You have to be kidding...I have prolly 500 pages, throughout these threads to call on...do I really need to prove you wrong??
There are flared tempers on both sides-- Get over being so thin skinned...and listen to what is given you factually...
I'm not here to argue...I am here to win ppl over to our side--:tiphat:
Seriously, I really have indeed missed those posts. (Jumping around pages has that effect.) It's just that I've seen a lot of hate being dished by overzealous supporters. Reasonable enough to find both sides slinging dirt.

Being thin skinned has nothing to do with my reaction. It is simply just irritating to read cussing and insults when what would truly be helpful is straight up facts and smart speculations. Point and counter-point. It is a matter of being civilized in the ICMag community. We're not a bunch of kiddies here. Just my two cents.

And of course, I do give you props for trying to win folks over. Hats off to ya.


Learn to make a convincing argument without insults and curse words. It'll take you a long way in life, pup. I don't see any Prop19 opponents cursing out the pro-19ers. Have some class and show some respect for your fellow cannabis loving brethren--regardless of how they choose to vote.

FYI, insults don't help to win more votes over to your side.

I'm not your pup bub... I've been smoking this shit for over 20 ADULT years and I doubt if many here can accurately call me a pup.

I'm not saying that all who vote no are intentionally voting to maintain prohibition. There are othjer reasons to vote no for the bill other than greed. to those who are voting to maintain prohibition I do in fact say fuck you however. Those people are no better than the LEO, the DEA, the big Pharma and anyone else who cares nothing for the plant except how it can make them money under prohibition.

If you get so upset hearing a few curse words then amybe you should be hanging out on a daisy growing site.




I've been thinking about a few things and I havent really seen much talk about them here at IC... but maybe I missed them in other threads (which i havent really paid attention too because of all the shit slinging and know-it-all-ism... lame folks LAME! LAME!! LAME!!!)

I'm a little concerned about the continuation of federal funding to the state of california for things like highways, public schools, and hospitals... goverment funded social programs... that kinda stuff. Maybe its because I'm a parent and I have more to think about than just myself... but I am of the thought that the feds are gonna react in a passive/vindictive manner. Like a parent upset with a descision a child has made.

I'm leery the feds are gonna react in a such a way as "you want marijuana recreationally and you want to regulate and tax it if you feel like it? Thats cool. Go ahead. Because we are no longer contributing funding for your roads, your education, your medical programs... and you are probably gonna need $$$ to pay for that kinda stuff. So hopefully you can collect it from your recreational marijuana revenue streams. We're gonna redirct these funds that would have gone to you and send them to other states & their programs. You got it handled, right? Have a nice day". I'm also little concerned that employees of goverment contracted businesses in california are going to be out of work due to conflict with the federal drug free work place standards... and that companies in california bidding on goverment contracts are gonna be passed over for companies in states that adhere to the federal drug free workplace standards... thus creating more unemployment in the golden state.

I'll admit it - I'm a little afraid of the fed's reaction if it passes... I don't think the feds will just "take it" because that will set a precedence for other states to simply follow right in line with california (like many others say/hope) thumbing their noses at national policy. I just dont think it will go 'unpunished'.

But at the same time............ I'm a really selfish person. so......

I dont really give a flying fuck.

After November, I'm not gonna be driving on california's roads. I'm not gonna be needing california's education system, and I'm not gonna need california's medical assistance. I don't work for a goverment contracted agency, nor do any of my relatives. So whatever the federal goverment wants to do to or take away from california, its not gonna bother me in the slightest hehehe.

No one should go to jail for cannabis plants (cocaine plants.... thats another thing - some plants are better outlawed than legalized and regulated if you ask me...), and I'm crossing my fingers that the feds dont come down with fire and brimstone on all ya'll who are stuck in this great big festering neon distraction.

Anyways, thats what I've been thinking about.
I'm voting YES.

Good luck California.... you need it if it passes and if it doesnt

this guy speaks the truth. Even if prop19 does pass, the Feds will more then likely say "fine, were cutting off all federal funding to your state"

you think californias bankrupt now? :wave:

guess we'll just have to see how this pans out. Arnold signing the decrim bill is a great start.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Seems like from talking to friends here in california, and from the polls on ICMAG, there is not a majority supporting prop 19. Can it be passed with the community being divided?

yes it can be passed, and the latest number show it probably will.


ICMag Donor
this guy speaks the truth. Even if prop19 does pass, the Feds will more then likely say "fine, were cutting off all federal funding to your state"

you think californias bankrupt now? :wave:

guess we'll just have to see how this pans out. Arnold signing the decrim bill is a great start.

The Feds set precedent when 215 passed and they did not remove funding. So...No!..

Bankrupt...how about the worlds new tourist destination...sure kids lets go to Disneyland....so dad can find some kind.:wave:

As this is being voted on by the PEOPLE and not the legislature, the Feds are not going to go after the most populous state.



Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
The Feds set precedent when 215 passed and they did not remove funding. So...No!..

Bankrupt...how about the worlds new tourist destination...sure kids lets go to Disneyland....so dad can find some kind.:wave:

As this is being voted on by the PEOPLE and not the legislature, the Feds are not going to go after the most populous state.


