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Hello, Im wondering if anyone could share the dosages they use (Agreed with a doc\specialist)
If possible, listing up your deseases and your prescr.daily dosage, and followed by the real dosage that actually works:)

Im looking into what I can calculate an oil prescr. into an Bedrocan prescr...

Im expecially interested in a certain neurological diagnosis; Tourettes syndrome Grand Mal.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Hardraade..you have an interesting question, the first time I've seen it asked in this way. I know of no charts that show doseage as most patients are "Treating Themselves", but with doctor recomendation. We have a sticky in the Med forum with illness and strains listed.
Most doctors I know of have some dose knowledge, when they make thier diagnosis and recomend cannabis they make recomendations at that time. Every case is different, every patient is different, how patients react individually to cannabis and the dose is usually different. The oil you speak of may be of differing qualities depending on where it comes from and how it is processed. A lot of factors to consider my freind.
A lot of physicians recomend starting out with small doses if that helps you any. I am a seizure patient and I react differently to different strains. I know.. I'm not a lot of help using this "different" word so many times but it is a fact. You should see a doctor and see what they think? DD


Thats a tough one to answer...when I start a new strain its always less, but as tolerance develops it always increases...I dont think you will find many doctor prescribed dosages either. we are treating ourselves because of the inadequacies of western medicine...with my illness, late stage neuroligic lyme disease, I have found that the more canna I ingest, the better I perform. I consume up to an ounce and a half a week, sometimes 2 if I'm really sick. I smoke it, vape it, and drink it as a tincture, 24/7.

Oh, and I also am an active father to my 4 kids, and run a successful business...so I find that not only do I do better on large amounts of canna, but I find the spaciness decreases with the higher dosages...massive tolerance. The only downside is when you really want the recreational effects, the are hard to hold on to for very long.


Freedom Fighter
There are no "Hard Facts" about dosage-- As stated above, it is different for everybody--
The Dr is writing you a Recommendation, not a Prescription-- They do not give Dosage--
Altho many will recommend that you Vap, or use Edibles..to stay away from smoking--:tiphat:

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