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Get Baked and Go Fishing


Indian Culture

Yes, I love to fish! It's been awhile but I'm going to get out soon.

Antoine Mack

Cannasseur extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
yeah,here :wave:
i just love it...but,compared to indian culture(already had my while
whithout fishing...~10,12 years),more like:

main objective:
perch...or european redfin perch,
or how you would call it over there.


Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
For sure. Good bass fishing in Michigan:) Been fishing with my Dad since I was 4. We only sport fish, we don't keep anything.
Went out and pier fished yesterday. Caught a shitload of croaker, 3 undersized specks, and 2 flounder that were just at the limit but I didnt keep. Was a fun time even if I didnt catch what I was aiming for(Reds have been runnin down here).

Texas City Dike has been amazing fishing though. Tons of great fishing on both sides. Caught my first limit of Spanish Mackeral out there last week.


Yeaaa i caught anothr one tday!


I hold El Roacho's
Them are some great catches and I sure hope you catch & release so others can enjoy the sport for years to come like little kids so we can enjoy watching them hook a big fish and secure a place to bring our children.

A nice freshly rolled joint and some cold drinks with a ton of sandwiches makes a nice day of being outdoors with friends and catching some fish.


Can't say i do man. If the bass is of legal size, like the ones pictured they meet the deep fryer. As long as u follow the requirements put in place for your area, then i don't see a problem with eating what you catch. the regulations are in place to conserve the fish population, and as long as u dont break the regulations then i belive in the future the waters will still hold many fish that we can enjoy watching our children catch and eat/release.


Active member
grew up fishing...used to take bluegills by the dozens out in the skinnyatlas lakes in new york...and did some rockfishing in the san francisco bay area too.

last month hit a few small lakes and creeks in northern cali, chico area. hooked some small catfish and bluegills.

we found a nice stream where some brown trout are running...but they dont seem interestedin our bait. we threw cheetos in the water and they eat those but they dont fuck with our hooks....guess its time to learn fly fishing

Styles P

i might keep one a year. i dont like to eat many because most of the freshwater areas are polluted. i also dont keep them because i want to catch them again. the big one i caught on the other page i released. diizzii3 i hope you at least purchase a fishing license if your keeping them.


Yea i do have a fishing licence, in my area you cant risk going without one, if u get caught fishin without one they can and will confascate ur boat, and the truck/car and trailer u used to get to the lake. the rules r that the bass has to be over 12 inches, cuz once they get bigger than that they no longer lay/pollinate eggs.

Styles P

Yea i do have a fishing licence, in my area you cant risk going without one, if u get caught fishin without one they can and will confascate ur boat, and the truck/car and trailer u used to get to the lake. the rules r that the bass has to be over 12 inches, cuz once they get bigger than that they no longer lay/pollinate eggs.

i call bull shit i have caught bass over 12 inches that were pregnant.


Sweet thread! Nice pics. I need to get out more and get off my lazy ass!


Your favorite fishing videos..

Your favorite fishing videos..

Hey guys, how about a thread where we can link up cool fishing videos and discuss fishing themed TV- shows. Im a sucker for all fishing related videos, thanks for linking up guys :yes:

Ill kick off the thread with a video and add more later on. Here is an extended trailer for a show called "Far out fishing", an episode where they are fishing in my local waters here in north Norway.

Far out fishing, Norway episode (short version): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGjsrFU67iM

Happy fishing all, thanks again for contributing with a link or two :tiphat:

joe fresh

Active member
i love fishing, got this thread tagged, ill be back for more......and to share

theres a guy hanging round the forums(dont know if hes at icmag), his mane is LBH(stands for Low Budget Hookers, lol), he loves fishing and has even been on fishing shows, he is a mod on a bass fishing site as well, really cool guy

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