215 passed because its compassion for medical use. example - my head hurts and i want to use cannabis to treat it.

this prop 19 thing is regulation for recreational, which is a whole 'nother animal. example - i just want to get so high i see trailers.

i dont think they are gonna be veiwed the same....

for californian's sake i hope you are right about the the feds sitting back and doing nothing.
nobody should go to jail for cannabis plants


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
HeyHeyHey you never did answer the question. Why do u only post in these types of threads and you are always argumentative with anything that is said ? I find it very strange that you have no posts in any other thread? can u explain that for us. I think u are here just to argue and cause discourse. There is something very fishy about your agenda.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
well I guess that answer all of our questions what a poser. No friends and only one anti Obama picture thats some funny shit. You could be a cop for all I know. If I had a list that was for questionable people on this site u would be on it.


Bong Smoking News Hound
in short. YES IT CAN. and it most likely will. People know the laws are a joke. many people try Marijuana in High School to find out, really wasn't that scary after all.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
215 passed because its compassion for medical use. example - my head hurts and i want to use cannabis to treat it.

this prop 19 thing is regulation for recreational, which is a whole 'nother animal. example - i just want to get so high i see trailers.

i dont think they are gonna be viewed the same....

for Californians sake i hope you are right about the the feds sitting back and doing nothing.
nobody should go to jail for cannabis plants

maybe if your a kid . Most adults dont think like that I dont want to get home to see trails. I just want to relax . It's no different then enjoying your evening beer or wine. most of the issues you see will be done by teenagers. I was one of them and we did not follow any law we did what we wanted. I never hurt anyone but those where the days I wanted to see trails and never did what I was told. every new generation goes through the same problems. So now I just want a nice bowl that tastes so good and leaves me in a state of happiness with out worrying Leo gonna be knocking on my door.

I dont think the DEA is going to be bored for lack of work. There will still be illegal cannabis activities mainly for the states that do not have laws for cannabis. I see a issue with crssing into differnat states they may beef up there security to bust those trying to cash in on the higher prices in those states.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
maybe if your a kid . Most adults dont think like that I dont want to get home to see trails. I just want to relax . It's no different then enjoying your evening beer or wine.

hey man,

recreational use means BOTH "i only smoke a little bowl now and a gain to change my head" & "i want to smoke so much i see trails". the text of 19 doesnt specify just use enough for relaxing - only that its recreational usage. so we have to think about the whole entire picture. there may be multiple 'states of recreation" but they are all "of recreation" - so "its different" doesnt really apply. Just because some folks can calmy consume their beer with dinner doesnt mean there arent folks that are aiming to lose braincells. at any age.

and its not just kids with that have the midset of 'partying'. Im in my mid 30s and have friends that are ceos of very successfull multimillion dollar businesses, and at 4:00pm i get the call that they are going to happy hour to get tanked. 45yr old successful folks saying "im gonna drown in martinis tonight". and they bring the whole office and have a party.

When 19 passes whats gonna stop folks from smoking so much they pass out (and fall asleep harmlessly, as long as they havent been drinking imo) if thats what they so choose to do with their recreational time??? Nothing.... and im just saying the powers that be are going to scrutinize on the whole enchilada. and i dont think they are gonna have the same feelings they had/have for "compassionate use for medical purposes" as they will for "recreational" (in its forms). but maybe big gov has 'grown up' and will surprise us... im very leery of that though. but im ready for a surprise!!!!

its funny... for the longest time we havent wanted marijuana associatted with alcohol.... now we want to put them in bed together. and we are celebrating it?:blowbubbles:

im still of the opinion that no one should go to jail for a cannabis plant, but thats the only thing keeping me on the YES side. thats the only thing that matters..... and thats also why im fearful we are getting just enough rope to hang ourselves.

*its a good point you mentioned about the dea still getting plenty of work in other states, and that state border crossing will need to be beefed up.... i wonder who much $$$ will be dumped into the borders to keep "the money in california". and i wonder where those funds will be derived from...... hmmmm......


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That's why it should be controlled minors dont know when to stop until its to late. Alcohol and cannabis is like apples and oranges. Adults need to use common sence when using. I know most dont but allot of us do. I dont smoke until I start hallucinating. I have more sence then others I guess. I dont see it that way there not in bed with each other we just want the same laws the cover them. I think most would want a bowl of dank then a few shots I would. I have no idea what some of the ramifications will be we will see


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
I dont see it that way there not in bed with each other we just want the same laws the cover them.

maybe its the sourdubble talking. but check this out...

the right to consume alcohol & marijuana recreationally puts them on the same plane... or bed, if you will.

the regulation of is the pillow we can lay our heads on and the right to tax is the sheet that covers


Bong Smoking News Hound
this guy speaks the truth. Even if prop19 does pass, the Feds will more then likely say "fine, were cutting off all federal funding to your state"

you think californias bankrupt now? :wave:

guess we'll just have to see how this pans out. Arnold signing the decrim bill is a great start.

They can not do that. They didnt for Medical Marijuana. Thats illgl, and state rights over ride Feds.

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